Jeremy Trott
Department of Psychology
Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (13)

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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: I
Sept. 6, 2023

Trott is a great teacher, his lectures are engaging and he gives good examples to make the lecture content interesting. However, although Trott is a great lecturer, he is not a great professor. As a summer course the material moves extremely fast, and Trott makes it very clear that he does not care for his students’ time. We are given a 2 day period to take tests, neither of which take up a class, and one of which is a Sunday. There are no review classes, and tests are given outside of test time. One of the tests was assigned to Sunday-Monday, the Monday of which was a Holliday so we were forced to take the test on a weekend or a day off. The material is difficult so this makes this more difficult. In addition, Trott’s tests are written horribly. They are as confusing as possible, each question specifically designed to trick us. He also makes sure that all of the questions are outside of the material we have talked about, making sure that he answers no questions outside of the material that could potentially reflect a test question. So, he teaches the basis of the material and refuses to teach anything deeper. Therefore, the test questions are not only extremely confusing and badly written, but they require a deep understanding of the material which he refuses to provide in class. If you care about your GPA do not take this class, if you do not, the material is intense and interesting, but tests make this class extremely stressful and not fun.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 28, 2023

Professor Trott has got to be one of the best psych professors out there. I went to his office hours all the time and even if I knew a concept I just sat there and listened to him because he has a great way of captivating people's attention and explaining things.

This class with him was not an easy A-- you definitely have to put in effort to get an A. But if you do make sure you understand the concepts throughout the quarter, then I don't see why you wouldn't get an A. Just make sure you understand the content while he's teaching it and don't cram.

Point distribution:
25% homework (~1 page weekly summaries)
25% midterm 1 (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
25% midterm 2 (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
25% final (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
For people who didn't do well in one category, he decreased the % weight of that category and increased the % of the others, regardless of which category it is.

Professor Trott explains things very well, and he answers MANY questions during class. He does care about student learning, so I would definitely recommend him as a prof.

I'm selling all my notes for this class (psych110) for $10! If you're interested hmu on **********


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 24, 2023

this class is notoriously not a fun one for psych and psychobio majors so i was nervous to take it, but i ended up really enjoying the content a lot more than i thought i would. professor trott is engaging and very intelligent and by all means wants you to do well! the material can be confusing at certain points but he does a great job of incorporating real life examples so it's easier to process. the weekly summaries are very simple (1-1.5 hours MAX) and are very helpful for collecting your thoughts at the end of every week. attending office hours was also very helpful, as well as attending the TA's discussions, although not mandatory, helped a lot too. you definitely have to put in work to get an A but his grading system is very fair, and the exams 100% reflected what was talked about in class. i didn't even mind studying for the class because it was so interesting and i learned so much! if you end up wanting or having to take this course i would definitely recommend to take it with him!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 24, 2023

The class was interesting and Prof Trott was very fair. Things changed as the quarter went on since he is a new prof and is trying out new things. I would recommend taking the class but you do need to be on top of the lectures since there is a short weekly summary. The grading system was very fair and there were 2 midterms and a final. overall I would recommend.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Sept. 17, 2024

I took psych110 during a 6 week summer session while working out of town. The class format was online with recorded Zoom lectures, even though class planner says its “not recorded.” Professor Trott has very cute cats and is flexible and understanding to student’s needs - probably because he was a UCLA student not too long ago too.

I would definitely recommend this class and any class with Professor Trott - I also took psych115 with him. Participation was incentivized but not required (if he liked the attendance numbers, we would get extra credit opportunities).

The content wasn’t simple but he explained everything very clearly. You definitely need to put in *some* effort to get an A, but all the exam material is clearly available in his slides and lectures. He also makes helpful practice questions.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 4, 2024

i took 100a with trott, which i found to be pretty easy and was excited to take another course with trott again. from the beginning of this course, trott made sure we were aware that this class is difficult and that we would truly have to put the work in to receive an A. he was definitely right - this class has some pretty abstract concepts that you genuinely have to sit with in order to grasp! i believe the class avg for the first midterm was a C (?) and the second midterm and final were Bs. what helped me get an A in the class was rewatching lectures, and taking very detailed notes (i would write down the majority of what he would say in class!).

though some concepts are tricky, trott genuinely is such an entertaining and fun lecturer, and the class material is quite interesting. you can tell he really cares about the students learning and making sure lectures are engaging. overall, i would recommend this class to people who are willing to put the work in! i learned a lot and would love to take a class with trott again (probably an easier course though lol)


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 1, 2024

Really interesting orator. He's great at making difficult concepts more digestible and making the material more engaging. Would really recommend if you have to take 110. Everything in his class is fair, tests aren't trying to trick you, you get what you deserve and what you put in. Overall 10/10


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 16, 2024

I would recommend anyone who has to take psych 110 to take it with Professor Trott.
Firstly, the lectures are very engaging, and have summary slides that are very helpful. They are also recorded, though I usually chose to attend in person.
The weekly summary assignments are a wonderful way to have reviewing material be rewarded, and I was thankful for the multiple choice non-graded quizzes that were provided to review and test independently.
The only thing that was unfortunate was not being able to go back and forth between questions on the exams—I often like to check my answers at the end.
However, I understand it is to make sure that no one cheats.
I was able to learn about so many studies and found the psychology of learning to be really interesting. The material is taught in a digestible way; and the professor was always to answer any questions from students through in class questions or online discussion questions.
All in all, I really gained a lot from this class—of course the professor teaching about learning is good at making sure that we do in fact learn!

Oh also the textbook is not required reading, I didn't find it too helpful.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: C
Oct. 2, 2023

Dr. Trott is an awesome lecturer. Taking this course over the summer was very tough for me personally as I was enrolled in other courses while participating in a summer research program and working. We had 3 exams (exam every 2 weeks). However, I believe that if I had taken this during a normal quarter, I could have pulled off a better grade. Trott is very nice, accommodating, and an engaging lecturer. The content is very confusing but Trott gives many real-life examples that really put things into perspective. The average for the first exam was a C and the last 2 exams had an average of around 84-86%. Exams are open note but don't be fooled, the exams are very challenging if you don't keep up with the lectures and really get yourself to understand the material. I think the exam questions can APPEAR to be pretty easy, but they will trip you up if you don't truly understand the material and what the question is really asking you. I was confident about my last exam and still (surprisingly) received a low C for my score. Again, I did have a lot of other things going on during this time so that affected my performance a lot. Also, I personally didn't enjoy this class because this is not my area of psych, but if you love this content or even just find it interesting, you should do just fine. This is his area of psych so he's really passionate about the material as well.

Overall: Trott is the best to take for PSYCH 110 and even PSYCH 115 because he's not trying to trick you with the exams and he's also very accommodating. He oversimplifies a lot of the material too so that you can better understand it and the exams are in line with his way of teaching. I recommend taking this course with lighter classes so you can really focus on understanding the material for this course.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Sept. 6, 2023

Trott is an amazing lecturer and really made the material easy to understand despite how complex it can seem. He provides a good amount of material for practice that helps set up for the exam and it is very clear that he wants his students to succeed. If you can take this class with him, do it!


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: I
Sept. 6, 2023

Trott is a great teacher, his lectures are engaging and he gives good examples to make the lecture content interesting. However, although Trott is a great lecturer, he is not a great professor. As a summer course the material moves extremely fast, and Trott makes it very clear that he does not care for his students’ time. We are given a 2 day period to take tests, neither of which take up a class, and one of which is a Sunday. There are no review classes, and tests are given outside of test time. One of the tests was assigned to Sunday-Monday, the Monday of which was a Holliday so we were forced to take the test on a weekend or a day off. The material is difficult so this makes this more difficult. In addition, Trott’s tests are written horribly. They are as confusing as possible, each question specifically designed to trick us. He also makes sure that all of the questions are outside of the material we have talked about, making sure that he answers no questions outside of the material that could potentially reflect a test question. So, he teaches the basis of the material and refuses to teach anything deeper. Therefore, the test questions are not only extremely confusing and badly written, but they require a deep understanding of the material which he refuses to provide in class. If you care about your GPA do not take this class, if you do not, the material is intense and interesting, but tests make this class extremely stressful and not fun.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 28, 2023

Professor Trott has got to be one of the best psych professors out there. I went to his office hours all the time and even if I knew a concept I just sat there and listened to him because he has a great way of captivating people's attention and explaining things.

This class with him was not an easy A-- you definitely have to put in effort to get an A. But if you do make sure you understand the concepts throughout the quarter, then I don't see why you wouldn't get an A. Just make sure you understand the content while he's teaching it and don't cram.

Point distribution:
25% homework (~1 page weekly summaries)
25% midterm 1 (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
25% midterm 2 (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
25% final (30 questions + 1 extra credit free response)
For people who didn't do well in one category, he decreased the % weight of that category and increased the % of the others, regardless of which category it is.

Professor Trott explains things very well, and he answers MANY questions during class. He does care about student learning, so I would definitely recommend him as a prof.

I'm selling all my notes for this class (psych110) for $10! If you're interested hmu on **********


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 24, 2023

this class is notoriously not a fun one for psych and psychobio majors so i was nervous to take it, but i ended up really enjoying the content a lot more than i thought i would. professor trott is engaging and very intelligent and by all means wants you to do well! the material can be confusing at certain points but he does a great job of incorporating real life examples so it's easier to process. the weekly summaries are very simple (1-1.5 hours MAX) and are very helpful for collecting your thoughts at the end of every week. attending office hours was also very helpful, as well as attending the TA's discussions, although not mandatory, helped a lot too. you definitely have to put in work to get an A but his grading system is very fair, and the exams 100% reflected what was talked about in class. i didn't even mind studying for the class because it was so interesting and i learned so much! if you end up wanting or having to take this course i would definitely recommend to take it with him!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
March 24, 2023

The class was interesting and Prof Trott was very fair. Things changed as the quarter went on since he is a new prof and is trying out new things. I would recommend taking the class but you do need to be on top of the lectures since there is a short weekly summary. The grading system was very fair and there were 2 midterms and a final. overall I would recommend.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Sept. 17, 2024

I took psych110 during a 6 week summer session while working out of town. The class format was online with recorded Zoom lectures, even though class planner says its “not recorded.” Professor Trott has very cute cats and is flexible and understanding to student’s needs - probably because he was a UCLA student not too long ago too.

I would definitely recommend this class and any class with Professor Trott - I also took psych115 with him. Participation was incentivized but not required (if he liked the attendance numbers, we would get extra credit opportunities).

The content wasn’t simple but he explained everything very clearly. You definitely need to put in *some* effort to get an A, but all the exam material is clearly available in his slides and lectures. He also makes helpful practice questions.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 4, 2024

i took 100a with trott, which i found to be pretty easy and was excited to take another course with trott again. from the beginning of this course, trott made sure we were aware that this class is difficult and that we would truly have to put the work in to receive an A. he was definitely right - this class has some pretty abstract concepts that you genuinely have to sit with in order to grasp! i believe the class avg for the first midterm was a C (?) and the second midterm and final were Bs. what helped me get an A in the class was rewatching lectures, and taking very detailed notes (i would write down the majority of what he would say in class!).

though some concepts are tricky, trott genuinely is such an entertaining and fun lecturer, and the class material is quite interesting. you can tell he really cares about the students learning and making sure lectures are engaging. overall, i would recommend this class to people who are willing to put the work in! i learned a lot and would love to take a class with trott again (probably an easier course though lol)


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 1, 2024

Really interesting orator. He's great at making difficult concepts more digestible and making the material more engaging. Would really recommend if you have to take 110. Everything in his class is fair, tests aren't trying to trick you, you get what you deserve and what you put in. Overall 10/10


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 16, 2024

I would recommend anyone who has to take psych 110 to take it with Professor Trott.
Firstly, the lectures are very engaging, and have summary slides that are very helpful. They are also recorded, though I usually chose to attend in person.
The weekly summary assignments are a wonderful way to have reviewing material be rewarded, and I was thankful for the multiple choice non-graded quizzes that were provided to review and test independently.
The only thing that was unfortunate was not being able to go back and forth between questions on the exams—I often like to check my answers at the end.
However, I understand it is to make sure that no one cheats.
I was able to learn about so many studies and found the psychology of learning to be really interesting. The material is taught in a digestible way; and the professor was always to answer any questions from students through in class questions or online discussion questions.
All in all, I really gained a lot from this class—of course the professor teaching about learning is good at making sure that we do in fact learn!

Oh also the textbook is not required reading, I didn't find it too helpful.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: C
Oct. 2, 2023

Dr. Trott is an awesome lecturer. Taking this course over the summer was very tough for me personally as I was enrolled in other courses while participating in a summer research program and working. We had 3 exams (exam every 2 weeks). However, I believe that if I had taken this during a normal quarter, I could have pulled off a better grade. Trott is very nice, accommodating, and an engaging lecturer. The content is very confusing but Trott gives many real-life examples that really put things into perspective. The average for the first exam was a C and the last 2 exams had an average of around 84-86%. Exams are open note but don't be fooled, the exams are very challenging if you don't keep up with the lectures and really get yourself to understand the material. I think the exam questions can APPEAR to be pretty easy, but they will trip you up if you don't truly understand the material and what the question is really asking you. I was confident about my last exam and still (surprisingly) received a low C for my score. Again, I did have a lot of other things going on during this time so that affected my performance a lot. Also, I personally didn't enjoy this class because this is not my area of psych, but if you love this content or even just find it interesting, you should do just fine. This is his area of psych so he's really passionate about the material as well.

Overall: Trott is the best to take for PSYCH 110 and even PSYCH 115 because he's not trying to trick you with the exams and he's also very accommodating. He oversimplifies a lot of the material too so that you can better understand it and the exams are in line with his way of teaching. I recommend taking this course with lighter classes so you can really focus on understanding the material for this course.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
Sept. 6, 2023

Trott is an amazing lecturer and really made the material easy to understand despite how complex it can seem. He provides a good amount of material for practice that helps set up for the exam and it is very clear that he wants his students to succeed. If you can take this class with him, do it!


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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