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J Mchose
Based on 4 Users
I would highly recommend this class. McHose is an engaging and helpful professor who genuinely wants you to succeed in his class. Class participation is encouraged as it is part of your grade- I went to office hours/added to the class discussion a few times and received full points. Your grade is made up of participation, three quizzes, a midterm paper and a final paper. The quizzes were multiple choice and extremely helpful in writing the papers afterwards. He is clear on what he is expecting from the papers and attending his office hours was beneficial in the writing process.
Professor Brad is a great lecturer for Philos 6. Although the topics may sometimes be confusing, and he does go on tangents, he explains the core concepts and ideas you need for the class decently well. I felt that the essays were pretty easy, but it is dependent on the TA that you have for the class. His workload is very easy to keep up with, as long as you don't procrastinate on the essays, if you give it around 2, maybe 3 days, it should be more than enough time. He's helpful with questions, cracks jokes, and tries to be receptive to feedback when it comes to quizzes and stuff. I will say that the lectures were pretty long, and most of the stuff you needed to know he would explain in the first hour.
Prof McHose is an incredible professor. Super knowledgeable, has an answer to every question, and explains concepts about as well as you can in philosophy. Class isn't what most people expect it to be about, with a focus on libertarianism rather than some survey of current politics. 3 quizzes and 3 papers that are all very fair. Grading scheme makes it pretty hard to not get an A.
I would highly recommend this class. McHose is an engaging and helpful professor who genuinely wants you to succeed in his class. Class participation is encouraged as it is part of your grade- I went to office hours/added to the class discussion a few times and received full points. Your grade is made up of participation, three quizzes, a midterm paper and a final paper. The quizzes were multiple choice and extremely helpful in writing the papers afterwards. He is clear on what he is expecting from the papers and attending his office hours was beneficial in the writing process.
Professor Brad is a great lecturer for Philos 6. Although the topics may sometimes be confusing, and he does go on tangents, he explains the core concepts and ideas you need for the class decently well. I felt that the essays were pretty easy, but it is dependent on the TA that you have for the class. His workload is very easy to keep up with, as long as you don't procrastinate on the essays, if you give it around 2, maybe 3 days, it should be more than enough time. He's helpful with questions, cracks jokes, and tries to be receptive to feedback when it comes to quizzes and stuff. I will say that the lectures were pretty long, and most of the stuff you needed to know he would explain in the first hour.
Prof McHose is an incredible professor. Super knowledgeable, has an answer to every question, and explains concepts about as well as you can in philosophy. Class isn't what most people expect it to be about, with a focus on libertarianism rather than some survey of current politics. 3 quizzes and 3 papers that are all very fair. Grading scheme makes it pretty hard to not get an A.