Ellen DuBois
Most Helpful Review
Prof. Dubois was a great professor. She's one of the best professor i've had at UCLA. She shows concern for the student's learning. She even came to discussion and sat through the whole thing, making sure we were grasping the material. She shows an outline of what each lecture is about and goes through the outline. She is very organized in her lectures - showing slides as she lectures, providing an excellent way to have good mental picture of what she is talking about. DuBois makes history very very interesting. She tells history like its supposed to be - a story. The lectures are very easy to follow and DuBois effectively lectures in way to understand history from different aspects. You can tell that she's very knowledgable and enthusiastic about the subject. The midterm and final weren't too difficult. the lectures are basically of what is covered in the textbooks, not to mention the textbooks are easy to read and not boring. i would definitely take another class that is taught by DuBois.
Prof. Dubois was a great professor. She's one of the best professor i've had at UCLA. She shows concern for the student's learning. She even came to discussion and sat through the whole thing, making sure we were grasping the material. She shows an outline of what each lecture is about and goes through the outline. She is very organized in her lectures - showing slides as she lectures, providing an excellent way to have good mental picture of what she is talking about. DuBois makes history very very interesting. She tells history like its supposed to be - a story. The lectures are very easy to follow and DuBois effectively lectures in way to understand history from different aspects. You can tell that she's very knowledgable and enthusiastic about the subject. The midterm and final weren't too difficult. the lectures are basically of what is covered in the textbooks, not to mention the textbooks are easy to read and not boring. i would definitely take another class that is taught by DuBois.
Most Helpful Review
Professor DuBois wants you to do well in her class... She practically gives you the information you need to excel!! Although the material depth and breadth was amazing for such a short period of time, I learned a lot... There was a midterm that she gave us all the IDs for before the test (she gave us something like 30 terms, and then gave us something like 10 options on the test, and all 10 were from the study guide), an article critique, a group presentation, and a term paper. You can skip class after the midterm and still get an A as long as you know how to write a paper. Overall, the second half of the class has no relevance to the grade, I skipped all of it except for the last couple of days and still got my A...
Professor DuBois wants you to do well in her class... She practically gives you the information you need to excel!! Although the material depth and breadth was amazing for such a short period of time, I learned a lot... There was a midterm that she gave us all the IDs for before the test (she gave us something like 30 terms, and then gave us something like 10 options on the test, and all 10 were from the study guide), an article critique, a group presentation, and a term paper. You can skip class after the midterm and still get an A as long as you know how to write a paper. Overall, the second half of the class has no relevance to the grade, I skipped all of it except for the last couple of days and still got my A...
Most Helpful Review
I absolutely love Professor Dubois. She is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she is teaching. Granted, I had her for M147D (History of Women in the U.S.) which is her specialty, so I can only speak for her with regards to this class. She is like your quirky, hip grandmother who's very frank and says the most hilarious things. Reading these, I've seen the most common complaints are her lectures. Many of these people are correct: her powerpoints are not very helpful to note taking, because they are mostly images. However, her lecture itself is actually pretty easy to take notes from, as she has a very organized outline in front of her and she doesn't talk very fast. I didn't find her lectures boring in the slightest, but 1) I am interested in Women's History and 2) SHE is super passionate about it, which makes the whole thing much more interesting. This could (potentially) be different in her other courses or if you aren't interested in the subject material at all. I wrote both of the short papers (10% each) and the midterm essay the morning of, and got an A- on all three. (So if you put in just a little bit more work on them, the A shouldn't be that difficult). The textbook is interesting, and it's not entirely necessary to read every chapter because the lectures are very thorough. LOVE LOVE LOVE her, super recommend, if you're at all interested in women's issues or history, or need an extra upperdivision that isn't too much work or reading at all, this class is awesome and super rewarding.
I absolutely love Professor Dubois. She is so knowledgeable and passionate about what she is teaching. Granted, I had her for M147D (History of Women in the U.S.) which is her specialty, so I can only speak for her with regards to this class. She is like your quirky, hip grandmother who's very frank and says the most hilarious things. Reading these, I've seen the most common complaints are her lectures. Many of these people are correct: her powerpoints are not very helpful to note taking, because they are mostly images. However, her lecture itself is actually pretty easy to take notes from, as she has a very organized outline in front of her and she doesn't talk very fast. I didn't find her lectures boring in the slightest, but 1) I am interested in Women's History and 2) SHE is super passionate about it, which makes the whole thing much more interesting. This could (potentially) be different in her other courses or if you aren't interested in the subject material at all. I wrote both of the short papers (10% each) and the midterm essay the morning of, and got an A- on all three. (So if you put in just a little bit more work on them, the A shouldn't be that difficult). The textbook is interesting, and it's not entirely necessary to read every chapter because the lectures are very thorough. LOVE LOVE LOVE her, super recommend, if you're at all interested in women's issues or history, or need an extra upperdivision that isn't too much work or reading at all, this class is awesome and super rewarding.