Eric Wu
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 7 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 5.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Engaging Lectures

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (7)

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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: NR
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 13, 2024

Eric is by far the best professor I’ve had at UCLA thus far (I’m a rising senior). I was initially very nervous to take this class because, well, it’s quantum mechanics, but I’ve never been so pleasantly surprised. The material itself is hard, but Eric knows how to explain it in a way that you’ll understand. His lecture notes are crystal clear and always uploaded before class, he provides stacks of practice midterms and finals so you’ll know what to expect from exams, and he’s overall just such a kind and caring guy. I took his class during the Palestine protests on campus and he was extremely accommodating (moved our midterm and assignment due dates back) while also making sure to check in with us in light of the situation and ensure that we were all okay, something that none of my other STEM professors did. Exams were very fair considering the abundance of practice problems Eric provides, and he always made them short enough that we would finish on/before the allotted time. At our final, he stopped by with coffee and snacks for us, something I’m sure came out of his own pocket. I would recommend him as a professor to anyone - even if you’re scared to take quantum mechanics!!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 11, 2024

Favorite professor I've ever had at UCLA!! He's super nice and chill, explains things really clearly, and he's so helpful. He lets you email him if you're ever confused about anything and responds within 2 hours even on weekends usually. The tests aren't too hard either, and hw is graded off completion


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 20, 2024

Professor Wu is the best professor by far I have had at UCLA!! He makes lectures fun, and he does a wonderful job at keeping us engaged. He explains things just the right amount that you get it but not too much that you lose interest. Plus he is super accommodating and makes his expectations very clear. Definitely visit his office hours! He makes all the physics and math classes we've endured worth it!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 6, 2024

Take this class. Eric is the BEST professor I've ever had. I don't think anyone will ever come close. Not only that, he is also an amazing person.

Overall, the topics in this class are conceptually pretty difficult. It is an introductory Quantum Mechanics class that expands on the quantum concepts you may have briefly covered in 20A. There is not a crazy amount of math involved, but solid understanding of integrals and differentiation would be extremely helpful.

Eric is amazing at breaking down concepts in an understandable manner. He makes concepts that are otherwise extremely difficult very understandable and intuitive. He is able to explain concepts through intuition, or if you would prefer, through mathematical derivations. He understands the concepts so well and on such a deep-level its actually so inspiring and amazing. The way he is able to articulate it is also crazy. More than that, he is able to connect the concepts learned to real-life applications in such a fun and satisfying manner. This class will probably end up being the most influential class I've taken at UCLA in terms of figuring out my major and research interests.

I went to tons of office hours to ask Eric for help with homework and concepts that I struggled with in class, and he was so patient and willing to help. He was so willing to take the time to re-explain concepts I may have missed in class. More than that, he offers lots good advice on classes and topics to take.

I'm currently taking a few classes where there are some quantum concepts being covered, and if I didn't take this class, I would've been so lost. Eric is so good at providing big-picture explanations to physics concepts that are actually really helping me in a lot of my current classes.

In terms of easiness, I don't think it was an "easy" class. However, Eric is just such a phenomenal teacher it makes this class much more approachable and interesting. I hope Eric gets a permanent position here at UCLA, because his dedication to student learning and commitment to his own research is just something I've never encountered before.

And Diego our TA. The BEST TA I've ever had. He supplements Eric's lectures so DAMN well. While Eric provides very good intuition and big-picture understanding for concepts, Diego provides the mathematical derivations and basis for the concepts. Diego is also just such an approachable and funny guy. It is clear that Diego knows his concepts SUPER fricking well too. He expands further on the concepts Eric taught while giving really funny examples, such as throwing a baseball through a slit at his grandma. He made discussions very lively and fun while also being very helpful for the HW questions.

Overall, 10/10 class. Thank you Eric and Diego.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 6, 2024

If there is a characteristic about a good professor that you can think about, Eric has that characteristic. The class is set up so that you are given all the resources you can possibly ask for, so it all comes down to how much effort you can put in the class. To study, I just did all 4 past exams that he gave out (for each exam) and that was enough, along with keeping up with the homework.

If you can get Diego as your TA, he is awesome and will make the subject even more interesting while also answering your questions about any topic.

Averages for each exam: MT1: 82, MT2: 79, Final: 91 (and the final could replace one of our midterm scores)


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 1, 2024

Eric is the true MVP of my entire undergrad. His lecture notes are detailed and filled out so you can focus on understanding the physics and very well paced. He is very understanding and supportive when students are facing certain challenges (providing hw extension if you ask honestly) and/or struggling with certain concepts. This is THE class where putting in effort has direct correlation to your grade. Our TA, Diego, is awesome and provided strategies to tackle the hw problems. Take advantage of their OH and these tips below.

This quarter, lectures are not recorded (classroom didn't have an option), but he provided past recordings. Each week contains a weekly hw based on completion and a open-note/no time limit quiz. Don't be too worried about the 2 midterms and final; The exams are fair especially since he gives you old exams. 1/3 of it is concept questions while the rest is solving questions but they’re not too difficult. He also offers 1-2% extra credit if you just fill out a survey and replaces your lowest midterm if you do better on the final. I also recommend his exam review sessions, doing the optional problems, and working every prior midterm ahead of time, since you'll see very similar questions (and strategies tackling it) on the exam and hw. Make sure you're confident on the conceptual parts and setting up the problems. Lastly, I highly recommend writing the notes on your notebook ahead of time so you can focus on the physics itself.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 8, 2024

On word-of-mouth alone, I heard Eric was a great professor and experiencing his teachings myself exceeded those expectations. He really is an amazing professor who is very understanding of what students need and teaches quantum (a subject that sounds scary) in a very digestible matter. His notes are so clear & color coded; quite literally the best I’ve seen. He never makes you feel dumb about any questions especially in office hours (which are so helpful!! he expects that students have trouble with math and is always willing to explain it)
As for the lecture format, lectures are recorded, weekly problems based on completion, a weekly open-note/no time limit quiz, and 2 midterms + a final. The exams were completely fair especially since he gives you old exams to practice with. 1/3 of it is concept questions while the rest is solving questions but they’re never that difficult. He also offers 1-2% extra credit if you just fill out a survey and replaces your lowest midterm if you do better on the final. I’d also absolutely recommend his exam review sessions because he gives a great summary for the unit and kinda hints at what he expects. Exam tips would be knowing key words for concept questions and just knowing how to set up the problem solving questions.
Overall, a great professor for a class I once scared of but found to be quite interesting!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: NR
June 13, 2024

Eric is by far the best professor I’ve had at UCLA thus far (I’m a rising senior). I was initially very nervous to take this class because, well, it’s quantum mechanics, but I’ve never been so pleasantly surprised. The material itself is hard, but Eric knows how to explain it in a way that you’ll understand. His lecture notes are crystal clear and always uploaded before class, he provides stacks of practice midterms and finals so you’ll know what to expect from exams, and he’s overall just such a kind and caring guy. I took his class during the Palestine protests on campus and he was extremely accommodating (moved our midterm and assignment due dates back) while also making sure to check in with us in light of the situation and ensure that we were all okay, something that none of my other STEM professors did. Exams were very fair considering the abundance of practice problems Eric provides, and he always made them short enough that we would finish on/before the allotted time. At our final, he stopped by with coffee and snacks for us, something I’m sure came out of his own pocket. I would recommend him as a professor to anyone - even if you’re scared to take quantum mechanics!!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2024

Favorite professor I've ever had at UCLA!! He's super nice and chill, explains things really clearly, and he's so helpful. He lets you email him if you're ever confused about anything and responds within 2 hours even on weekends usually. The tests aren't too hard either, and hw is graded off completion


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
April 20, 2024

Professor Wu is the best professor by far I have had at UCLA!! He makes lectures fun, and he does a wonderful job at keeping us engaged. He explains things just the right amount that you get it but not too much that you lose interest. Plus he is super accommodating and makes his expectations very clear. Definitely visit his office hours! He makes all the physics and math classes we've endured worth it!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 6, 2024

Take this class. Eric is the BEST professor I've ever had. I don't think anyone will ever come close. Not only that, he is also an amazing person.

Overall, the topics in this class are conceptually pretty difficult. It is an introductory Quantum Mechanics class that expands on the quantum concepts you may have briefly covered in 20A. There is not a crazy amount of math involved, but solid understanding of integrals and differentiation would be extremely helpful.

Eric is amazing at breaking down concepts in an understandable manner. He makes concepts that are otherwise extremely difficult very understandable and intuitive. He is able to explain concepts through intuition, or if you would prefer, through mathematical derivations. He understands the concepts so well and on such a deep-level its actually so inspiring and amazing. The way he is able to articulate it is also crazy. More than that, he is able to connect the concepts learned to real-life applications in such a fun and satisfying manner. This class will probably end up being the most influential class I've taken at UCLA in terms of figuring out my major and research interests.

I went to tons of office hours to ask Eric for help with homework and concepts that I struggled with in class, and he was so patient and willing to help. He was so willing to take the time to re-explain concepts I may have missed in class. More than that, he offers lots good advice on classes and topics to take.

I'm currently taking a few classes where there are some quantum concepts being covered, and if I didn't take this class, I would've been so lost. Eric is so good at providing big-picture explanations to physics concepts that are actually really helping me in a lot of my current classes.

In terms of easiness, I don't think it was an "easy" class. However, Eric is just such a phenomenal teacher it makes this class much more approachable and interesting. I hope Eric gets a permanent position here at UCLA, because his dedication to student learning and commitment to his own research is just something I've never encountered before.

And Diego our TA. The BEST TA I've ever had. He supplements Eric's lectures so DAMN well. While Eric provides very good intuition and big-picture understanding for concepts, Diego provides the mathematical derivations and basis for the concepts. Diego is also just such an approachable and funny guy. It is clear that Diego knows his concepts SUPER fricking well too. He expands further on the concepts Eric taught while giving really funny examples, such as throwing a baseball through a slit at his grandma. He made discussions very lively and fun while also being very helpful for the HW questions.

Overall, 10/10 class. Thank you Eric and Diego.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 6, 2024

If there is a characteristic about a good professor that you can think about, Eric has that characteristic. The class is set up so that you are given all the resources you can possibly ask for, so it all comes down to how much effort you can put in the class. To study, I just did all 4 past exams that he gave out (for each exam) and that was enough, along with keeping up with the homework.

If you can get Diego as your TA, he is awesome and will make the subject even more interesting while also answering your questions about any topic.

Averages for each exam: MT1: 82, MT2: 79, Final: 91 (and the final could replace one of our midterm scores)


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
April 1, 2024

Eric is the true MVP of my entire undergrad. His lecture notes are detailed and filled out so you can focus on understanding the physics and very well paced. He is very understanding and supportive when students are facing certain challenges (providing hw extension if you ask honestly) and/or struggling with certain concepts. This is THE class where putting in effort has direct correlation to your grade. Our TA, Diego, is awesome and provided strategies to tackle the hw problems. Take advantage of their OH and these tips below.

This quarter, lectures are not recorded (classroom didn't have an option), but he provided past recordings. Each week contains a weekly hw based on completion and a open-note/no time limit quiz. Don't be too worried about the 2 midterms and final; The exams are fair especially since he gives you old exams. 1/3 of it is concept questions while the rest is solving questions but they’re not too difficult. He also offers 1-2% extra credit if you just fill out a survey and replaces your lowest midterm if you do better on the final. I also recommend his exam review sessions, doing the optional problems, and working every prior midterm ahead of time, since you'll see very similar questions (and strategies tackling it) on the exam and hw. Make sure you're confident on the conceptual parts and setting up the problems. Lastly, I highly recommend writing the notes on your notebook ahead of time so you can focus on the physics itself.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 8, 2024

On word-of-mouth alone, I heard Eric was a great professor and experiencing his teachings myself exceeded those expectations. He really is an amazing professor who is very understanding of what students need and teaches quantum (a subject that sounds scary) in a very digestible matter. His notes are so clear & color coded; quite literally the best I’ve seen. He never makes you feel dumb about any questions especially in office hours (which are so helpful!! he expects that students have trouble with math and is always willing to explain it)
As for the lecture format, lectures are recorded, weekly problems based on completion, a weekly open-note/no time limit quiz, and 2 midterms + a final. The exams were completely fair especially since he gives you old exams to practice with. 1/3 of it is concept questions while the rest is solving questions but they’re never that difficult. He also offers 1-2% extra credit if you just fill out a survey and replaces your lowest midterm if you do better on the final. I’d also absolutely recommend his exam review sessions because he gives a great summary for the unit and kinda hints at what he expects. Exam tips would be knowing key words for concept questions and just knowing how to set up the problem solving questions.
Overall, a great professor for a class I once scared of but found to be quite interesting!


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1 of 1
Overall Rating
Based on 7 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 5.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Engaging Lectures

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