
Guani Wu

Overall Ratings
Based on 78 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (78)

4 of 6
4 of 6
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 3, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

It doesn't get better than Professor Wu. This guy is the nicest, most friendly teacher I've had. He was so accommodating with the whole COVID situation, but tbh he didn't even need to be. Stats 10 really isn't a hard class. You get notes during the tests and the quizzes weren't even timed. They are super fair when grading homework and labs and still drop your lowest grades. And seriously - Wu is the best.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 27, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

Nice professor. Tries to help a lot. But not very clear. And material is difficult (much bigger step from stats 20!) so be prepared to work. I watched all of Prof Chen's lectures on YouTube and even some extra supplemental lectures from different universities to finally get different concepts in this class. Be prepared to do supplemental work to understand concepts. But he does try to help and genuinely nice guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

I enjoyed this class because the professor is super organized. During each lecture, he essentially just goes over a slide deck that is typically uploaded to Bruin Learn in advance, so I would argue that you could probably succeed in this class without actually attending lectures. The homework assignments, which are worth the bulk of your grade, are a total mixed bag in terms of difficulty level. When I took this course, there were five homework assignments in total, and the first one was ridiculously easy as someone who has previously taken a programming class, and the third and fifth assignments were also very manageable. The second and fourth assignments, on the other hand, took upwards of 20 hours for me personally. Luckily, the professor is very receptive when he is told that some assignments are more difficult, so you will usually receive some sort of class extension for the more challenging homeworks. The quizzes are somewhat difficult most weeks, but they are graded based on completion. Exams are similar in content/structure to quizzes, so be sure to review quizzes in advance of the exams. If you have any previous programming experience, this class is pretty easy.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 4, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: B+

As someone who took AP Stats before this course, it was pretty easy all things considered. There is very little computation in this class and the course is very much regarding the theoretical/practical side of statistics rather than the formulas. We never even used a z-table in this course. All in all, it's definitely not a terrible class if you have prior knowledge.

I'd also like to interject that I took this course as a GE because I'm not a life science major, so I didn't really have as much reason to get too invested in my grade here, but regardless I did give it the best effort I did and scored well on the tests.

The labs and homework are fairly manageable. I managed to finish them in about an hour or two each, but they still did a good job of teaching the basics of R and statistics.

All in all a good course. As for the professor, he is an acceptable enough lecturer given the trying times (this is during the COVID quarantine), but he did a good job of clarifying things in class and gave engaging examples of what he was teaching. Whenever there was downtime during lecture, he would converse with us and just ask us how we're doing and what our student lives are like. He really seems like a nice and personable guy. Also, he was very accommodating when I ran into tech problems during the course trying to take the exams. Great professor.

Also, like anyone who has taken a statistics class on UCLA and left a review on BruinWalk, I am obligated to bash the TA Jake here. He actively disincentivized me from going to discussions because every time I did I felt like I was being belittled. The syllabus encouraged us to work together on homework so long as we weren't just pasting answers without explanation and we would often share solutions after the homework was due via GroupMe. (There was an official Discord server for the class, but sometimes we just wanted to talk as students and help each other through that rather than using the Discord which often felt more formal.) This happened after I left the group chat, but he apparently joined the group chat just to tell us he was "appalled by the number of academic integrity violations." I didn't follow the GroupMe that actively, but unless there was a major breach during the final, I don't recall anything of the sort. Anyway, if you're curious about that


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 24, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A-

Professor Wu and the TA struggled a little with the online format, but that was to be expected for professors and students alike. Unlike some other unsympathetic professors, though, Professor Wu was obviously doing his best to create a good learning environment and be caring for his students.

Nonetheless, there were some inherent issues with his implementation of the course. For one, the Stats departments obsession with non-collaboration on anything was incredibly annoying. Not being able to work on homework together was tough and isolating. The quizzes were hard and it was unclear as to what topics they were covering. The tests had extremely tough wording at times, and the homeworks were very stressful at points. Most annoyingly was the specificity of the homeworks. Having to name files a certain way or making sure the files were knittable (which an easy solution was never explicity given to this problem) or automatically have 50% of the grade taken off was harsh to say the least.

The use of campuswire helped a lot. The TA Oonyambu was very responsive, albeit a little short with answers sometimes (see also: the way Jake answers questions but a little less harsh). Overall, I would take this class again in its second, COVID-tested iteration, which I think would have a lot less kinks than my session had.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 13, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: N/A

Over the global pandemic this professor was not leniant at all. We all had to use a respondus lockdown browser AND a zoom during our midterm. We were told to turn down the zoom but they were sharing corrections to the test questions that many people didnt see. Furthermore the practice tests he gives us were so easy that everyone got 100 but bombed the midterm. The professor and the TAs especially were not flexible considering the stressfull situation of COVID and online classes. There is no option for makeup work and I was overall very dissatisfied with the course and the professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 29, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: N/A

I don't know if it was the professor's idea or the TAs but the homework and labs are graded very strictly on accuracy. There are a lot of analysis and explanation questions, if you get the smallest concept wrong, you automatically get points deducted. Homework and lab are 40% of the total grade so that takes a lot of points of the total, making it impossible to get a fair grade. The class is not flexible at all and they are not considerate about the current situation of COVID. I don't know how the class normally is in-person but if you plan on taking this course when online, I highly recommend you take it with a different professor. The content itself is very easy and my friends who are taking stats 13 with another professor are not having the same problem as I had.


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Aug. 4, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: P

The class was online for the summer quarter. I never interacted with the professor, but he seems like a nice guy who wants the best for his students. He recaps previous material and asks several times during the lecture if everyone understands his delivery of the material. Unfortunately, I found him quite unclear and thought he made seemingly simple topics more complicated. Though he follows a slide deck, I found his lectures to be unstructured and hard to follow. I would listen to a lecture and leave more confused on the topic, not knowing what the main objective of the lecture was. After a couple of weeks, I stopped watching the lectures and just read the book that he used to make his slides.

For both exams (esp the midterm), it was hard to study, because we did not have access to answers for the quizzes, nor was there any study guide outlining what to expect on the exam.

As far as grading goes, HW was graded very generously, with average scores of 95+ on each hw. Quizzes are based on completion, so for the quizzes graded at the time of this post, I have received fair grades. Our midterm exam had a pretty bad mean (62%), which is typical for this professor. Not sure what the final exam scores will be, but I am expecting around the same, if not a little better.

TDLR: Nice guy, seems like he's chill but thought that he was not a good lecturer at all. Poor exam averages, but fair grading on homework and quizzes. Would try to avoid him and take another professor, but not the end of the world if he's the only option.


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April 12, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B-

I took the stats 102a during winter 2021, and currently taking 102b. Tbh, just take other prof if you can. Wu won't reply to emails, and discussion board. Also, for the first two weeks, we are just literally learning math 115a stuff whereas in his lec, he only talks about math concept rather than actual R coding.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Professor Wu is an understanding, nice professor. However, his lectures are really just not stimulating whatsoever. I found them to quite boring and poorly paced. We ended up having to rush through the last chapter leaving many students (including myself) confused.
The homework can take some time, but I found it to be fairly straightforward. The quizzes can sometimes have unclear wording, but they weren't difficult.
The assigned labs tend to stray from the lecture materials, but they're walked through by TAs so they're not that tough to complete.
I found the exams to be quite difficult compared to the lecture example problems and the HW questions. The midterm wasn't bad, but I found the final to be pretty tough. Luckily though, he's quite lenient on grading and applies some extra credit/curves while dropping the lowest HW + quiz grades.

All in all, Stats 10 with Wu is a class where success is certainly achievable, although the lectures and section material are mind-numbing and far from engaging.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
July 3, 2020

It doesn't get better than Professor Wu. This guy is the nicest, most friendly teacher I've had. He was so accommodating with the whole COVID situation, but tbh he didn't even need to be. Stats 10 really isn't a hard class. You get notes during the tests and the quizzes weren't even timed. They are super fair when grading homework and labs and still drop your lowest grades. And seriously - Wu is the best.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
March 27, 2022

Nice professor. Tries to help a lot. But not very clear. And material is difficult (much bigger step from stats 20!) so be prepared to work. I watched all of Prof Chen's lectures on YouTube and even some extra supplemental lectures from different universities to finally get different concepts in this class. Be prepared to do supplemental work to understand concepts. But he does try to help and genuinely nice guy


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
March 29, 2022

I enjoyed this class because the professor is super organized. During each lecture, he essentially just goes over a slide deck that is typically uploaded to Bruin Learn in advance, so I would argue that you could probably succeed in this class without actually attending lectures. The homework assignments, which are worth the bulk of your grade, are a total mixed bag in terms of difficulty level. When I took this course, there were five homework assignments in total, and the first one was ridiculously easy as someone who has previously taken a programming class, and the third and fifth assignments were also very manageable. The second and fourth assignments, on the other hand, took upwards of 20 hours for me personally. Luckily, the professor is very receptive when he is told that some assignments are more difficult, so you will usually receive some sort of class extension for the more challenging homeworks. The quizzes are somewhat difficult most weeks, but they are graded based on completion. Exams are similar in content/structure to quizzes, so be sure to review quizzes in advance of the exams. If you have any previous programming experience, this class is pretty easy.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: B+
Aug. 4, 2020

As someone who took AP Stats before this course, it was pretty easy all things considered. There is very little computation in this class and the course is very much regarding the theoretical/practical side of statistics rather than the formulas. We never even used a z-table in this course. All in all, it's definitely not a terrible class if you have prior knowledge.

I'd also like to interject that I took this course as a GE because I'm not a life science major, so I didn't really have as much reason to get too invested in my grade here, but regardless I did give it the best effort I did and scored well on the tests.

The labs and homework are fairly manageable. I managed to finish them in about an hour or two each, but they still did a good job of teaching the basics of R and statistics.

All in all a good course. As for the professor, he is an acceptable enough lecturer given the trying times (this is during the COVID quarantine), but he did a good job of clarifying things in class and gave engaging examples of what he was teaching. Whenever there was downtime during lecture, he would converse with us and just ask us how we're doing and what our student lives are like. He really seems like a nice and personable guy. Also, he was very accommodating when I ran into tech problems during the course trying to take the exams. Great professor.

Also, like anyone who has taken a statistics class on UCLA and left a review on BruinWalk, I am obligated to bash the TA Jake here. He actively disincentivized me from going to discussions because every time I did I felt like I was being belittled. The syllabus encouraged us to work together on homework so long as we weren't just pasting answers without explanation and we would often share solutions after the homework was due via GroupMe. (There was an official Discord server for the class, but sometimes we just wanted to talk as students and help each other through that rather than using the Discord which often felt more formal.) This happened after I left the group chat, but he apparently joined the group chat just to tell us he was "appalled by the number of academic integrity violations." I didn't follow the GroupMe that actively, but unless there was a major breach during the final, I don't recall anything of the sort. Anyway, if you're curious about that


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A-
Aug. 24, 2020

Professor Wu and the TA struggled a little with the online format, but that was to be expected for professors and students alike. Unlike some other unsympathetic professors, though, Professor Wu was obviously doing his best to create a good learning environment and be caring for his students.

Nonetheless, there were some inherent issues with his implementation of the course. For one, the Stats departments obsession with non-collaboration on anything was incredibly annoying. Not being able to work on homework together was tough and isolating. The quizzes were hard and it was unclear as to what topics they were covering. The tests had extremely tough wording at times, and the homeworks were very stressful at points. Most annoyingly was the specificity of the homeworks. Having to name files a certain way or making sure the files were knittable (which an easy solution was never explicity given to this problem) or automatically have 50% of the grade taken off was harsh to say the least.

The use of campuswire helped a lot. The TA Oonyambu was very responsive, albeit a little short with answers sometimes (see also: the way Jake answers questions but a little less harsh). Overall, I would take this class again in its second, COVID-tested iteration, which I think would have a lot less kinks than my session had.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: N/A
July 13, 2020

Over the global pandemic this professor was not leniant at all. We all had to use a respondus lockdown browser AND a zoom during our midterm. We were told to turn down the zoom but they were sharing corrections to the test questions that many people didnt see. Furthermore the practice tests he gives us were so easy that everyone got 100 but bombed the midterm. The professor and the TAs especially were not flexible considering the stressfull situation of COVID and online classes. There is no option for makeup work and I was overall very dissatisfied with the course and the professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: N/A
July 29, 2020

I don't know if it was the professor's idea or the TAs but the homework and labs are graded very strictly on accuracy. There are a lot of analysis and explanation questions, if you get the smallest concept wrong, you automatically get points deducted. Homework and lab are 40% of the total grade so that takes a lot of points of the total, making it impossible to get a fair grade. The class is not flexible at all and they are not considerate about the current situation of COVID. I don't know how the class normally is in-person but if you plan on taking this course when online, I highly recommend you take it with a different professor. The content itself is very easy and my friends who are taking stats 13 with another professor are not having the same problem as I had.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: P
Aug. 4, 2024

The class was online for the summer quarter. I never interacted with the professor, but he seems like a nice guy who wants the best for his students. He recaps previous material and asks several times during the lecture if everyone understands his delivery of the material. Unfortunately, I found him quite unclear and thought he made seemingly simple topics more complicated. Though he follows a slide deck, I found his lectures to be unstructured and hard to follow. I would listen to a lecture and leave more confused on the topic, not knowing what the main objective of the lecture was. After a couple of weeks, I stopped watching the lectures and just read the book that he used to make his slides.

For both exams (esp the midterm), it was hard to study, because we did not have access to answers for the quizzes, nor was there any study guide outlining what to expect on the exam.

As far as grading goes, HW was graded very generously, with average scores of 95+ on each hw. Quizzes are based on completion, so for the quizzes graded at the time of this post, I have received fair grades. Our midterm exam had a pretty bad mean (62%), which is typical for this professor. Not sure what the final exam scores will be, but I am expecting around the same, if not a little better.

TDLR: Nice guy, seems like he's chill but thought that he was not a good lecturer at all. Poor exam averages, but fair grading on homework and quizzes. Would try to avoid him and take another professor, but not the end of the world if he's the only option.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B-
April 12, 2022

I took the stats 102a during winter 2021, and currently taking 102b. Tbh, just take other prof if you can. Wu won't reply to emails, and discussion board. Also, for the first two weeks, we are just literally learning math 115a stuff whereas in his lec, he only talks about math concept rather than actual R coding.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

Professor Wu is an understanding, nice professor. However, his lectures are really just not stimulating whatsoever. I found them to quite boring and poorly paced. We ended up having to rush through the last chapter leaving many students (including myself) confused.
The homework can take some time, but I found it to be fairly straightforward. The quizzes can sometimes have unclear wording, but they weren't difficult.
The assigned labs tend to stray from the lecture materials, but they're walked through by TAs so they're not that tough to complete.
I found the exams to be quite difficult compared to the lecture example problems and the HW questions. The midterm wasn't bad, but I found the final to be pretty tough. Luckily though, he's quite lenient on grading and applies some extra credit/curves while dropping the lowest HW + quiz grades.

All in all, Stats 10 with Wu is a class where success is certainly achievable, although the lectures and section material are mind-numbing and far from engaging.


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