
David MacFadyen

2 of 5
Easiness 1.7/ 5
Clarity 3.3/ 5
Workload 1.7/ 5
Helpfulness 3.8/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Russian120 - Literature and Revolution OK, I will admit up front that I dropped this class - after week six! And I've only ever dropped one class at UCLA (and that was in week two). I'm used to hard classes and sticking things through (Econ major), but I'm also used to hard classes that are reasonably hard - i.e., you put in the work, study hard, and you get results. As a person, he seems wry and interesting, full of 'British-isms' and dry humor. And he's also obviously very knowledgeable about all the Russian authors we had to read in our two books. However, when he lectures, there is NO STRUCTURE whatsoever. You wind up with so many disparate ideas jotted down in your notebook. Often, there are three or four authors (both our readings were books of short essays/stories/plays), and it was nearly impossible to gauge whether he has moved onto to a new person or whether he's returning to add a side note to an old topic. He's constantly interrupting himself to prove a tangential point, and often times he'll start providing a structured list and then distract himself by looking for a picture of a certain author on Wikipedia for the class. This is something we can do on our own! Please don't stop what you're saying to show us a picture of the author and then proceed to continue at a different place from where you left off... Overall, this class has no structure whatsoever. He only roughly adheres to the syllabus, and even then he's impossible to follow. I most definitely do not recommend this professor.
2 of 5

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