
Elena Dominguez

Overall Ratings
Based on 4 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (4)

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June 6, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

This class took me by surprise with how interesting and fun it was! Very interactive. Half of each class was lecture while the other half was usually an activity of some kind. The readings and the presentation projects at the end were interesting. Dr. Dominquez was very passionate about the subject matter as well. The only problem was that she often changed her mind/forgot about policies that were not set in stone, such as exam policies. There was not a lot of clarity about the final project until near the end. I think in the future the class syllabus should be more thorough, and then the class will be perfect.


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March 5, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Grade Distribution:
Participation (iClicker and in-class assignments): 20%
Weekly Canvas Quizzes: 10%
Final Project: 20%
Exams: 50%
Overall, Dr. Dominguez's neuroscience class was very easy and enjoyable. Her lectures were easy to understand and covered all the readings so I didn't even buy the book (although there is a free version out there if you want). For participation the iClicker and in-class assignments are graded on accuracy but the lowest ones get dropped. The quizzes are also super easy, and for the final project you just needed to create a scientific poster of a proposed neuroscience experiment. There were three all-multiple choice exams in the class but the lowest one gets dropped so it wasn't that hard. There was no discussion section but she was always available to be reached. Overall, if you've ever taken AP psych this class will be easy for you and I highly recommend taking it!
GEs fulfilled by this class:
Scientific Inquiry: Life Sciences


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Feb. 16, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+

Dr. Domínguez is very knowledgeable in neuroscience. She always made the class very interesting and definitely knows how to teach a class. Many people did well in this class because of how well she teaches the content. Attendance was mandatory and she enforced this through iClicker. But, she has very lenient drop policies, she makes it so that you will do well in this class. The workload was not very much, as long as you show up to class, it is easy to do well. The exams were crafted well and not in ways to trick students. I would definitely take her class again.


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Jan. 17, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: NR

The first two parts of the 116A course were surprisingly manageable, but this part of the course led by the professor was unorganized and lacked a lot of clarity which made things more difficult than they should have been. There was a significant lack of communication on the professor's end which made the class more challenging since important information and instructions were often unclear or inaccessible. Also, it was apparent there may have been some lack of communication between the professor with the TAs which made things difficult on the class since we did not get clear answers to questions we needed clarification on for certain lab assignments. Also, don't get me wrong we learned a lot of useful information, but the entire module felt a bit all over the place. We went from studying nerve velocities using worms to examining fMRI scans from patients. I understand that this module was newly implemented this quarter, but this all could have been avoided if everything was laid out more coherently and there was efficient communication executed on the professor's end.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 6, 2024

This class took me by surprise with how interesting and fun it was! Very interactive. Half of each class was lecture while the other half was usually an activity of some kind. The readings and the presentation projects at the end were interesting. Dr. Dominquez was very passionate about the subject matter as well. The only problem was that she often changed her mind/forgot about policies that were not set in stone, such as exam policies. There was not a lot of clarity about the final project until near the end. I think in the future the class syllabus should be more thorough, and then the class will be perfect.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
March 5, 2024

Grade Distribution:
Participation (iClicker and in-class assignments): 20%
Weekly Canvas Quizzes: 10%
Final Project: 20%
Exams: 50%
Overall, Dr. Dominguez's neuroscience class was very easy and enjoyable. Her lectures were easy to understand and covered all the readings so I didn't even buy the book (although there is a free version out there if you want). For participation the iClicker and in-class assignments are graded on accuracy but the lowest ones get dropped. The quizzes are also super easy, and for the final project you just needed to create a scientific poster of a proposed neuroscience experiment. There were three all-multiple choice exams in the class but the lowest one gets dropped so it wasn't that hard. There was no discussion section but she was always available to be reached. Overall, if you've ever taken AP psych this class will be easy for you and I highly recommend taking it!
GEs fulfilled by this class:
Scientific Inquiry: Life Sciences


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: B+
Feb. 16, 2024

Dr. Domínguez is very knowledgeable in neuroscience. She always made the class very interesting and definitely knows how to teach a class. Many people did well in this class because of how well she teaches the content. Attendance was mandatory and she enforced this through iClicker. But, she has very lenient drop policies, she makes it so that you will do well in this class. The workload was not very much, as long as you show up to class, it is easy to do well. The exams were crafted well and not in ways to trick students. I would definitely take her class again.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: NR
Jan. 17, 2024

The first two parts of the 116A course were surprisingly manageable, but this part of the course led by the professor was unorganized and lacked a lot of clarity which made things more difficult than they should have been. There was a significant lack of communication on the professor's end which made the class more challenging since important information and instructions were often unclear or inaccessible. Also, it was apparent there may have been some lack of communication between the professor with the TAs which made things difficult on the class since we did not get clear answers to questions we needed clarification on for certain lab assignments. Also, don't get me wrong we learned a lot of useful information, but the entire module felt a bit all over the place. We went from studying nerve velocities using worms to examining fMRI scans from patients. I understand that this module was newly implemented this quarter, but this all could have been avoided if everything was laid out more coherently and there was efficient communication executed on the professor's end.


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