Franka Horvat
Department of Art History
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.5 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 1.7 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (16)

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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 20, 2024

I have no kind words to say about this class. I have taken many art history classes in the past but none have been nearly as bad as this. The lectures are so disorganized and disengaging it almost seems pointless to attend. They aren't recorded and there are also no notes posted so there is no way to gage what information you may have missed or should focus on for tests. The tests themselves are a joke. It is all memorization for an obnoxious and unnecessary amount of sites which you have barely any information about. You also have to turn in reading notes to your TA each week for about 40-80 pages of reading per week. This class was the hardest and most stressful class I took this year AND I'M NOT EVEN A ART HISTORY MAJOR.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 16, 2024

awful awful awful class
i'm sure you've seen everything, but mostly the problem is that the content is disorganized and hard to follow as there is a LOT that she goes over and its very generalized, more facts to know as opposed to teaching any visual analysis or way to recognize what you're looking at. there's no detail, no real attention or interest in the work from the professor, and she seemed to be disinterested in teaching. section is really your saving grace.
you do need to study pretty strong for the midterm and final, and the writing projects came seemingly out of the air. TAs were the only saving grace because they didn't even know what was going on.
if you want to be interested in medieval art and not super stressed about a grade, don't bother. but, if you can power through, all assignments could be done the night before (with a little editing day of), and just study pretty early on

tldr: not the easiest GE, but if you have a relaxed course-load, like to write, and need something to stress over / focus on, this could be ok for you


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 14, 2024

Pros: If you are interested in art, history, or religion, this is could be interesting to you. I definitely have a better understanding of what the Medieval period actually was so that's cool. The homework is sometimes a lot of reading but the notes are pretty doable. Discussion was more interesting because you get to go more in depth on some topics.
Cons: There is a lot of art to memorize and a lot of it looks very similar which can be confusing. The professor rarely puts information on the slides and it can be hard to tell what she is saying sometimes, especially because there are many words and names in other languages. Your grade could depend on your TA because some of them graded much more harshly than others. The tests are fairly difficult unless you memorize all of the art and its significance. If you are looking for an easy GE, this may not be what you're looking for.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 14, 2024

Her lectures were incredibly disorganized: the material was not chronological, and she tended to jump back and forth through different centuries, empires, rulers, etc without a clear connection between them. She also jumped abruptly from artwork to building to ruler to empire, etc. Despite all of this Professor Horvat expected that we would know all of the material mentioned or described in seconds during the lecture, even while mixed in with different centuries, rulers, etc. Therefore, this class was incredibly confusing, with a huge workload, and a professor that is not very approachable.

While I did get a good grade on the midterm, the average for my section was 62% with no expected curve. It took me over a week of constant studying to do well on the midterm, having to neglect other classes (this is meant to be a GE). She was a difficult professor and structured her classes in a completely incomprehensible manner, and unfortunately it has deterred me from considering further art history classes (especially on medieval concepts).


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 14, 2024

No. I took this as an ge bc my major classes were closed. I was skeptical bc she had no bruinwalk reviews when I enrolled and my skepticism was right. Every lecture with this professor seemed very unorganized and unprepared and the slides she would provide were very useless. They only included images with little to no text which made it difficult to understand her key points. It felt like she was just talking about whatever she felt like and she said “um” too many times and continually paused during lectures as if she was trying to make up more insignificant stuff to stay. She also did not record any of these lectures so it was impossible to go back to them to study for the exams or get information for homework assignments, not that her lectures were super important but they were our only source of information besides the readings she gave us. These readings however were unreasonable in length- she would often give 50-80 pages of readings per lecture (lecture was twice a week) and it was very difficult keeping up with these readings every week. The only helpful aspect was that she made us submit notes which helped me to digest the readings though, this was difficult as well since she only wanted a short 3 point summary, 3 key terms, and 3 artworks. Honestly this assignment lost meaning since towards the end I just could not keep up and was only skimming through the readings and writing any 3 points that were not necessarily “key” points. Being part of a class GroupMe chat, I can also guarantee that almost no one actually understood what was important and did the full readings. There was simply too much information per reading and I could not tell what was truly important since it was just not possible for me to remember all of the information. There were two papers for this class as well, both of which seemed very irrelevant and unnecessary to what we were learning. One was about the sensory experience of visiting a mosque and the other was about being a medieval monk. First of all, she never mentioned monks in any of the lectures and suddenly expected us to be a professional about how these monks lived. I had immense difficulty putting myself in the shoes of a monk and she gave us absolutely no resources to complete this paper. Her instructions were extremely vague and provided no guidance for this very odd assignment. Next, her exams, both the midterm and the final, were even more unreasonable and unfair to students who had such little resources or support from this professor. She gave us 50+ artworks to memorize how they looked, their dates, patrons, location, and be able to write a page worth about it. Despite making us remember SO MUCH information for this exam, she only asked us FIVE out of these OVER FIFTY works she asked us to memorize. While she gave us a “bonus question” she was otherwise very strict and gave no leeway for the exam and was not reassuring or supportive of our success. I truly do not think she cared about students as she was super dismissive of student concerns and questions and I personally did not feel confident asking her any questions and the only way I was able to get through this class was because I had a good TA who was very understanding and made students feel supported during this difficult time of taking Horvat’s class. As a GE this class should not be at such an unreasonable level, this class felt like an upperdiv course despite a majority of the class not being art majors or even having any interest in this subject. If I had ANY interest in art history, it is all gone. Truly the worst GE I could have taken.
tldr- don’t take this class as a ge :)


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 29, 2024

DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR FOR AN ART HISTORY GE! We are given weekly lecture readings AND section notes to submit for participation. Two papers are given, but have no structure/ instruction to them whatsoever -- one was about the Hagia Sophia, and you are expected to use architectural/ art terms to describe the building. The second paper was about being a monk. The papers were given little to no instruction and was expected to know how to do them on my own.

The professor is also HORRIBLE at explaining content. She drinks water every 30 seconds and says "um" a lot. She offers no lecture recordings and her slide content is only pictures with NO WORDS. As for the midterm, she was very unrealistic and unfair. We were given a study guide to memorize 50 buildings/ art pieces, vocab, and historical facts, but were only tested on 5 of each...

This class is a very difficult GE, and some would say is a lot harder than an upper-division art history course. The only reason I survived was through my TA.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 20, 2024

I have no kind words to say about this class. I have taken many art history classes in the past but none have been nearly as bad as this. The lectures are so disorganized and disengaging it almost seems pointless to attend. They aren't recorded and there are also no notes posted so there is no way to gage what information you may have missed or should focus on for tests. The tests themselves are a joke. It is all memorization for an obnoxious and unnecessary amount of sites which you have barely any information about. You also have to turn in reading notes to your TA each week for about 40-80 pages of reading per week. This class was the hardest and most stressful class I took this year AND I'M NOT EVEN A ART HISTORY MAJOR.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
March 16, 2024

awful awful awful class
i'm sure you've seen everything, but mostly the problem is that the content is disorganized and hard to follow as there is a LOT that she goes over and its very generalized, more facts to know as opposed to teaching any visual analysis or way to recognize what you're looking at. there's no detail, no real attention or interest in the work from the professor, and she seemed to be disinterested in teaching. section is really your saving grace.
you do need to study pretty strong for the midterm and final, and the writing projects came seemingly out of the air. TAs were the only saving grace because they didn't even know what was going on.
if you want to be interested in medieval art and not super stressed about a grade, don't bother. but, if you can power through, all assignments could be done the night before (with a little editing day of), and just study pretty early on

tldr: not the easiest GE, but if you have a relaxed course-load, like to write, and need something to stress over / focus on, this could be ok for you


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 14, 2024

Pros: If you are interested in art, history, or religion, this is could be interesting to you. I definitely have a better understanding of what the Medieval period actually was so that's cool. The homework is sometimes a lot of reading but the notes are pretty doable. Discussion was more interesting because you get to go more in depth on some topics.
Cons: There is a lot of art to memorize and a lot of it looks very similar which can be confusing. The professor rarely puts information on the slides and it can be hard to tell what she is saying sometimes, especially because there are many words and names in other languages. Your grade could depend on your TA because some of them graded much more harshly than others. The tests are fairly difficult unless you memorize all of the art and its significance. If you are looking for an easy GE, this may not be what you're looking for.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 14, 2024

Her lectures were incredibly disorganized: the material was not chronological, and she tended to jump back and forth through different centuries, empires, rulers, etc without a clear connection between them. She also jumped abruptly from artwork to building to ruler to empire, etc. Despite all of this Professor Horvat expected that we would know all of the material mentioned or described in seconds during the lecture, even while mixed in with different centuries, rulers, etc. Therefore, this class was incredibly confusing, with a huge workload, and a professor that is not very approachable.

While I did get a good grade on the midterm, the average for my section was 62% with no expected curve. It took me over a week of constant studying to do well on the midterm, having to neglect other classes (this is meant to be a GE). She was a difficult professor and structured her classes in a completely incomprehensible manner, and unfortunately it has deterred me from considering further art history classes (especially on medieval concepts).


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 14, 2024

No. I took this as an ge bc my major classes were closed. I was skeptical bc she had no bruinwalk reviews when I enrolled and my skepticism was right. Every lecture with this professor seemed very unorganized and unprepared and the slides she would provide were very useless. They only included images with little to no text which made it difficult to understand her key points. It felt like she was just talking about whatever she felt like and she said “um” too many times and continually paused during lectures as if she was trying to make up more insignificant stuff to stay. She also did not record any of these lectures so it was impossible to go back to them to study for the exams or get information for homework assignments, not that her lectures were super important but they were our only source of information besides the readings she gave us. These readings however were unreasonable in length- she would often give 50-80 pages of readings per lecture (lecture was twice a week) and it was very difficult keeping up with these readings every week. The only helpful aspect was that she made us submit notes which helped me to digest the readings though, this was difficult as well since she only wanted a short 3 point summary, 3 key terms, and 3 artworks. Honestly this assignment lost meaning since towards the end I just could not keep up and was only skimming through the readings and writing any 3 points that were not necessarily “key” points. Being part of a class GroupMe chat, I can also guarantee that almost no one actually understood what was important and did the full readings. There was simply too much information per reading and I could not tell what was truly important since it was just not possible for me to remember all of the information. There were two papers for this class as well, both of which seemed very irrelevant and unnecessary to what we were learning. One was about the sensory experience of visiting a mosque and the other was about being a medieval monk. First of all, she never mentioned monks in any of the lectures and suddenly expected us to be a professional about how these monks lived. I had immense difficulty putting myself in the shoes of a monk and she gave us absolutely no resources to complete this paper. Her instructions were extremely vague and provided no guidance for this very odd assignment. Next, her exams, both the midterm and the final, were even more unreasonable and unfair to students who had such little resources or support from this professor. She gave us 50+ artworks to memorize how they looked, their dates, patrons, location, and be able to write a page worth about it. Despite making us remember SO MUCH information for this exam, she only asked us FIVE out of these OVER FIFTY works she asked us to memorize. While she gave us a “bonus question” she was otherwise very strict and gave no leeway for the exam and was not reassuring or supportive of our success. I truly do not think she cared about students as she was super dismissive of student concerns and questions and I personally did not feel confident asking her any questions and the only way I was able to get through this class was because I had a good TA who was very understanding and made students feel supported during this difficult time of taking Horvat’s class. As a GE this class should not be at such an unreasonable level, this class felt like an upperdiv course despite a majority of the class not being art majors or even having any interest in this subject. If I had ANY interest in art history, it is all gone. Truly the worst GE I could have taken.
tldr- don’t take this class as a ge :)


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
Feb. 29, 2024

DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR FOR AN ART HISTORY GE! We are given weekly lecture readings AND section notes to submit for participation. Two papers are given, but have no structure/ instruction to them whatsoever -- one was about the Hagia Sophia, and you are expected to use architectural/ art terms to describe the building. The second paper was about being a monk. The papers were given little to no instruction and was expected to know how to do them on my own.

The professor is also HORRIBLE at explaining content. She drinks water every 30 seconds and says "um" a lot. She offers no lecture recordings and her slide content is only pictures with NO WORDS. As for the midterm, she was very unrealistic and unfair. We were given a study guide to memorize 50 buildings/ art pieces, vocab, and historical facts, but were only tested on 5 of each...

This class is a very difficult GE, and some would say is a lot harder than an upper-division art history course. The only reason I survived was through my TA.


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2 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.5 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 1.7 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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