Hee Ju
Department of Korean
Overall Rating
Based on 2 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny
  • Participation Matters
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Would Take Again

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (2)

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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 17, 2024

Professor Ju was a very kind and funny professor. As a lecturer, she was engaging, but it was a bit fast as there is a lot of content to go through in the course so I think it kind of had to be that way. The discussions are much better-paced. The class environment was friendly and comfortable, starting each day with a song. Ju and the TA will know your name and will call on you randomly, so be prepared for that. Participation and attendance are mandatory for your grade, but if you miss a class, you can turn in the in-class worksheet for attendance.

Grading-wise, as long as you participate and turn in your weekly assignments, you'll get an A. The midterm and final always have a practice test and a lot of the questions are ones you've already seen.

Between Im/Mitsunaga (the other beginning Korean prof.) and Ju, Im is more organized in her lectures, but slightly less engaging. Ju is less organized in her lecture style, but more engaging. Both are great choices, it just depends on your learning style!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 12, 2024

Professor Ju is super nice and I really love taking the course! She is always extremely prepared and has lecture slides and handouts for each class. Occasionally, we would also play Kahoot and watch some Korean videos for review and learning more about Korean culture. Her lectures are very clear and easy to follow. Even though the pace was a little faster compared to KOREAN 1, I think most students find it manageable. We always have chances to practice all of reading, listening, speaking, and writing during class. One small thing is that the professor didn't focus a lot on telling us to memorize the vocab, but I guess this is something I should devote extra time and effort to work on myself. In the end, we have oral videos and (short) oral interviews, which are fun and helps you practice speaking Korean confidently. Tests are also not hard since the professor will give a detailed outline of what will be tested. Overall, I would really recommend taking it if you are interested in learning Korean!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
March 17, 2024

Professor Ju was a very kind and funny professor. As a lecturer, she was engaging, but it was a bit fast as there is a lot of content to go through in the course so I think it kind of had to be that way. The discussions are much better-paced. The class environment was friendly and comfortable, starting each day with a song. Ju and the TA will know your name and will call on you randomly, so be prepared for that. Participation and attendance are mandatory for your grade, but if you miss a class, you can turn in the in-class worksheet for attendance.

Grading-wise, as long as you participate and turn in your weekly assignments, you'll get an A. The midterm and final always have a practice test and a lot of the questions are ones you've already seen.

Between Im/Mitsunaga (the other beginning Korean prof.) and Ju, Im is more organized in her lectures, but slightly less engaging. Ju is less organized in her lecture style, but more engaging. Both are great choices, it just depends on your learning style!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 12, 2024

Professor Ju is super nice and I really love taking the course! She is always extremely prepared and has lecture slides and handouts for each class. Occasionally, we would also play Kahoot and watch some Korean videos for review and learning more about Korean culture. Her lectures are very clear and easy to follow. Even though the pace was a little faster compared to KOREAN 1, I think most students find it manageable. We always have chances to practice all of reading, listening, speaking, and writing during class. One small thing is that the professor didn't focus a lot on telling us to memorize the vocab, but I guess this is something I should devote extra time and effort to work on myself. In the end, we have oral videos and (short) oral interviews, which are fun and helps you practice speaking Korean confidently. Tests are also not hard since the professor will give a detailed outline of what will be tested. Overall, I would really recommend taking it if you are interested in learning Korean!


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1 of 1
Overall Rating
Based on 2 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Often Funny
  • Participation Matters
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Would Take Again

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