
Daniel Posner

Overall Ratings
Based on 78 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (78)

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Nov. 6, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

I would agree with the other review that Posner is a pretty standard professor for the social sciences, but I wouldn't say that is a bad thing. His lectures are clear and organized. My advice would be to definitely take notes on what he is saying as his slides are mostly just supplementary. The workload was not overwhelming. I would make an effort to stay on top of the readings as that makes the essay work much easier. Definitely take this class! I learned a lot.


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Nov. 24, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

I felt like professor posner was really engaging with his lectures but my only qualm with this class is the variability in TA harshness. If you have a lenient TA who is willing to hear your arguments out and actually allows participation, you will likely do well. If that is not the case, you might be unfairly penalized and not get a grade that reflects your understanding of the material.

tldr: the TA matters A LOT


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Jan. 3, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

If you want to do good in this class you need to go to the lectures, because that stuff is all over the tests and essays that he wants from you.


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Oct. 22, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-

Professor spews the most neoliberal, pro-capitalist, pro-colonial approach to international development that I have ever heard. TA Daniel Carnahan was really self absorbed and graded way harder than the other TAs- if you have him switch out.


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Sept. 14, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Posner lectures really well and his explanations make even the more complex readings very digestible (highly recommend going to lecture first before doing the readings for this reason). There were no required textbooks which was really nice. All readings are posted and there's a decent amount some weeks, but it's never unmanageable.

I thought that the exams were really fair. The midterm was a take-home essay answering a prompt which asks you to draw on material from throughout the course. The other portion was just answering a few ID terms in class, and all potential ID terms are given ahead of time. The final was similar, except it was all in class and there was an additional portion of FRQs.

I was a little concerned going into this class because I had Jacques as my TA and saw the negative reviews about him from previous quarters, but Jacques was a great TA this quarter! He had us work together during discussions to identify key points of readings, help each other with ID terms before exams, and he'd give us exam pointers as well as detailed explanations about more difficult concepts.

Overall highly recommend this class - workload and exams are reasonable and the material itself is super interesting.


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July 6, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

I wasn't initially sure I would like the class because I was not the most interested in the subject, but Posner does a great job of breaking extremely complex subject matters down to make them understandable. The grade consisted of a midterm (half of it was term ID's, the other half was a take-home essay, it was worth 1/2 of the final grade), a final (35% of grade, all in person), and discussion participation (15%). The tests were intimidating initially but as long as you study the terms he gives you ahead of time, they should be a breeze.


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Feb. 15, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

This class was okay at best. Prof. Posner caught COVID and the class was administered on ZOOM. As my fellow peers have stated, the TA you end up with matters, as they are the ones who will grade your midterm and final exam. My advice for you: Avoid TA Jacques Courbe at all costs. He graded us quite harshly in comparison to other TAs. On top of that, he was clearly unprepared for much of the discussion sections. It is ironic that he expected us, the students, to be on top of the weekly readings, yet he himself clearly wasn't. He literally BS'd the summary of many readings during sections -- so much for quality education. Jacques, if you are reading this, DO BETTER. We the students can sense whenever you BS, too, just sayin'.


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July 1, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

Course is broken down into 2 midterms (1. written 2. take home essay). The written midterm requires the ability to recite course material on demand. Final for this quarter was a take home essay- due to covid. Overall, very manageable as long as you give yourself the time to memorize the content.

Posner is an extremely passionate professors who often refers to his own projects when speaking about the subject matter of the course. I learned so much in this course and found the content to be very valuable. Content includes: structures of governance in development, function of diff financial institutions, sociological barriers to development, implications of foreign aid, etc.

Loved the class, I would recommend to any IR major who is interested in international development. Posner got a little choked up on the last day of lecture while telling us that he hopes we change the world. 5 out 5 in my book


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June 23, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

Two midterms - exam & take home paper (25% each), final exam - but due to Covid it was a take home final (35%). and discussion (15%). My TA did not assign any class work, but graded based on attendance & participation. Professor Posner is an engaging lecturer and the material is easy to digest, he does include a lot of graphs and data in his slides. Posner does hand out study guides prior to each midterm and final. Originally, he did not record lectures, just posted slides, but once he got Covid himself and Covid cases increased, he finally made that decision to record and post it on Bruin Learn. Overall, if you put the work into studying for the exams and attend discussion, it's easy to get a good grade.


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June 21, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-

I thought the class itself was fine. But your grade depends entirely on your TA. My TA, Jacques, graded very harshly compared to the other three. Super unfair.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Nov. 6, 2022

I would agree with the other review that Posner is a pretty standard professor for the social sciences, but I wouldn't say that is a bad thing. His lectures are clear and organized. My advice would be to definitely take notes on what he is saying as his slides are mostly just supplementary. The workload was not overwhelming. I would make an effort to stay on top of the readings as that makes the essay work much easier. Definitely take this class! I learned a lot.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
Nov. 24, 2022

I felt like professor posner was really engaging with his lectures but my only qualm with this class is the variability in TA harshness. If you have a lenient TA who is willing to hear your arguments out and actually allows participation, you will likely do well. If that is not the case, you might be unfairly penalized and not get a grade that reflects your understanding of the material.

tldr: the TA matters A LOT


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2024

If you want to do good in this class you need to go to the lectures, because that stuff is all over the tests and essays that he wants from you.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-
Oct. 22, 2023

Professor spews the most neoliberal, pro-capitalist, pro-colonial approach to international development that I have ever heard. TA Daniel Carnahan was really self absorbed and graded way harder than the other TAs- if you have him switch out.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
Sept. 14, 2023

Posner lectures really well and his explanations make even the more complex readings very digestible (highly recommend going to lecture first before doing the readings for this reason). There were no required textbooks which was really nice. All readings are posted and there's a decent amount some weeks, but it's never unmanageable.

I thought that the exams were really fair. The midterm was a take-home essay answering a prompt which asks you to draw on material from throughout the course. The other portion was just answering a few ID terms in class, and all potential ID terms are given ahead of time. The final was similar, except it was all in class and there was an additional portion of FRQs.

I was a little concerned going into this class because I had Jacques as my TA and saw the negative reviews about him from previous quarters, but Jacques was a great TA this quarter! He had us work together during discussions to identify key points of readings, help each other with ID terms before exams, and he'd give us exam pointers as well as detailed explanations about more difficult concepts.

Overall highly recommend this class - workload and exams are reasonable and the material itself is super interesting.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
July 6, 2023

I wasn't initially sure I would like the class because I was not the most interested in the subject, but Posner does a great job of breaking extremely complex subject matters down to make them understandable. The grade consisted of a midterm (half of it was term ID's, the other half was a take-home essay, it was worth 1/2 of the final grade), a final (35% of grade, all in person), and discussion participation (15%). The tests were intimidating initially but as long as you study the terms he gives you ahead of time, they should be a breeze.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
Feb. 15, 2023

This class was okay at best. Prof. Posner caught COVID and the class was administered on ZOOM. As my fellow peers have stated, the TA you end up with matters, as they are the ones who will grade your midterm and final exam. My advice for you: Avoid TA Jacques Courbe at all costs. He graded us quite harshly in comparison to other TAs. On top of that, he was clearly unprepared for much of the discussion sections. It is ironic that he expected us, the students, to be on top of the weekly readings, yet he himself clearly wasn't. He literally BS'd the summary of many readings during sections -- so much for quality education. Jacques, if you are reading this, DO BETTER. We the students can sense whenever you BS, too, just sayin'.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
July 1, 2022

Course is broken down into 2 midterms (1. written 2. take home essay). The written midterm requires the ability to recite course material on demand. Final for this quarter was a take home essay- due to covid. Overall, very manageable as long as you give yourself the time to memorize the content.

Posner is an extremely passionate professors who often refers to his own projects when speaking about the subject matter of the course. I learned so much in this course and found the content to be very valuable. Content includes: structures of governance in development, function of diff financial institutions, sociological barriers to development, implications of foreign aid, etc.

Loved the class, I would recommend to any IR major who is interested in international development. Posner got a little choked up on the last day of lecture while telling us that he hopes we change the world. 5 out 5 in my book


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
June 23, 2022

Two midterms - exam & take home paper (25% each), final exam - but due to Covid it was a take home final (35%). and discussion (15%). My TA did not assign any class work, but graded based on attendance & participation. Professor Posner is an engaging lecturer and the material is easy to digest, he does include a lot of graphs and data in his slides. Posner does hand out study guides prior to each midterm and final. Originally, he did not record lectures, just posted slides, but once he got Covid himself and Covid cases increased, he finally made that decision to record and post it on Bruin Learn. Overall, if you put the work into studying for the exams and attend discussion, it's easy to get a good grade.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A-
June 21, 2022

I thought the class itself was fine. But your grade depends entirely on your TA. My TA, Jacques, graded very harshly compared to the other three. Super unfair.


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