
Elizabeth DeLoughrey

Overall Ratings
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (10)

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July 14, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

I truthfully cannot foresee myself ever having a professor that I respect as much as Professor DeLoughrey. She is so passionate about her work and cares so deeply for her students. If you speak to her one on one about an essay she will express to you how genuinely excited she is to read your work. The quarter consists of students teaching each class in partners or groups. Rather than sitting in a corner grading you like most professors I've had, she is actively engaged along with the class, writing your best ideas on the board so that she can discuss them further. I would take every course she teaches if I could. Please take a class with her! Only note - she has a sort of “anti-grading” philosophy- but if you email her about your grade she’ll tell you how you’re doing, she just might take a little while to get back to you.


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April 1, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

You won't ever have a clue as to where your grade stands until she submits the final grades. Take that as you will!


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March 20, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: N/A

I enjoyed the contents of this course, however I found the instruction overall unclear. Thought this was going to be a course about climate change and it was much more of an English class based on comprehension of the readings/poetry. The class is almost 3 hours and way too dense. Would not take again.


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March 16, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A



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April 27, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A

This class will make you think about climate change in a new way. Through oceans, indigenous groups, poems, creative writings... the material was organized and Professor DeLoughrey takes great care to include everyone. Discussion posts are due once a week and you have a final project that is super open-ended. During the class periods we went on a field trip to an art gallery and were able to meet the artist, we zoomed with one of the poets whose poems we read, truly such an interactive experience. One of the best if not the best honors class I've taken! Do it!


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March 15, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Professor DeLoughrey is a light soul. She is very engaged in her material and truly is passionate/knowledgable about the subject. Know that the class has weekly discussions where you have to post each Tuesday, there is an average 4-5 readings per week, a final paper/project (8-10 pgs) as well as 50 point project. The 50 point slide project was the most work as you do have to make a partnered presentation, run it by her, and present it for an entire class period. She is flexible, very kind, and is easy to talk to. Just make sure to communicate with her and try to come to each class since participation matters.

Yes, this class is 3 hour, yes that sounds like a lot but it's truly tolerable with her. If you are an honors student, this is a wonderful Professor and I highly recommend but know this class is mostly writing. At the end, she did give an extra credit opportunity and she did take us on a field trip so super enjoyable class, I learned a lot, and became very interested in the topic. Good luck!


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Nov. 9, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

Professor DeLoughrey is a gifted teacher and a neat person. Her class was very interesting and she is passionate and very knowledgeable in many areas of the bigger picture of the issue of climate change. The class is a small intimate setting and she gets to know you and encourages every student in the discussions to be a part of them. She is also very helpful and easy to approach about any concerns you have. I loved exploring this difficult subject in her class, I felt very respected and felt that the class was beneficial to my growth as both a student and a person. That said, it is an Honors class and she sets a high bar so come ready to work! But it's well worth it trust me!! Have fun :)


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ENGL 122
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
July 14, 2024

I truthfully cannot foresee myself ever having a professor that I respect as much as Professor DeLoughrey. She is so passionate about her work and cares so deeply for her students. If you speak to her one on one about an essay she will express to you how genuinely excited she is to read your work. The quarter consists of students teaching each class in partners or groups. Rather than sitting in a corner grading you like most professors I've had, she is actively engaged along with the class, writing your best ideas on the board so that she can discuss them further. I would take every course she teaches if I could. Please take a class with her! Only note - she has a sort of “anti-grading” philosophy- but if you email her about your grade she’ll tell you how you’re doing, she just might take a little while to get back to you.


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ENGL 122
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
April 1, 2024

You won't ever have a clue as to where your grade stands until she submits the final grades. Take that as you will!


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HNRS 146
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: N/A
March 20, 2024

I enjoyed the contents of this course, however I found the instruction overall unclear. Thought this was going to be a course about climate change and it was much more of an English class based on comprehension of the readings/poetry. The class is almost 3 hours and way too dense. Would not take again.


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HNRS 146
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 16, 2024



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HNRS 146
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A
April 27, 2023

This class will make you think about climate change in a new way. Through oceans, indigenous groups, poems, creative writings... the material was organized and Professor DeLoughrey takes great care to include everyone. Discussion posts are due once a week and you have a final project that is super open-ended. During the class periods we went on a field trip to an art gallery and were able to meet the artist, we zoomed with one of the poets whose poems we read, truly such an interactive experience. One of the best if not the best honors class I've taken! Do it!


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HNRS 146
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 15, 2023

Professor DeLoughrey is a light soul. She is very engaged in her material and truly is passionate/knowledgable about the subject. Know that the class has weekly discussions where you have to post each Tuesday, there is an average 4-5 readings per week, a final paper/project (8-10 pgs) as well as 50 point project. The 50 point slide project was the most work as you do have to make a partnered presentation, run it by her, and present it for an entire class period. She is flexible, very kind, and is easy to talk to. Just make sure to communicate with her and try to come to each class since participation matters.

Yes, this class is 3 hour, yes that sounds like a lot but it's truly tolerable with her. If you are an honors student, this is a wonderful Professor and I highly recommend but know this class is mostly writing. At the end, she did give an extra credit opportunity and she did take us on a field trip so super enjoyable class, I learned a lot, and became very interested in the topic. Good luck!


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HNRS 146
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
Nov. 9, 2016

Professor DeLoughrey is a gifted teacher and a neat person. Her class was very interesting and she is passionate and very knowledgeable in many areas of the bigger picture of the issue of climate change. The class is a small intimate setting and she gets to know you and encourages every student in the discussions to be a part of them. She is also very helpful and easy to approach about any concerns you have. I loved exploring this difficult subject in her class, I felt very respected and felt that the class was beneficial to my growth as both a student and a person. That said, it is an Honors class and she sets a high bar so come ready to work! But it's well worth it trust me!! Have fun :)


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