
Jesse Ruskin

Overall Ratings
Based on 46 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (46)

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Dec. 10, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Bro these lectures were so so so long and absolutely useless. Thankfully, the assignments weren't based on what was taught in the lectures. It is a super easy GE, and I would recommend it - just don't go to the lectures. Also my TA didn't really speak English, so when I would ask her something she would high key just confuse me more and not answer my questions at all. NOT HER FAULT FOR NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH it just made it hard to have her as a teacher.


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Dec. 27, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

This class was pretty easy, and it wasn't necessarily over the top too difficult. The lectures aren't too important to attend, but they definitely are interesting if one can pay attention. There were two quizzes, and while I definitely benefitted from going to lectures for the first quiz, the second quiz was information that was within the modules. The two papers were also fun to complete. They were assigned about 3 weeks apart, and they took about 6 hours each max. The final was a playlist on any genre of your choice, and overall, the class was extremely doable if you don't fall behind. Even if you do though, the readings weren't required, but it may entirely depend on your TA. I'd definitely take this class again as this is probably one of the easier classes that one can take without needing to try too hard on.


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March 14, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Very easy and manageable class. Definitely recommend for an easy GE! As a STEM major the discussions (attendance/'participation' is counted for discussions) were sometimes the most fun class of my week. It depends on the TA but my discussions were silly little activities that didn't require you to have done the readings (plan a music festival, karaoke, make a collage abt a topic, etc). Your grade mainly consists of two papers and a final project, all of which are opinion based and don't require knowledge from the lectures. There are also two take home quizzes that were fairly easy. Lectures were pretty entertaining too but you don't need to go to do well in the class!


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Feb. 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Your grade depends on your TA.


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Dec. 30, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Seriously the easiest GE ever. I never went to lectures past week three and got an A. The essays topics were easy and didn’t pertain to lecture material. The TAs determine how easily the work is graded but mine was VERY forgiving. There were two take home quizzes that weren’t difficult. If you want an easy GE with minimal workload definitely take this class. It’s a nice GPA booster if anything and the lectures consisted of interesting material.


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Dec. 22, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

I cannot exaggerate how easy this class was. You really don’t need to show up to lecture but there were still some fun lectures with guest performers and speakers so I would still go for the experience! As a STEM major this was definitely my break from math and stuff. The essays are easy to write since they are basically opinionated and could be done in a day. The final project was also really easy and not stressful at all. The quizzes were take home and easy if you do them with a friend. Definitely recommend if you want an easy GE.


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Dec. 13, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

This class is an extremely easy GE and I found the material to be pretty interesting, if I were to take this class I would've done all the readings and listened to the songs because it's cool to learn about but aren't neccessary to know to get an A in the class. The two papers were graded really easily, got an A on both without going to office hours and spending pretty minimal effort on them. The two quizzes were take home and the first one required information from the readings, and although the second one was supposed to be a "listening quiz" it was just a quiz on the info from the listening notes posted on bruinlearn, not complaining though because it was extremely easy to get a 100% on. Attendance for sections is mandatory, and the sections were pretty interesting as well if you like music and the social context behind it, I would reccomend coming to sections with some knowledge of the weekly readings so it's not painfully awkward and silent when your TA is trying to fish for any engagement with the students. The final project is a playlist with an essay about half of the songs, this was a fun project to do and I really enjoyed learning more about the genre I chose, also an easy A, just make sure you get your citing in the right format. Lectures are really boring and it would be beneficial if the lecture slides were posted on bruinlearn.


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April 4, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

BEST GE EVER. You don't need to attend lecture to do well on the discussion quizzes or the essays. The essays don't have to do with lecture they're just on topics you pick pretty much. Your TA matters a lot because they grade your essays, but I had Ting Ting and she was amazing.


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Jan. 20, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

This class is definitely an easy GE. The lectures were not mandatory so I typically did not attend especially since they were boring, but the content itself was interesting. The content reviewed in lectures was not necessary to know in order to do the assignments. I think I had like 5 assignments in total for this class. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an easy and interesting GE!


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Jan. 11, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

If you're looking for an easy GE or just an easy class, this class is for you! You don't have to attend lecture to do well.

Here are all of the things you need to do to ace this class:
1. read over the listening notes before the in class quizzes (don't worry they're easy)
2. Follow the prompts for the essays and have as few grammatical errors as possible on your essays (they're graded super generously) -- the essays have very little to do with lectures, and they're super short
3. Show up to discussion

A caviat:
The lectures are super boring but the content is lowk interesting

9/10 experience would take again


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 10, 2022

Bro these lectures were so so so long and absolutely useless. Thankfully, the assignments weren't based on what was taught in the lectures. It is a super easy GE, and I would recommend it - just don't go to the lectures. Also my TA didn't really speak English, so when I would ask her something she would high key just confuse me more and not answer my questions at all. NOT HER FAULT FOR NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH it just made it hard to have her as a teacher.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 27, 2023

This class was pretty easy, and it wasn't necessarily over the top too difficult. The lectures aren't too important to attend, but they definitely are interesting if one can pay attention. There were two quizzes, and while I definitely benefitted from going to lectures for the first quiz, the second quiz was information that was within the modules. The two papers were also fun to complete. They were assigned about 3 weeks apart, and they took about 6 hours each max. The final was a playlist on any genre of your choice, and overall, the class was extremely doable if you don't fall behind. Even if you do though, the readings weren't required, but it may entirely depend on your TA. I'd definitely take this class again as this is probably one of the easier classes that one can take without needing to try too hard on.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
March 14, 2024

Very easy and manageable class. Definitely recommend for an easy GE! As a STEM major the discussions (attendance/'participation' is counted for discussions) were sometimes the most fun class of my week. It depends on the TA but my discussions were silly little activities that didn't require you to have done the readings (plan a music festival, karaoke, make a collage abt a topic, etc). Your grade mainly consists of two papers and a final project, all of which are opinion based and don't require knowledge from the lectures. There are also two take home quizzes that were fairly easy. Lectures were pretty entertaining too but you don't need to go to do well in the class!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Feb. 2, 2024

Your grade depends on your TA.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 30, 2023

Seriously the easiest GE ever. I never went to lectures past week three and got an A. The essays topics were easy and didn’t pertain to lecture material. The TAs determine how easily the work is graded but mine was VERY forgiving. There were two take home quizzes that weren’t difficult. If you want an easy GE with minimal workload definitely take this class. It’s a nice GPA booster if anything and the lectures consisted of interesting material.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2023

I cannot exaggerate how easy this class was. You really don’t need to show up to lecture but there were still some fun lectures with guest performers and speakers so I would still go for the experience! As a STEM major this was definitely my break from math and stuff. The essays are easy to write since they are basically opinionated and could be done in a day. The final project was also really easy and not stressful at all. The quizzes were take home and easy if you do them with a friend. Definitely recommend if you want an easy GE.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 13, 2023

This class is an extremely easy GE and I found the material to be pretty interesting, if I were to take this class I would've done all the readings and listened to the songs because it's cool to learn about but aren't neccessary to know to get an A in the class. The two papers were graded really easily, got an A on both without going to office hours and spending pretty minimal effort on them. The two quizzes were take home and the first one required information from the readings, and although the second one was supposed to be a "listening quiz" it was just a quiz on the info from the listening notes posted on bruinlearn, not complaining though because it was extremely easy to get a 100% on. Attendance for sections is mandatory, and the sections were pretty interesting as well if you like music and the social context behind it, I would reccomend coming to sections with some knowledge of the weekly readings so it's not painfully awkward and silent when your TA is trying to fish for any engagement with the students. The final project is a playlist with an essay about half of the songs, this was a fun project to do and I really enjoyed learning more about the genre I chose, also an easy A, just make sure you get your citing in the right format. Lectures are really boring and it would be beneficial if the lecture slides were posted on bruinlearn.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
April 4, 2023

BEST GE EVER. You don't need to attend lecture to do well on the discussion quizzes or the essays. The essays don't have to do with lecture they're just on topics you pick pretty much. Your TA matters a lot because they grade your essays, but I had Ting Ting and she was amazing.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 20, 2023

This class is definitely an easy GE. The lectures were not mandatory so I typically did not attend especially since they were boring, but the content itself was interesting. The content reviewed in lectures was not necessary to know in order to do the assignments. I think I had like 5 assignments in total for this class. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an easy and interesting GE!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 11, 2023

If you're looking for an easy GE or just an easy class, this class is for you! You don't have to attend lecture to do well.

Here are all of the things you need to do to ace this class:
1. read over the listening notes before the in class quizzes (don't worry they're easy)
2. Follow the prompts for the essays and have as few grammatical errors as possible on your essays (they're graded super generously) -- the essays have very little to do with lectures, and they're super short
3. Show up to discussion

A caviat:
The lectures are super boring but the content is lowk interesting

9/10 experience would take again


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