
Huan Huang

Overall Ratings
Based on 71 Users
Easiness 2.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (71)

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June 25, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

ignore the negative reviews, this class is the equivalence of ap physics 1. Midterms are 4 questions and finals are 10. To be fair, he outlines a list of concepts/questions that will be on the midterm and finals. That means you are either not paying attention in class or not attempting to get help, so stop blaming the professor's teaching ability... Weekly homework: he ended up giving everyone full credit regardless but I honestly suggesting doing them and asking for help. For labs, as long as you show up to class, complete projects on-time and don't mess your partners up, should also be a perfect score.


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Jan. 6, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+

Rather than add to all the negative reviews, I will write what tactics I found most helpful to pass his class:

1) youtube practice problems based on class content for each test and the professor's practice problems (do these for hours and you will be prepared as possible for the tests, they're truly the only way I could prepare for the tests)
2) don't worry to much about homework or quizzes, he ends up giving everyone 100%. The homework is a little helpful but literally the quizzes aren't relevant
3) don't copy down practice problems on your cheat sheet, actually learn them through youtube because his problems are slightly different
4) attend lecture because he will emphasize specific concepts that will be on the test. However, don't expect to learn anything from them. THIS IS VERY MUCH A CLASS WHERE YOU WILL BE TEACHING YOURSELF

*also, the fact that his exams are all free response is actually very helpful. if you don't know how to solve it, writing down equations that you think might apply and your best guess will usually get you partial credit


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Dec. 10, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Huang has a lot of negative reviews, just because his lectures are unclear and the grading scheme does make it such that the average is curved to a B- per departmental policy. HOWEVER, I would say that if you take 5A with him, it's not the end of the world at all. Come into the class ready to take advantage of TAs/LAs for support in clarifying content since his lectures/office hours are not the clearest due to his strong accent. His exams are honestly fair and are very similar to examples in lecture/discussions– the hard part is finishing on time since they're administered during the 50min lecture window. This was the real challenge of this class: I ran out of time on both midterms, scoring about a 70% on both. But, his final does not take the full 3 hours and I was able to double check everything-- I got a 95%. THIS is what saved me: his grading policies aim to really help students that put in the work. 1) Any student scoring above 90% on the final would get a guaranteed A- in the class. I actually was able to get an A after absolutely flopping both midterms. 2) His philosophy is that he'd rather you do the homework late than not at all. So, he grants extensions NQA for any homework assignment, so there's a decent amount of padding you can do for your grade (Labs/HW/Quizzes). Plus, at the end of the quarter, he ended up just giving everyone full credit if they completed it.


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June 10, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Prof Huang is really funny prof even though he probably doesn't try to be. Its probably because he's asian and the simple jokes sound REALLY funny coming from him. He's a good lecturer but I could see that a lot of times he would derive shit on the board (all the equations and stuff) and everybody would get really lost. But have no fear because you will never get tested on the derivation of anything. Neither will you ever have to use calculus in the problems. READ THE BOOK AND DO THE HW. He takes a lot of test problems directly from hw problems but with numbers changed around or very slight modifications. And the hw problems come directly from the book hw problems which I have a solutions manual too. (email me at ************* if you want the solutions manual for the whole book) Yeah, the class definately would be harder without the solutions manual. The solutions manual was almost like a teacher for me because Huang didn't go over enough examples in class. Oh and I forgot to mention that you get a double sided paper to fill with whatever for all the tests. Awesome class. Take it with Huang.


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Jan. 11, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A+

SELLING: Physics 6A Textbook/Ebook 4TH edition (latest) & Solutions Manual for cheap ($50 but price is negotiable)

email me at ************* or text **********

Class is a lot of work but doable.


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Jan. 6, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Selling the book for this class. I will give you a very fair price. Contact **********


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June 25, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Forget the previous negative reviews, 5A is the equivalence of ap physics 1 and his workload is definitely manageable. In terms of the online weekly modules, he ended up giving everyone full credit but I honestly suggest you do them. Midterms are only 4 questions. To be fair, he outlines a list of concepts that will be tested, and the test questions on the real tests resembles the practice tests. I also had a wonderful TA that was giving office hours on sundays. Lab component of 5A should be easy. Show up to lab, don't disappoint your lab partners, submit assignment on-time.


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April 3, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: F

Yes, this professor is as bad as the reviews say he is. First of all, he doesn't even attempt to solve the example problems, he'll simply have slides up that on the board that are just overall very unorganized and will say something like "the answer is ___ because ____" very vaguely. With a topic like physics, a powerpoint isn't helpful at all when trying to learn, we need to actually see the problems done step by step. The exams are 4 questions long, but have multiple parts each so it's more like 12 problems that you need to solve by hand in 50 minutes. The exam averages were about a 60% for both midterm 1 and 2. Oh and another thing, his accent makes it even harder to understand what's going on, I realize this isn't something he can control but it's honestly still a bit frustrating. Lecture was usually about more than half empty because people just didn't bother showing up since you'll probably leave more confused than you were when you walked in. The professor isn't necessarily a bad person, he seems like a nice man, but respectfully, he should not be teaching at a university that's supposed to be the top public university in the country. Discussion sections aren't mandatory but I attended anyways just so I can have at least a little bit of an understanding of the material. They do help a little because the TA's seem to actually know how to teach a college class better than the professor, but there's only so much material they can cover in just an hour.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 16, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+

This is the best teacher!


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March 8, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: N/A

This was the shittiest class I took so far at UCLA. Absolutely useless and the professor didn't give a single flying fuck. It takes 20+ hours every week and Huang tried his best to make it even harder. Well, I understand that he was scared of teaching the class because he only taught it once, like a decade ago. I just hope he is never forced to teach it again.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 25, 2023

ignore the negative reviews, this class is the equivalence of ap physics 1. Midterms are 4 questions and finals are 10. To be fair, he outlines a list of concepts/questions that will be on the midterm and finals. That means you are either not paying attention in class or not attempting to get help, so stop blaming the professor's teaching ability... Weekly homework: he ended up giving everyone full credit regardless but I honestly suggesting doing them and asking for help. For labs, as long as you show up to class, complete projects on-time and don't mess your partners up, should also be a perfect score.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+
Jan. 6, 2024

Rather than add to all the negative reviews, I will write what tactics I found most helpful to pass his class:

1) youtube practice problems based on class content for each test and the professor's practice problems (do these for hours and you will be prepared as possible for the tests, they're truly the only way I could prepare for the tests)
2) don't worry to much about homework or quizzes, he ends up giving everyone 100%. The homework is a little helpful but literally the quizzes aren't relevant
3) don't copy down practice problems on your cheat sheet, actually learn them through youtube because his problems are slightly different
4) attend lecture because he will emphasize specific concepts that will be on the test. However, don't expect to learn anything from them. THIS IS VERY MUCH A CLASS WHERE YOU WILL BE TEACHING YOURSELF

*also, the fact that his exams are all free response is actually very helpful. if you don't know how to solve it, writing down equations that you think might apply and your best guess will usually get you partial credit


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 10, 2023

Huang has a lot of negative reviews, just because his lectures are unclear and the grading scheme does make it such that the average is curved to a B- per departmental policy. HOWEVER, I would say that if you take 5A with him, it's not the end of the world at all. Come into the class ready to take advantage of TAs/LAs for support in clarifying content since his lectures/office hours are not the clearest due to his strong accent. His exams are honestly fair and are very similar to examples in lecture/discussions– the hard part is finishing on time since they're administered during the 50min lecture window. This was the real challenge of this class: I ran out of time on both midterms, scoring about a 70% on both. But, his final does not take the full 3 hours and I was able to double check everything-- I got a 95%. THIS is what saved me: his grading policies aim to really help students that put in the work. 1) Any student scoring above 90% on the final would get a guaranteed A- in the class. I actually was able to get an A after absolutely flopping both midterms. 2) His philosophy is that he'd rather you do the homework late than not at all. So, he grants extensions NQA for any homework assignment, so there's a decent amount of padding you can do for your grade (Labs/HW/Quizzes). Plus, at the end of the quarter, he ended up just giving everyone full credit if they completed it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 10, 2009

Prof Huang is really funny prof even though he probably doesn't try to be. Its probably because he's asian and the simple jokes sound REALLY funny coming from him. He's a good lecturer but I could see that a lot of times he would derive shit on the board (all the equations and stuff) and everybody would get really lost. But have no fear because you will never get tested on the derivation of anything. Neither will you ever have to use calculus in the problems. READ THE BOOK AND DO THE HW. He takes a lot of test problems directly from hw problems but with numbers changed around or very slight modifications. And the hw problems come directly from the book hw problems which I have a solutions manual too. (email me at ************* if you want the solutions manual for the whole book) Yeah, the class definately would be harder without the solutions manual. The solutions manual was almost like a teacher for me because Huang didn't go over enough examples in class. Oh and I forgot to mention that you get a double sided paper to fill with whatever for all the tests. Awesome class. Take it with Huang.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A+
Jan. 11, 2017

SELLING: Physics 6A Textbook/Ebook 4TH edition (latest) & Solutions Manual for cheap ($50 but price is negotiable)

email me at ************* or text **********

Class is a lot of work but doable.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 6, 2015

Selling the book for this class. I will give you a very fair price. Contact **********


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 25, 2023

Forget the previous negative reviews, 5A is the equivalence of ap physics 1 and his workload is definitely manageable. In terms of the online weekly modules, he ended up giving everyone full credit but I honestly suggest you do them. Midterms are only 4 questions. To be fair, he outlines a list of concepts that will be tested, and the test questions on the real tests resembles the practice tests. I also had a wonderful TA that was giving office hours on sundays. Lab component of 5A should be easy. Show up to lab, don't disappoint your lab partners, submit assignment on-time.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: F
April 3, 2023

Yes, this professor is as bad as the reviews say he is. First of all, he doesn't even attempt to solve the example problems, he'll simply have slides up that on the board that are just overall very unorganized and will say something like "the answer is ___ because ____" very vaguely. With a topic like physics, a powerpoint isn't helpful at all when trying to learn, we need to actually see the problems done step by step. The exams are 4 questions long, but have multiple parts each so it's more like 12 problems that you need to solve by hand in 50 minutes. The exam averages were about a 60% for both midterm 1 and 2. Oh and another thing, his accent makes it even harder to understand what's going on, I realize this isn't something he can control but it's honestly still a bit frustrating. Lecture was usually about more than half empty because people just didn't bother showing up since you'll probably leave more confused than you were when you walked in. The professor isn't necessarily a bad person, he seems like a nice man, but respectfully, he should not be teaching at a university that's supposed to be the top public university in the country. Discussion sections aren't mandatory but I attended anyways just so I can have at least a little bit of an understanding of the material. They do help a little because the TA's seem to actually know how to teach a college class better than the professor, but there's only so much material they can cover in just an hour.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A+
Nov. 16, 2022

This is the best teacher!


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: N/A
March 8, 2018

This was the shittiest class I took so far at UCLA. Absolutely useless and the professor didn't give a single flying fuck. It takes 20+ hours every week and Huang tried his best to make it even harder. Well, I understand that he was scared of teaching the class because he only taught it once, like a decade ago. I just hope he is never forced to teach it again.


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