
Hanguo Wang

Overall Ratings
Based on 28 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (28)

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March 31, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B-

Better to take him over Corbin or the other teachers. Midterms were super super easy but final is VERY VERY VERY hard. But what got me salty was the fact despite the fact I got around the average as a lot of people did, he didn't curve it very well. I hoped i got an A but instead he gave a B-. But besides that, he is super nice, chill, and funny someone who is really passionate about his work and physics in general. Spends his time deriving equations, working through book examples, and doing demos in class. Hw is not collected just book problems so no mastering physics kind of bullshit. Discussions were mehhh sometimes productive but other times dry. But back to the final..... he was very ungenerous in terms of grading and curving. If you have a heavy workload for other classes like cs32, definitely try to get this guy. But if you're the brainy physics nerd, take Corbin.


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April 5, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B

Midterms were easy. Final was hard, most likely to determine a curve. Lectures are pretty boring. He has an accent and he's soft-spoken, and he uses slides which are taken right out of the textbook with a few of his own notes. He was a little hard to understand and I didn't learn too much from lecture, but he was helpful in office hours when I asked questions. This class was a good experience overall, and I'd take physics with him again. It's really not that bad.


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April 22, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B

Seems like most of what I have to say has already been said so I'll keep it short.

Professor Wang is a really nice guy. Funny at times and does a lot of demonstrations during lecture. His teaching of the source material is pretty basic - he gives you the equations straight from the book and doesn't really go in depth conceptually, but for this class and for his tests it doesn't really matter. A lot of the lecture is spent on examples with complicated derivations that are interesting but not super important for you to know. You could get by perfectly well without going to lecture.

Homework is not graded - don't do it unless you need to learn the material. The two midterms are very easy (averages were in the 90s and 80s respectively), just study the practice tests he gives you and you'll do fine. The final is considerably harder and had a ~65 average.

Overall I'd recommend him for this class. He's not difficult but teaches the material and is a friendly guy, he even showed us some of the research/work he did at UCLA outside of teaching.


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April 25, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A

Professor Wang I believe is a really nice guy but not a good teacher. He barely speaks english so his lectures are unfortunately boring. Not only that but they are straight from the textbook and his class is only based on the tests so there's really no point of them. My main issue with him was the carelessness and ambivalence he showed with grading issues. On the 2nd midterm he miscounted my grade by about 30 points and when one of my answers was right according to answer key but was marked wrong incorrectly I had to fight tooth and nail for a fix. I am not sure if its the language gap or something else but it was extremely hard to communicate my issues with the grading. For the final I had a similar issue where he again miscounted and he even said when I asked to see the test that there were some that looked like I got partially right but were marked completely wrong but still refused to change the grade. This is all his right as a teacher and he did still curve the grade but I just believe with a different teacher I would not have been put in this predicament. Overall I would not take his class again since the headaches with the careless grading caused way to much stress that took away from me studying for other hard finals.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B-
March 31, 2017

Better to take him over Corbin or the other teachers. Midterms were super super easy but final is VERY VERY VERY hard. But what got me salty was the fact despite the fact I got around the average as a lot of people did, he didn't curve it very well. I hoped i got an A but instead he gave a B-. But besides that, he is super nice, chill, and funny someone who is really passionate about his work and physics in general. Spends his time deriving equations, working through book examples, and doing demos in class. Hw is not collected just book problems so no mastering physics kind of bullshit. Discussions were mehhh sometimes productive but other times dry. But back to the final..... he was very ungenerous in terms of grading and curving. If you have a heavy workload for other classes like cs32, definitely try to get this guy. But if you're the brainy physics nerd, take Corbin.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B
April 5, 2017

Midterms were easy. Final was hard, most likely to determine a curve. Lectures are pretty boring. He has an accent and he's soft-spoken, and he uses slides which are taken right out of the textbook with a few of his own notes. He was a little hard to understand and I didn't learn too much from lecture, but he was helpful in office hours when I asked questions. This class was a good experience overall, and I'd take physics with him again. It's really not that bad.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B
April 22, 2017

Seems like most of what I have to say has already been said so I'll keep it short.

Professor Wang is a really nice guy. Funny at times and does a lot of demonstrations during lecture. His teaching of the source material is pretty basic - he gives you the equations straight from the book and doesn't really go in depth conceptually, but for this class and for his tests it doesn't really matter. A lot of the lecture is spent on examples with complicated derivations that are interesting but not super important for you to know. You could get by perfectly well without going to lecture.

Homework is not graded - don't do it unless you need to learn the material. The two midterms are very easy (averages were in the 90s and 80s respectively), just study the practice tests he gives you and you'll do fine. The final is considerably harder and had a ~65 average.

Overall I'd recommend him for this class. He's not difficult but teaches the material and is a friendly guy, he even showed us some of the research/work he did at UCLA outside of teaching.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: N/A
April 25, 2017

Professor Wang I believe is a really nice guy but not a good teacher. He barely speaks english so his lectures are unfortunately boring. Not only that but they are straight from the textbook and his class is only based on the tests so there's really no point of them. My main issue with him was the carelessness and ambivalence he showed with grading issues. On the 2nd midterm he miscounted my grade by about 30 points and when one of my answers was right according to answer key but was marked wrong incorrectly I had to fight tooth and nail for a fix. I am not sure if its the language gap or something else but it was extremely hard to communicate my issues with the grading. For the final I had a similar issue where he again miscounted and he even said when I asked to see the test that there were some that looked like I got partially right but were marked completely wrong but still refused to change the grade. This is all his right as a teacher and he did still curve the grade but I just believe with a different teacher I would not have been put in this predicament. Overall I would not take his class again since the headaches with the careless grading caused way to much stress that took away from me studying for other hard finals.


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