
Jason Sexton

Overall Ratings
Based on 53 Users
Easiness 3.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (53)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 30, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

Professor Sexton's class is one that is fundamentally fascinating and is one that is appealing for not only sociology majors or adherents, but of anyone one whom desires the history and realities that surround religion and its impacts throughout time.

I was very satisfied with the course and my favourite part was the research paper of which was an ethnographic paper of a religion of our choice in relation to sustainability. That in itself was an interesting correlation of topics and made one choose something they may have already had knowledge of or allowed one to gain knowledge of.

In overall class structure, it was a very broad and this was shown with the differing topics of every week, differing three books throughout the quarter, and with the numerous guest speakers that came to class on significant bases.

Nevertheless, this course was one that is fascinating and should be good for a person that indeed enjoys theology in its many vast forms. But, it is a course that does require individual motive towards reading and its topics, however with the professor and the TA's; such should be of no problem as they were all very accommodating and involved in my personal experience throughout the whole quarter and that in itself makes the professor a rare as well as exceptional character whom really is striving for his students academic, professional , and even personal successes.


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June 1, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B

Professor Sexton has been one of the best professors I have had here at UCLA. He is very clear in what he wants from you and will help you with anything as long as you reach out to him and show your concerns. I took his crime class as well and they were both structured the same and had a quarter long research problem that gave you the chance to research something of your interest and dig deeper into the subject and learn a lot about it. For me I long wine so I did my project on how viticulture affects the environment, so it was cool to research something I was passionate about and learn more about it. The work load for the class is a decent about because you have to research a lot in the end for your essay, but in the end I believe it is worth it in what you get in return. I recommend taking this class or any classes with Sexton because in the end if you put in the work you learn a lot.


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June 12, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

I took this class as a graduating senior, and it ended up being one of my favorite classes at UCLA, though it did not seem like that during the course.

The workload is A LOT (if you are trying to actually do it all). Each week, there are hefty readings to which you then do a one-page single-spaced response to. Discussions and lectures are mandatory, but a "word of the day" is used in lectures and recordings are posted, so you can get around this if you have a friend in the class. Throughout the quarter, there are deadlines for the final research paper, which examines an entity's (organization or city in the LA region) relationship to the sustainability - social and environmental. There's also a 1-min presentation on your paper findings to the class. You have to buy a couple books for the readings. There is a written essay final (choose from a couple pre-revealed prompts).

I was frequently complaining about the class to my friends, and the majority of my effort for the quarter went to the course (definitely would not recommend taking with other heavy classes). Yet I realized at the end, this was one of the most interesting and engaging courses I have ever taken. If you do not like mundane classwork and not-applicable-to-real-life content, I would recommend this course. It actually challenged me to think about "real life" concepts relating to the environment, social issues, and politics, and I learned a lot and enhanced my critical analysis skills. The first book was one of my favorite reads ever, because it discussed the things that I stay up at night thinking about - that type of interesting and challenging.

As far as Dr.Sexton, he is definitely a cool person. His lecturing, however, is a challenge. The way he speaks can be really difficult to 1) hear and 2) comprehend; a lot of "big", uncommon words are used, and he often speaks in broken sentences and phrases, that mumble off. I found myself getting lost in lecture a lot. While I kept up and comprehended the readings, I felt that I got nothing from the lectures, until I actually went back over the recordings before the final. Going over the lecture recordings, I suddenly understood and had even a deep comprehension of everything said, was able to connect all the class concepts, and was able to do really well on the final. I actually feel like I'm walking away with something from the course - which I only felt from one other class at UCLA.

All this being said, I think it's a great class and would encourage everyone to take it to engage in important social and environmental topics and "learn beyond the classroom", but be warned, it is A LOT of work.


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Sept. 7, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

This is a really awesome professor who offers a unique insight to the Sociology department. Some of his assigned readings were a bit lengthy and dense, but the professor and T.A. helped me in understanding the material. The class consisted of two written exams (mid-term and final), weekly question and answer homework, and one research paper.
The pandemic did begin at the end of this class which disrupted everything. However, the professor was very considerate and lenient. Definitely would take a class with this professor again!!


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Dec. 20, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: C

Very boring class! Would not recommend.


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Dec. 20, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: C

Very boring class! Would not recommend.


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Dec. 20, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-

I highly recommend not to take this class. The workload is crazy, the research paper is beyond difficult and he's not clear on what he wants, at least pretend to be, but change his mind while grading it. Don't argue with him, he'll kindly ignore and blindly trust their Ta. Such a bummer!


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Dec. 20, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: B-

I'm senior and this is the first and Last time taking class with professor Sexton. While his lesson and course material may be fun then only problem is the grading. It's the horrendous TA that he has especially Daniel Ramos, Please avoid him at all cost and this class. A refresh you have to read 1500 pages (3 books total pages) which are not part/helpful not for the final nor the 14 pages research paper. The workload is insane for a 4 units class. However, if you do not agree on the grading and you clearly have proof, good luck finding justice! TA pretends to be helpful, he's gonna be all smiley and then put you a C, even though he emailed me "you're doing a great job on research, just work on final detail" I did work, yet put me a C. So moral of the story if you just want to pass the class take this class.


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Sept. 14, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

I love this professor! I took this course during the summer, it was very fast paced when it came to the lectures so his presentation of them were a bit confusing at times, but his final exam was easy; very straightforward questions. He requires two weekly summaries about lecture content but you can view the lecture later if you missed it since he records them all and the summary is very easy to do (10 min limit). Other than that he has 3 kind of book report type assignments due every 2 weeks, but they are easy readings and very interesting ones so the assignments are easy to do. He is also very understanding as I had a family emergency and allowed me to submit a lot of my work late and I thank him for that greatly.


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Sept. 12, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

Professor Sexton is one of the best professors I’ve taken at UCLA. His lectures are extremely engaging and boosts curiosity. I had him this summer for a 8:30AM class which is normally a time I find dreadful but I found myself excited to attend these lectures. The workload isn’t too intense but does take some effort. The class consists of attendance summaries for each class. As long as you engage with his lecture, it’s nothing too crazy. We had three essays (personal reading summaries) for three books. All of the books were extremely interesting if your interesting in crime. The grading is not harsh at all on these essays. We also had one final exam. Take the leap and you won’t regret it!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Jan. 30, 2022

Professor Sexton's class is one that is fundamentally fascinating and is one that is appealing for not only sociology majors or adherents, but of anyone one whom desires the history and realities that surround religion and its impacts throughout time.

I was very satisfied with the course and my favourite part was the research paper of which was an ethnographic paper of a religion of our choice in relation to sustainability. That in itself was an interesting correlation of topics and made one choose something they may have already had knowledge of or allowed one to gain knowledge of.

In overall class structure, it was a very broad and this was shown with the differing topics of every week, differing three books throughout the quarter, and with the numerous guest speakers that came to class on significant bases.

Nevertheless, this course was one that is fascinating and should be good for a person that indeed enjoys theology in its many vast forms. But, it is a course that does require individual motive towards reading and its topics, however with the professor and the TA's; such should be of no problem as they were all very accommodating and involved in my personal experience throughout the whole quarter and that in itself makes the professor a rare as well as exceptional character whom really is striving for his students academic, professional , and even personal successes.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B
June 1, 2023

Professor Sexton has been one of the best professors I have had here at UCLA. He is very clear in what he wants from you and will help you with anything as long as you reach out to him and show your concerns. I took his crime class as well and they were both structured the same and had a quarter long research problem that gave you the chance to research something of your interest and dig deeper into the subject and learn a lot about it. For me I long wine so I did my project on how viticulture affects the environment, so it was cool to research something I was passionate about and learn more about it. The work load for the class is a decent about because you have to research a lot in the end for your essay, but in the end I believe it is worth it in what you get in return. I recommend taking this class or any classes with Sexton because in the end if you put in the work you learn a lot.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
June 12, 2023

I took this class as a graduating senior, and it ended up being one of my favorite classes at UCLA, though it did not seem like that during the course.

The workload is A LOT (if you are trying to actually do it all). Each week, there are hefty readings to which you then do a one-page single-spaced response to. Discussions and lectures are mandatory, but a "word of the day" is used in lectures and recordings are posted, so you can get around this if you have a friend in the class. Throughout the quarter, there are deadlines for the final research paper, which examines an entity's (organization or city in the LA region) relationship to the sustainability - social and environmental. There's also a 1-min presentation on your paper findings to the class. You have to buy a couple books for the readings. There is a written essay final (choose from a couple pre-revealed prompts).

I was frequently complaining about the class to my friends, and the majority of my effort for the quarter went to the course (definitely would not recommend taking with other heavy classes). Yet I realized at the end, this was one of the most interesting and engaging courses I have ever taken. If you do not like mundane classwork and not-applicable-to-real-life content, I would recommend this course. It actually challenged me to think about "real life" concepts relating to the environment, social issues, and politics, and I learned a lot and enhanced my critical analysis skills. The first book was one of my favorite reads ever, because it discussed the things that I stay up at night thinking about - that type of interesting and challenging.

As far as Dr.Sexton, he is definitely a cool person. His lecturing, however, is a challenge. The way he speaks can be really difficult to 1) hear and 2) comprehend; a lot of "big", uncommon words are used, and he often speaks in broken sentences and phrases, that mumble off. I found myself getting lost in lecture a lot. While I kept up and comprehended the readings, I felt that I got nothing from the lectures, until I actually went back over the recordings before the final. Going over the lecture recordings, I suddenly understood and had even a deep comprehension of everything said, was able to connect all the class concepts, and was able to do really well on the final. I actually feel like I'm walking away with something from the course - which I only felt from one other class at UCLA.

All this being said, I think it's a great class and would encourage everyone to take it to engage in important social and environmental topics and "learn beyond the classroom", but be warned, it is A LOT of work.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
Sept. 7, 2021

This is a really awesome professor who offers a unique insight to the Sociology department. Some of his assigned readings were a bit lengthy and dense, but the professor and T.A. helped me in understanding the material. The class consisted of two written exams (mid-term and final), weekly question and answer homework, and one research paper.
The pandemic did begin at the end of this class which disrupted everything. However, the professor was very considerate and lenient. Definitely would take a class with this professor again!!


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: C
Dec. 20, 2024

Very boring class! Would not recommend.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: C
Dec. 20, 2024

Very boring class! Would not recommend.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B-
Dec. 20, 2024

I highly recommend not to take this class. The workload is crazy, the research paper is beyond difficult and he's not clear on what he wants, at least pretend to be, but change his mind while grading it. Don't argue with him, he'll kindly ignore and blindly trust their Ta. Such a bummer!


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Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: B-
Dec. 20, 2024

I'm senior and this is the first and Last time taking class with professor Sexton. While his lesson and course material may be fun then only problem is the grading. It's the horrendous TA that he has especially Daniel Ramos, Please avoid him at all cost and this class. A refresh you have to read 1500 pages (3 books total pages) which are not part/helpful not for the final nor the 14 pages research paper. The workload is insane for a 4 units class. However, if you do not agree on the grading and you clearly have proof, good luck finding justice! TA pretends to be helpful, he's gonna be all smiley and then put you a C, even though he emailed me "you're doing a great job on research, just work on final detail" I did work, yet put me a C. So moral of the story if you just want to pass the class take this class.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Sept. 14, 2024

I love this professor! I took this course during the summer, it was very fast paced when it came to the lectures so his presentation of them were a bit confusing at times, but his final exam was easy; very straightforward questions. He requires two weekly summaries about lecture content but you can view the lecture later if you missed it since he records them all and the summary is very easy to do (10 min limit). Other than that he has 3 kind of book report type assignments due every 2 weeks, but they are easy readings and very interesting ones so the assignments are easy to do. He is also very understanding as I had a family emergency and allowed me to submit a lot of my work late and I thank him for that greatly.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Sept. 12, 2024

Professor Sexton is one of the best professors I’ve taken at UCLA. His lectures are extremely engaging and boosts curiosity. I had him this summer for a 8:30AM class which is normally a time I find dreadful but I found myself excited to attend these lectures. The workload isn’t too intense but does take some effort. The class consists of attendance summaries for each class. As long as you engage with his lecture, it’s nothing too crazy. We had three essays (personal reading summaries) for three books. All of the books were extremely interesting if your interesting in crime. The grading is not harsh at all on these essays. We also had one final exam. Take the leap and you won’t regret it!


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