Delroy A Baugh
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 153 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 1.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Needs Textbook
  • Appropriately Priced Materials

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (137)

4 of 14
4 of 14
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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
March 15, 2019

Awful class. Can't understand a thing he says and what he says is barely on his tests. Don't go to class, just read the book because the tests are pretty much just out of there. His saving grace is that he grades so well. Easy A.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Feb. 20, 2019

You will learn almost nothing in his class during lectures. He goes very slowly and covers random material that barely ties into the class. The key to getting a good grade is reading all the assigned chapters in the textbook and doing all the problems at the end of each chapter. Although the problems at the end of the book are optional they are exactly like the test and quizzes. Grading 20% each midterm 1 and 2, 10% each quiz 1 and 2, and 40% final. Great grading policy all points lost on midterms carry over to final so if you get 100% on final midterms scores all go to 100%. Overall easy A if you read the book and focus only on problems and material in the book and not at all on anything else that he teaches. Office hours only helpful if you read the book ahead of time and have specific questions or else he goes off on an unrelated tangent.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 29, 2019

I’ve never done physics my entire high school career. That being said, the professor was not helpful AT ALL nor was he clear in the course material. TA was horrible as well and discussions were useless. I managed to get an A just by studying the material by myself and consolidating the work, even though I have done NO physics prior to this class. Many people don’t even attend his lectures, and his office hours arent really that helpful unless you repeat your question a couple of times. He doesn’t check homework conpletion either. The way he sets up the final grade really helps you get an A so even if you mess up really bad you can get a B or something.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Jan. 27, 2019

LISTEN TO THE REVIEWS THAT SAY DON'T TAKE THIS PROFESSOR. If you absolutely have to, find a TA that knows what they're talking about and stick to them like glue. The guy's entertaining to watch, but you won't learn from him. He's a genius, but his style of teaching isn't very, let's say, cohesive. The TA's saved the class because they make the tests. Don't go to lecture, it'll confuse you more than skipping would leave you behind. Just read the book and find that TA. Good luck.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 22, 2019

The easiness of the class depends heavily on the TAs. The TAs make the quizzes, midterms, and finals so if you have TAs that base most of the quiz problems on the homework questions rather than what Professor Baugh teaches in class, this class will be very doable. (Also, if the TAs decide to make the quizzes based on the homework then you really don't have a reason to go to lecture since Professor Baugh doesn't really teach how to do the homework problems but rather why the formulas work. That means an extra hour-ish of spare time, yay! Make sure to go to discussion though, or watch some Youtube videos to teach yourself how to do the homework problems.)

That said, if the TAs decide to put the complex concepts that Professor Baugh teaches in class into the test, then it will be difficult to do well in the class. For this quarter, the questions that were on the quizzes/midterms/finals were all homework questions with a few elements and numbers changed here and there. We were also allowed to have cheat sheets (not for quizzes but for midterms/finals) which helped a lot.

Professor Baugh held review sessions before midterms and finals but they were not as helpful as TA review sessions, although I would still recommend going to both because Professor Baugh is who ultimately chooses which questions are going to be on the test out of a question pool that the TAs make.

Also, as a tip, make sure to do well on the quizzes rather than the midterms. For the midterms, if you get points off, you can make it up on the final; for the quizzes, you can't earn back the points that you lose (there are 2 quizzes, so makes to about 200 points with the total points in the class being 1000 points).

There isn't really a workload for this class because the homework is not collected. But the homeworks that are assigned takes about two hours or more to do, and if you want to actually do the assigned textbook readings, it may take longer. But the homeworks are not that difficult once you learn how to utilize formulas and understand the underlying concepts. The formulas may be intimidating and hard to understand at first (especially Schrodinger) but once you learn which number to plug into which variable and understand that the graphs are just complex sin graphs it becomes a lot easier to solve.

Don't get disappointed by what your grades may come up as in the beginning! I had about a C average in the class the first few weeks, but I ended with an A. I feel that the whole Schrodinger's equation thing messed up my grade at first but as time goes and you slowly digest the concept, you start doing better in quizzes and midterms.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Jan. 18, 2019

The lectures had nothing to do with the material. Find a good TA, do the homework, and don’t listen to Baugh. The tests were easy if you did the homework and the class was ok if you didn’t pay any attention to Baugh and just used the book.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 13, 2019

As a freshman entering the university experience, Baugh was most certainly not appreciated. Most if not all of his lectures were entirely unnecessary, most times not even relevant to the chapter that we were reading at the moment nor the ones after. Needless to say, he was not the best lecturer and was not very good at helping students understand concepts either. While he was not the best, all of his quizzes and exams were based on the homework. The homework came from problems in the book so you know how to do the homework you were pretty okay for the slightly harder exam questions. Do not recommend if you actually want to learn but if you want to pass this class (which requires doing work okay) you can take it.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 12, 2019

Very easy class due to the fact Baugh lets his TAs write all the questions for the midterms/final. Baugh himself, as many have noted, is useless in his teaching, so don't bother with the lectures. Regarding the actual content of the course, a lot of concepts are topics covered in Math 32B and Physics 1B/1C, but you won't need to really know them for the exams. It's a great class to take, especially for students who just need to get their chem requirement out of the way.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 29, 2018

Baugh teaches very little. He is only obsessed with his own research and thinks that are irrelevant to the class. You need to go to a good TA and read the textbook. If you do the optional homework problems, the class will be easy because the TAs write all tests.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2018

So Baugh's class was probably the most useless class you will take at UCLA. I stopped going to lecture after the 2nd week and it was the best decision I ever made. He makes all the concepts so much more difficult than it has to be BUT HE DOES NOT MAKE THE EXAMS. The Ta's help soooo much. Instead of going to lecture I would go to the TA discussions and they helped a lot. When there was a week where I felt I didn't understand the material well, I would go to multiple TA discussions (all of the different discussion times for all the TAs are posted on CCLE). I recommend going to TA office hours to find the answer to the homework because the exams were almost identical to the homework problems and if they were slightly different there were enough similarities to get an A. Overall, don't go to lecture unless you're really bored, you dont really have to read the textbook (I never did). Just go to as many TA discussions and office hours because if all the TAs are going over a specific topic then you know it's gonna be on the exam. Also some TAs send out solutions to homework problems so ask around and get those because they really help.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
March 15, 2019

Awful class. Can't understand a thing he says and what he says is barely on his tests. Don't go to class, just read the book because the tests are pretty much just out of there. His saving grace is that he grades so well. Easy A.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Feb. 20, 2019

You will learn almost nothing in his class during lectures. He goes very slowly and covers random material that barely ties into the class. The key to getting a good grade is reading all the assigned chapters in the textbook and doing all the problems at the end of each chapter. Although the problems at the end of the book are optional they are exactly like the test and quizzes. Grading 20% each midterm 1 and 2, 10% each quiz 1 and 2, and 40% final. Great grading policy all points lost on midterms carry over to final so if you get 100% on final midterms scores all go to 100%. Overall easy A if you read the book and focus only on problems and material in the book and not at all on anything else that he teaches. Office hours only helpful if you read the book ahead of time and have specific questions or else he goes off on an unrelated tangent.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 29, 2019

I’ve never done physics my entire high school career. That being said, the professor was not helpful AT ALL nor was he clear in the course material. TA was horrible as well and discussions were useless. I managed to get an A just by studying the material by myself and consolidating the work, even though I have done NO physics prior to this class. Many people don’t even attend his lectures, and his office hours arent really that helpful unless you repeat your question a couple of times. He doesn’t check homework conpletion either. The way he sets up the final grade really helps you get an A so even if you mess up really bad you can get a B or something.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Jan. 27, 2019

LISTEN TO THE REVIEWS THAT SAY DON'T TAKE THIS PROFESSOR. If you absolutely have to, find a TA that knows what they're talking about and stick to them like glue. The guy's entertaining to watch, but you won't learn from him. He's a genius, but his style of teaching isn't very, let's say, cohesive. The TA's saved the class because they make the tests. Don't go to lecture, it'll confuse you more than skipping would leave you behind. Just read the book and find that TA. Good luck.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 22, 2019

The easiness of the class depends heavily on the TAs. The TAs make the quizzes, midterms, and finals so if you have TAs that base most of the quiz problems on the homework questions rather than what Professor Baugh teaches in class, this class will be very doable. (Also, if the TAs decide to make the quizzes based on the homework then you really don't have a reason to go to lecture since Professor Baugh doesn't really teach how to do the homework problems but rather why the formulas work. That means an extra hour-ish of spare time, yay! Make sure to go to discussion though, or watch some Youtube videos to teach yourself how to do the homework problems.)

That said, if the TAs decide to put the complex concepts that Professor Baugh teaches in class into the test, then it will be difficult to do well in the class. For this quarter, the questions that were on the quizzes/midterms/finals were all homework questions with a few elements and numbers changed here and there. We were also allowed to have cheat sheets (not for quizzes but for midterms/finals) which helped a lot.

Professor Baugh held review sessions before midterms and finals but they were not as helpful as TA review sessions, although I would still recommend going to both because Professor Baugh is who ultimately chooses which questions are going to be on the test out of a question pool that the TAs make.

Also, as a tip, make sure to do well on the quizzes rather than the midterms. For the midterms, if you get points off, you can make it up on the final; for the quizzes, you can't earn back the points that you lose (there are 2 quizzes, so makes to about 200 points with the total points in the class being 1000 points).

There isn't really a workload for this class because the homework is not collected. But the homeworks that are assigned takes about two hours or more to do, and if you want to actually do the assigned textbook readings, it may take longer. But the homeworks are not that difficult once you learn how to utilize formulas and understand the underlying concepts. The formulas may be intimidating and hard to understand at first (especially Schrodinger) but once you learn which number to plug into which variable and understand that the graphs are just complex sin graphs it becomes a lot easier to solve.

Don't get disappointed by what your grades may come up as in the beginning! I had about a C average in the class the first few weeks, but I ended with an A. I feel that the whole Schrodinger's equation thing messed up my grade at first but as time goes and you slowly digest the concept, you start doing better in quizzes and midterms.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Jan. 18, 2019

The lectures had nothing to do with the material. Find a good TA, do the homework, and don’t listen to Baugh. The tests were easy if you did the homework and the class was ok if you didn’t pay any attention to Baugh and just used the book.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 13, 2019

As a freshman entering the university experience, Baugh was most certainly not appreciated. Most if not all of his lectures were entirely unnecessary, most times not even relevant to the chapter that we were reading at the moment nor the ones after. Needless to say, he was not the best lecturer and was not very good at helping students understand concepts either. While he was not the best, all of his quizzes and exams were based on the homework. The homework came from problems in the book so you know how to do the homework you were pretty okay for the slightly harder exam questions. Do not recommend if you actually want to learn but if you want to pass this class (which requires doing work okay) you can take it.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Jan. 12, 2019

Very easy class due to the fact Baugh lets his TAs write all the questions for the midterms/final. Baugh himself, as many have noted, is useless in his teaching, so don't bother with the lectures. Regarding the actual content of the course, a lot of concepts are topics covered in Math 32B and Physics 1B/1C, but you won't need to really know them for the exams. It's a great class to take, especially for students who just need to get their chem requirement out of the way.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
Dec. 29, 2018

Baugh teaches very little. He is only obsessed with his own research and thinks that are irrelevant to the class. You need to go to a good TA and read the textbook. If you do the optional homework problems, the class will be easy because the TAs write all tests.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2018

So Baugh's class was probably the most useless class you will take at UCLA. I stopped going to lecture after the 2nd week and it was the best decision I ever made. He makes all the concepts so much more difficult than it has to be BUT HE DOES NOT MAKE THE EXAMS. The Ta's help soooo much. Instead of going to lecture I would go to the TA discussions and they helped a lot. When there was a week where I felt I didn't understand the material well, I would go to multiple TA discussions (all of the different discussion times for all the TAs are posted on CCLE). I recommend going to TA office hours to find the answer to the homework because the exams were almost identical to the homework problems and if they were slightly different there were enough similarities to get an A. Overall, don't go to lecture unless you're really bored, you dont really have to read the textbook (I never did). Just go to as many TA discussions and office hours because if all the TAs are going over a specific topic then you know it's gonna be on the exam. Also some TAs send out solutions to homework problems so ask around and get those because they really help.


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4 of 14
Overall Rating
Based on 153 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 1.4 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 1.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Tolerates Tardiness
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Needs Textbook
  • Appropriately Priced Materials

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