
Felipe Goncalves

Overall Ratings
Based on 33 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (33)

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March 13, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Professor Goncalves is a super awesome professor in the Econ department. He does a great job of explaining the material, and is quite clear in lecture. He posts his lecture notes along with the slides, so it makes it easy to review if you missed anything. The class material can definitely be tricky at first, especially since students who haven't taken Math 32A will have to quite a bit of multivariate calculus. However, the class does get easier as you go and get more familiar with the material. He's really helpful in office hours too. I also took his seminar course, where we read academic papers on the economics of crime and policing and discussed them. This was super fun, and it was really awesome to discuss these topics with him, since he's literally an expert in that field. The midterms weren't terrible, but the averages were somewhat low, with the first having an average of 75 and second 65 (medians were 80 and 70). If you studied and paid attention in lecture, it wasn't terrible. Overall a really cool guy, and great professor too.


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April 2, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C+

I retook this class after failing it the quarter before under Mazzocco. Goncalves is a nice guy who reads off the slides as well as switches off to digital notes. I agree with the other commenter that he does not provide enough relevant extra practice material -- but I will say to definitely study the questions he gives on the practice tests because they end up reappearing on another midterm or even the final. Study early and often. He did apply a good curve (failed all the exams but still passed the class). If one midterm is higher than the other, then he drops the lowest midterm. If you do worse on the final than on both midterms, he weighs them all. Homework is 10% of the grade.
For me, retaking was enough to make me realize that UCLA Econ is merely applied math and isn't as interdisciplinary as I thought it was; I'm switching to Cognitive Science.


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June 28, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+

This is a weeder class and the department does not try hiding that fact at all—you need to embrace the difficult reality and just deal with it when taking this class, especially because it's impacted. Professor Goncalves isn't a bad teacher, but he isn't great either; he'll teach the basic concepts but you will have to supplement his lectures heavily through practice problems. Your grade will end up being dependent on how many practice problems you did prior to the two midterms and the final, all of which are not easy at all (expect averages of 50% and 70%). There are also a few homework assignments, but they only make up 10% of the grade. For a weeder, though, this class is at least reasonable and very possible to do well in.


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April 1, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Professor Goncalves generally presents course material with clarity, although there may be occasions where his proofs or explanations are confusing. Fortunately, he always provides practice problems in class to help solidify our understanding. The midterms for this quarter become progressively more challenging, and the limited time provided during the exam can be difficult. However, this course offers ample resources for you to succeed, including a bunch of past midterms and finals with solutions to practice before the final exam. Additionally, the TA Jack Sitarski is the GOAT: he recorded two hour-long review sessions where he went over each multiple choice question from a past midterm step-by-step. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 12, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

Professor Goncalves was great!!! He gave so many opportunities for us to ask questions and really nail in the material. He gives so many resources like practice tests to test your knowledge before the exam, so there really is no way to under prepare for his exams. The exams were fair, and never beyond what he lectured. Take this class with Goncalves!!! The material will be naturally difficult at first but I can't think of any other better professor to take it with. Also, I highly recommend Goncalves' honor seminar on crime and policing. Such cool stuff and very relevant to today.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 15, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Since this was my first econ class at UCLA (I got credit for Econ 1 and 2 from high school) and it was a difficult class I felt that I struggled a bit more than if I had taken Econ 1 and 2 before this. I knew it was a weeder class going in and the difficulty was expected but I felt that my TAs (I attended Victoria's sessions and Akina was my original TA - I changed due to timezone issues) were both incredibly responsive and helpful. Additionally, Professor Goncalves was helpful and hosted Q&A sessions but due to timezone issues and the timings of my other classes, I could only attend one. I think that Professor Gonclaves could've potentially just had live classes and then posted the recordings of those instead of posting lectures and separately hosting Q&As during class time, but of course, this is more applicable due to COVID. I found that he was a good professor and he definitely took feedback well (midterm 2 was easier than midterm 1 and I felt the final was also a good level of difficulty - especially for an open-notes test). However, sometimes I felt that it took me a while to understand the content because he explained it in a very roundabout way. Other than that, I'd say this class was reasonable given the known difficulty of econ 11.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Professor Goncalves is really helpful, accommodating, and cares a lot about students' learning. He really devoted a huge amount of time and efforts into teaching this class with pre-recorded lectures, two Q&A sessions each week at the scheduled lecture time, and lots of office hours. His lectures and Q&A sessions effectively introduce key concepts and examples and have clear focus on what will be tested on the exams. In a difficult quarter when it's hard to fully focus on classwork, he accommodated a lot by providing multiple grading schemes and making the exams straightforward. In future regular quarters, I would expect his exams to be harder but still manageable, as he gives tons of practice exams and goes over tons of example problems that really consolidate almost everything learned in this course. Regarding this class itself, I would say it's easier than I thought before taking it. I would say this class focuses more on applying quantitative tools and linking economic concepts with quantitative interpretations. I didn't take Econ 1 and 2 here at UCLA, but I feel this class did not add that much to the theoretical background I learned from my high school Econ 1 and 2 equivalent. Although Math 32A is not a pre-requisite for this class, I would recommend taking it before or together with Econ 11. Still, Professor Goncalves explains knowledge related to Math 32A well so there's no worries. Overall, I would highly recommend taking Econ11 with Professor Goncalves.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 30, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Professor Goncalves was the best professor I've had at UCLA! I was scared to take this class because I had heard it was difficult, but Professor Goncalves explained everything very clearly and prepared us for the tests very well. I took this class while it was online because of COVID-19, so the lectures were pre-recorded videos, while the actual lecture time was used to do practice problems and give us time to ask questions. We had weekly homework assignments, which were super helpful and reflected what we had been learning in class. He gave us multiple practice exams before each midterm and the final, which were extremely similar to the real tests. Professor Goncalves was extremely kind and helpful during office hours and during Q&A sessions. I would highly recommend this professor!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 12, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Absolutely love Prof. Goncalves! I took his class online, and he was excellent at clearly explaining all the concepts. He provides a crazy amount of practice material for the exams, so there's not really anything they can throw at you that'll surprise you. In addition, he was extremely helpful in office hours. Having a good TA helps as well, I had Barone, she's great! There's weekly homework assignments that account for 20%, 2 midterms (each 20%), and a final (40%). He was also fairly lenient in terms of changing up the grading structure to give you the best possible grade. Overall, Goncalves is a great option for Econ 11, especially because a lot of students find the subject matter challenging.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 16, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-

Goncalves is truly the BEST professor I have ever had at UCLA. His lectures are engaging and straightforward; he doesn't waste time explaining concepts you don't need to know. His problem sets can be a bit tedious in the beginning, but you get a long time to work on them and they're insanely helpful for the exams. His exams are super fair and align exactly with what he teaches; most people say Econ 11 is a pain but this was by far my favorite class I've ever taken in the major. I would 100% take any other class with Goncalves given the opportunity; he really cares about his students learning and office hours were super helpful as well.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 13, 2023

Professor Goncalves is a super awesome professor in the Econ department. He does a great job of explaining the material, and is quite clear in lecture. He posts his lecture notes along with the slides, so it makes it easy to review if you missed anything. The class material can definitely be tricky at first, especially since students who haven't taken Math 32A will have to quite a bit of multivariate calculus. However, the class does get easier as you go and get more familiar with the material. He's really helpful in office hours too. I also took his seminar course, where we read academic papers on the economics of crime and policing and discussed them. This was super fun, and it was really awesome to discuss these topics with him, since he's literally an expert in that field. The midterms weren't terrible, but the averages were somewhat low, with the first having an average of 75 and second 65 (medians were 80 and 70). If you studied and paid attention in lecture, it wasn't terrible. Overall a really cool guy, and great professor too.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C+
April 2, 2023

I retook this class after failing it the quarter before under Mazzocco. Goncalves is a nice guy who reads off the slides as well as switches off to digital notes. I agree with the other commenter that he does not provide enough relevant extra practice material -- but I will say to definitely study the questions he gives on the practice tests because they end up reappearing on another midterm or even the final. Study early and often. He did apply a good curve (failed all the exams but still passed the class). If one midterm is higher than the other, then he drops the lowest midterm. If you do worse on the final than on both midterms, he weighs them all. Homework is 10% of the grade.
For me, retaking was enough to make me realize that UCLA Econ is merely applied math and isn't as interdisciplinary as I thought it was; I'm switching to Cognitive Science.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
June 28, 2024

This is a weeder class and the department does not try hiding that fact at all—you need to embrace the difficult reality and just deal with it when taking this class, especially because it's impacted. Professor Goncalves isn't a bad teacher, but he isn't great either; he'll teach the basic concepts but you will have to supplement his lectures heavily through practice problems. Your grade will end up being dependent on how many practice problems you did prior to the two midterms and the final, all of which are not easy at all (expect averages of 50% and 70%). There are also a few homework assignments, but they only make up 10% of the grade. For a weeder, though, this class is at least reasonable and very possible to do well in.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 1, 2023

Professor Goncalves generally presents course material with clarity, although there may be occasions where his proofs or explanations are confusing. Fortunately, he always provides practice problems in class to help solidify our understanding. The midterms for this quarter become progressively more challenging, and the limited time provided during the exam can be difficult. However, this course offers ample resources for you to succeed, including a bunch of past midterms and finals with solutions to practice before the final exam. Additionally, the TA Jack Sitarski is the GOAT: he recorded two hour-long review sessions where he went over each multiple choice question from a past midterm step-by-step. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
June 12, 2021

Professor Goncalves was great!!! He gave so many opportunities for us to ask questions and really nail in the material. He gives so many resources like practice tests to test your knowledge before the exam, so there really is no way to under prepare for his exams. The exams were fair, and never beyond what he lectured. Take this class with Goncalves!!! The material will be naturally difficult at first but I can't think of any other better professor to take it with. Also, I highly recommend Goncalves' honor seminar on crime and policing. Such cool stuff and very relevant to today.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 15, 2020

Since this was my first econ class at UCLA (I got credit for Econ 1 and 2 from high school) and it was a difficult class I felt that I struggled a bit more than if I had taken Econ 1 and 2 before this. I knew it was a weeder class going in and the difficulty was expected but I felt that my TAs (I attended Victoria's sessions and Akina was my original TA - I changed due to timezone issues) were both incredibly responsive and helpful. Additionally, Professor Goncalves was helpful and hosted Q&A sessions but due to timezone issues and the timings of my other classes, I could only attend one. I think that Professor Gonclaves could've potentially just had live classes and then posted the recordings of those instead of posting lectures and separately hosting Q&As during class time, but of course, this is more applicable due to COVID. I found that he was a good professor and he definitely took feedback well (midterm 2 was easier than midterm 1 and I felt the final was also a good level of difficulty - especially for an open-notes test). However, sometimes I felt that it took me a while to understand the content because he explained it in a very roundabout way. Other than that, I'd say this class was reasonable given the known difficulty of econ 11.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 22, 2020

Professor Goncalves is really helpful, accommodating, and cares a lot about students' learning. He really devoted a huge amount of time and efforts into teaching this class with pre-recorded lectures, two Q&A sessions each week at the scheduled lecture time, and lots of office hours. His lectures and Q&A sessions effectively introduce key concepts and examples and have clear focus on what will be tested on the exams. In a difficult quarter when it's hard to fully focus on classwork, he accommodated a lot by providing multiple grading schemes and making the exams straightforward. In future regular quarters, I would expect his exams to be harder but still manageable, as he gives tons of practice exams and goes over tons of example problems that really consolidate almost everything learned in this course. Regarding this class itself, I would say it's easier than I thought before taking it. I would say this class focuses more on applying quantitative tools and linking economic concepts with quantitative interpretations. I didn't take Econ 1 and 2 here at UCLA, but I feel this class did not add that much to the theoretical background I learned from my high school Econ 1 and 2 equivalent. Although Math 32A is not a pre-requisite for this class, I would recommend taking it before or together with Econ 11. Still, Professor Goncalves explains knowledge related to Math 32A well so there's no worries. Overall, I would highly recommend taking Econ11 with Professor Goncalves.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 30, 2020

Professor Goncalves was the best professor I've had at UCLA! I was scared to take this class because I had heard it was difficult, but Professor Goncalves explained everything very clearly and prepared us for the tests very well. I took this class while it was online because of COVID-19, so the lectures were pre-recorded videos, while the actual lecture time was used to do practice problems and give us time to ask questions. We had weekly homework assignments, which were super helpful and reflected what we had been learning in class. He gave us multiple practice exams before each midterm and the final, which were extremely similar to the real tests. Professor Goncalves was extremely kind and helpful during office hours and during Q&A sessions. I would highly recommend this professor!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
Nov. 12, 2020

Absolutely love Prof. Goncalves! I took his class online, and he was excellent at clearly explaining all the concepts. He provides a crazy amount of practice material for the exams, so there's not really anything they can throw at you that'll surprise you. In addition, he was extremely helpful in office hours. Having a good TA helps as well, I had Barone, she's great! There's weekly homework assignments that account for 20%, 2 midterms (each 20%), and a final (40%). He was also fairly lenient in terms of changing up the grading structure to give you the best possible grade. Overall, Goncalves is a great option for Econ 11, especially because a lot of students find the subject matter challenging.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-
Nov. 16, 2020

Goncalves is truly the BEST professor I have ever had at UCLA. His lectures are engaging and straightforward; he doesn't waste time explaining concepts you don't need to know. His problem sets can be a bit tedious in the beginning, but you get a long time to work on them and they're insanely helpful for the exams. His exams are super fair and align exactly with what he teaches; most people say Econ 11 is a pain but this was by far my favorite class I've ever taken in the major. I would 100% take any other class with Goncalves given the opportunity; he really cares about his students learning and office hours were super helpful as well.


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