
Harold Monbouquette

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Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness 2.2/ 5
Clarity 3.5/ 5
Workload 3.0/ 5
Helpfulness 3.8/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2021 - TL;DR: Rapid-pace lectures that cover a truckload of content in a short period of time. Highly stressful and difficult, but what are you going to do about it, huh? This class is mandatory if you're going core chemical engineering. --- Let's talk separations. CH ENGR 103 is all about separations, using many different methods to separate and isolate products. Unfortunately for you, half of those separations are really difficult to model; but hey, that's what this course is about, right? It still doesn't stop me from wanting to separate my head from my body... ahem. Back on track. The lectures for this class cover a lot of material, and Monbouquette isn't exactly the most eloquent or engaging lecturer on campus. You'll find it relatively boring, but the most important parts of each lecture are the theoretical and mathematical portions. The exams and homework primarily deal with mathematical applications of each separation process you learn in lecture, and nothing conceptual is tested; therefore, if you just hyperfocus on anything remotely relating to math in the lectures, you'll be able to do well. The grading scheme of this class is homework (30%), midterms (40%), and final (30%), which I'll go more in depth in the following paragraphs. --- You can expect a homework assignment to be assigned every week, based on the content and separation processes learned in the previous week. Unfortunately for you, the homework assignments consist of three to four problems of either brainless plug and chug calculations or literally impossible problems that cannot be solved with just the knowledge from the lecture material. I highly recommend reading the associated textbook for such problems and going to the TA's office hours; alternatively, if you can talk to an upperclassman for hints, do so. Homework is worth a substantial portion of your grade and is graded on accuracy, so you absolutely do not want to take the Ls on any homework; especially since none of them are dropped. --- Midterms and finals are both two hours and three hours long respectively. The exam problems are relatively reasonable and focus primarily on recent material; however, you can expect a McCabe-Thiele type problem in every exam due to ABET requirements. It's closed notes but you're allowed a cheat sheet. I would recommend copying down the strategy for literally every problem you've ever solved, either on your homework or in discussion, because that will be your lifeline on the exams. The midterms are extremely time-sensitive, and you're going to want to make sure you can complete problems fast and efficiently. The final gives a lot more time, but has relatively more difficult content; you're going to want to focus on knowledge for this one by cramming your cheat sheet. --- In summary, separations is a very difficult class with lots of content to be covered; however, if you focus only on the equations and math portions, you'll be able to manage. I have no words to say other than godspeed, especially if you're taking this class alongside CH ENGR 101C.
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Easiness N/A/ 5
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