
Hung Pham

Overall Ratings
Based on 147 Users
Easiness 2.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (147)

4 of 12
4 of 12
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Dec. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Professor Pham is the GOAT. He's hilarious, engaging, and an amazing lecturer. The class speeds up a lot after the first midterm, but as long as you don't fall behind (and pay attention in class!) you'll do fine. His office hours, TA office hours, and discussions are all VERY helpful but optional.

Grades are made up of midterm 1 (23%), midterm 2 (23%), BACON exercises (9%), and the final (45%). The two midterms are 50 mins long and in class. They are very reasonable, and I found the time limit to be the most challenging part. TA worksheets, going over the slides, and Prof Hardinger's past exams were all very helpful for the exams. BACON exercises are basically free points. The average for our final was 68%, so it wasn't easy but if you thoroughly understand his slides/memorize the mechanisms you can definitely do well.

Professor Pham provides a LOT of extra credit through TopHat questions (10 points) which are like clicker questions, CrYOFF, and each exam has ~5+ points extra credit as well. The CrYOFF is this optional group project where you create something (website, poster, powerpoint, etc) about a chemistry topic of your choice. You can get 10 points extra credit + 5 points more if your group project is chosen as the best. Even if you don't do well on the exams, you can still get a good grade from all the extra credit.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend taking Professor Pham whenever possible. He honestly cares about the success of his students and his pre-exam emails were so cute and encouraging.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 16, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

tl dr: ochem is hard, but Pham is nice (enough)


I think that most people who talk about how nice Pham is are coming from the 20 series, where the professors are mean and uncaring. Putting myself in their shoes, I can see how Pham could seem like a breath of fresh air. However, coming from 14b, I did not feel like Pham was exceptionally nice or effective as an instructor. He was often reluctant to answer questions during office hours (he said he doesn't like chem questions and would sometimes obfuscate to the point of not answering) and talked very fast during lectures, which made re-watching lectures necessary. Additionally, the problem sets and exams were difficult (the exams had averages in the low 70s (69%-74%)).


For the good aspects of the class: exams make up only half of your grade, and the final is weighted the same as the two midterms, so if you do bad on one you will be ok. Pham also gives bonus points on the exams (a max of 2 points), which buffers your grade. The evaluations also give you three bonus points, so, overall you have about a 2% grade buffer with extra credit. In order to account for this buffer, Pham raises the cutoff for an A to a 94%. We also had a weekly fun friday during lecture, which gave us a nice break and was generally interesting. The assigned material for this class was pretty light (one bacon and one problem set due every two weeks), but I think a big component of this class is self study, which can raise the workload by a lot (I re-watched lectures, did all of the TA worksheets, all of the LA worksheets and all of the textbook problems).


The material: In contrast to popular opinion, I thought that the fist half on the class was harder than the second. There were a lot of small details that you had to think about, and "chemical intuition" came into play a lot. The second half was just memorizing and applying (a lot of) reactions, and I thought it was pretty simple if you studied hard enough.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 29, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Amazing teacher and insanely caring, wish I had him in person!


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March 16, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+

Pham is a great professor and really teaches the material well. It was honestly baffling to me how people did so poorly on the midterms, because if you kept up in the class and studied by doing the discussion worksheets you should have been fine. He is an amazing lecturer and teaches everything very clearly and also gave out a solid 20 points in extra credit so passing in definitely doable. He also makes the class about more than academics which is nice. If you're complaining about him its probably on you, not him. Just keep up in the class and you'll do well.


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Dec. 17, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

This was my favorite class in the 14 series. I took 14C and 14D with Pham and he is without a doubt my favorite professor. 14D is easy if you stat on top of the reactions and mechanisms which is totally doable. Pham goes fast but it’s because as the quarter progresses the reactions get more similar to each other. I did practice tests from Nag’s class to help study for the tests and it was a really good tool. (Hardinger’s thinkbook and TA worksheets are also good, but avoid the book unless you are cripplingly confused)


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March 12, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Amazing professor - definitely favorite professor I've had so far, cares a ton about his students. Definitely will give it to you straight and no bs but is super clear and helpful. Difficulty of the class is hard but getting an A is definitely doable. Most people I know got As and A-s. Pay attention, work hard, and you'll do well. Ochem isn't as scary as everyone overhypes it to be and he prepares you well for 153A and the MCAT.


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March 19, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Pham is a very fair, clear professor. Nothing on his exams are curveballs because everything from the lectures are clearly told to be fair game for the exams. However, he is very arrogant, unapproachable, and borderline rude. Going to his office hours are a waste of time, just go to your TA's. His lectures are fine (I'm biased because this was an 8 AM so O chem was never going to be enjoyable), and he is always very straightforward with what he wants you to know. Keep up with the material as you learn it because otherwise it's really difficult to learn all the mechanisms the week of an exam (and if you don't do this, your first midterm experience will force you to do this afterwards). Overall, if he were just slightly more helpful and nice, I would give him a better rating.


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June 17, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

Pham is great. Very helpful, very clear, great job of explaining the material. That being said, his tests are TOUGH, but doable. Just be ready and do not memorize. Try to find extra practice problems from the TAs or from resources like the Think Book.


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Dec. 15, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

I absolutely loved taking 14C and 14D with Professor Pham. He lectures very quickly, but pay attention and make the conscious effort to stay on top of your learning both in and outside of class. 14D was definitely more challenging than 14C, as I found that the 50 minute midterms in this class were more challenging to finish in time. However, my biggest recommendation is to stay alert in class, read the slides, do all the TA/LA worksheets, and reach out if you need help in the class! This class is not only about memorization but also about a true understanding of the class content. He offers loooots of extra credit (i.e. I should not have gotten the grade I got in this class based on my performance on the midterms, but I received all the extra credit possible and did well on my final). Professor Pham is one of my favorite professors I've had at UCLA. He genuinely cares about students' learning and is a really cool human being.


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March 10, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: DR

I had to drop this class because I was going to fail it. There is absolutely no reason a professor should have midterms in which the average is not a passing grade. It clearly shows that he is doing something wrong in teaching the material if so many students are doing so horribly. I even hired a tutor for hundreds of dollars and felt that I knew what I was doing and still failed the midterms. This is so disappointing to me because I had Pham for 14C and I did well and enjoyed him. DO NOT take 14D with Pham take it with Nag or literally anyone else.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2019

Professor Pham is the GOAT. He's hilarious, engaging, and an amazing lecturer. The class speeds up a lot after the first midterm, but as long as you don't fall behind (and pay attention in class!) you'll do fine. His office hours, TA office hours, and discussions are all VERY helpful but optional.

Grades are made up of midterm 1 (23%), midterm 2 (23%), BACON exercises (9%), and the final (45%). The two midterms are 50 mins long and in class. They are very reasonable, and I found the time limit to be the most challenging part. TA worksheets, going over the slides, and Prof Hardinger's past exams were all very helpful for the exams. BACON exercises are basically free points. The average for our final was 68%, so it wasn't easy but if you thoroughly understand his slides/memorize the mechanisms you can definitely do well.

Professor Pham provides a LOT of extra credit through TopHat questions (10 points) which are like clicker questions, CrYOFF, and each exam has ~5+ points extra credit as well. The CrYOFF is this optional group project where you create something (website, poster, powerpoint, etc) about a chemistry topic of your choice. You can get 10 points extra credit + 5 points more if your group project is chosen as the best. Even if you don't do well on the exams, you can still get a good grade from all the extra credit.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend taking Professor Pham whenever possible. He honestly cares about the success of his students and his pre-exam emails were so cute and encouraging.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 16, 2021

tl dr: ochem is hard, but Pham is nice (enough)


I think that most people who talk about how nice Pham is are coming from the 20 series, where the professors are mean and uncaring. Putting myself in their shoes, I can see how Pham could seem like a breath of fresh air. However, coming from 14b, I did not feel like Pham was exceptionally nice or effective as an instructor. He was often reluctant to answer questions during office hours (he said he doesn't like chem questions and would sometimes obfuscate to the point of not answering) and talked very fast during lectures, which made re-watching lectures necessary. Additionally, the problem sets and exams were difficult (the exams had averages in the low 70s (69%-74%)).


For the good aspects of the class: exams make up only half of your grade, and the final is weighted the same as the two midterms, so if you do bad on one you will be ok. Pham also gives bonus points on the exams (a max of 2 points), which buffers your grade. The evaluations also give you three bonus points, so, overall you have about a 2% grade buffer with extra credit. In order to account for this buffer, Pham raises the cutoff for an A to a 94%. We also had a weekly fun friday during lecture, which gave us a nice break and was generally interesting. The assigned material for this class was pretty light (one bacon and one problem set due every two weeks), but I think a big component of this class is self study, which can raise the workload by a lot (I re-watched lectures, did all of the TA worksheets, all of the LA worksheets and all of the textbook problems).


The material: In contrast to popular opinion, I thought that the fist half on the class was harder than the second. There were a lot of small details that you had to think about, and "chemical intuition" came into play a lot. The second half was just memorizing and applying (a lot of) reactions, and I thought it was pretty simple if you studied hard enough.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 29, 2020

Amazing teacher and insanely caring, wish I had him in person!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A+
March 16, 2020

Pham is a great professor and really teaches the material well. It was honestly baffling to me how people did so poorly on the midterms, because if you kept up in the class and studied by doing the discussion worksheets you should have been fine. He is an amazing lecturer and teaches everything very clearly and also gave out a solid 20 points in extra credit so passing in definitely doable. He also makes the class about more than academics which is nice. If you're complaining about him its probably on you, not him. Just keep up in the class and you'll do well.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 17, 2019

This was my favorite class in the 14 series. I took 14C and 14D with Pham and he is without a doubt my favorite professor. 14D is easy if you stat on top of the reactions and mechanisms which is totally doable. Pham goes fast but it’s because as the quarter progresses the reactions get more similar to each other. I did practice tests from Nag’s class to help study for the tests and it was a really good tool. (Hardinger’s thinkbook and TA worksheets are also good, but avoid the book unless you are cripplingly confused)


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
March 12, 2020

Amazing professor - definitely favorite professor I've had so far, cares a ton about his students. Definitely will give it to you straight and no bs but is super clear and helpful. Difficulty of the class is hard but getting an A is definitely doable. Most people I know got As and A-s. Pay attention, work hard, and you'll do well. Ochem isn't as scary as everyone overhypes it to be and he prepares you well for 153A and the MCAT.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 19, 2020

Pham is a very fair, clear professor. Nothing on his exams are curveballs because everything from the lectures are clearly told to be fair game for the exams. However, he is very arrogant, unapproachable, and borderline rude. Going to his office hours are a waste of time, just go to your TA's. His lectures are fine (I'm biased because this was an 8 AM so O chem was never going to be enjoyable), and he is always very straightforward with what he wants you to know. Keep up with the material as you learn it because otherwise it's really difficult to learn all the mechanisms the week of an exam (and if you don't do this, your first midterm experience will force you to do this afterwards). Overall, if he were just slightly more helpful and nice, I would give him a better rating.


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
June 17, 2019

Pham is great. Very helpful, very clear, great job of explaining the material. That being said, his tests are TOUGH, but doable. Just be ready and do not memorize. Try to find extra practice problems from the TAs or from resources like the Think Book.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 15, 2019

I absolutely loved taking 14C and 14D with Professor Pham. He lectures very quickly, but pay attention and make the conscious effort to stay on top of your learning both in and outside of class. 14D was definitely more challenging than 14C, as I found that the 50 minute midterms in this class were more challenging to finish in time. However, my biggest recommendation is to stay alert in class, read the slides, do all the TA/LA worksheets, and reach out if you need help in the class! This class is not only about memorization but also about a true understanding of the class content. He offers loooots of extra credit (i.e. I should not have gotten the grade I got in this class based on my performance on the midterms, but I received all the extra credit possible and did well on my final). Professor Pham is one of my favorite professors I've had at UCLA. He genuinely cares about students' learning and is a really cool human being.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: DR
March 10, 2020

I had to drop this class because I was going to fail it. There is absolutely no reason a professor should have midterms in which the average is not a passing grade. It clearly shows that he is doing something wrong in teaching the material if so many students are doing so horribly. I even hired a tutor for hundreds of dollars and felt that I knew what I was doing and still failed the midterms. This is so disappointing to me because I had Pham for 14C and I did well and enjoyed him. DO NOT take 14D with Pham take it with Nag or literally anyone else.


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4 of 12

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