
Daniel Nathanson

Overall Ratings
Based on 21 Users
Easiness 3.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (21)

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June 26, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

I honestly think that the other reviews on this page are WAY too harsh. The professor absolutely taught us important concepts. He told us exactly how to study for the exams. Sure, some of the questions were a little nit-picky and definitely require some memorization of the concepts, but I'm not sure what's really wrong with that. The comments I had read on bruinwalk prompted me to study way more intensely than I normally do, but I guess it paid off because I did fine on the exams.

The class was fairly expensive but when people complained, the professor said we could get our money back (except for the textbook cost but like textbooks are a part of college?) I honestly feel like some of these reviews are exaggerating and people just want to find something to complain about. The class met once a week for 3 hours and the homework was so manageable. It had a way lighter workload than the other courses I took that quarter.

This was also the first course I took relating to econ, accounting, or business anything and I got an A+. Hope this eases some nerves for students who don't have a choice but to take this class. I actually enjoyed it a ton!


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MGMT 159
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A

I really liked this professor. He is clearly very knowledgable and learning from someone who has actual experience in entrepreneurship made the class so interesting! There are some lengthy assignments but nothing difficult. You're also graded based on attendance, participation, cases (which are easy and mainly have to do with summarizing or personal opinions), midterm, final, paper, and reading assignments (through CONNECT). Therefore, it's easy to improve your grade if you didn't do well on a final or midterm because there's so much taken into account! Also, the exam is memorization based, The information he presented was engaging and interesting and I definitely recommend his class!


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April 8, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

I'd say the other reviews blow Dan's behavior way out of proportion. He's overall a great guy that's always willing to chat and cares for his student's education. Realistically I hadn't put in significant effort and came out with an A. Just study for the midterm and final using the smartbook recharge and you'll be more than fine.

Also for those claiming it was unfair, he literally decided that if you did better on the final than the midterm it would replace your grade for it, although it wasn't in the syllabus originally. Overall extremely kind and accommodating.


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April 4, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Overall, this class is ok. This is my first management class, so I'm not sure how it compares to others. Most of this class is based on completion, so take that as you will. Everyone did horribly on the midterm, with an average of 69%. This was because the entire thing was based off of the textbook, like 10 chapters, that we did not discuss at all in class, and the professor assured us that the midterm would focus mostly on "lecture and application," so we had no idea what to expect. Further, I lost a lot of points because all of the multiple choice questions were "select all that apply." Professor Nathanson said he had "no idea why everyone did so horribly." That being said, he did adjust the final exam to be more explicit to what was going to be on it as well as less "select all that apply."So really he did respond to our feedback despite at first being offended by it. Because everyone did so badly, he decided to use the final for both the midterm and the final grade if you did better, although he was really unclear on that policy and many people were confused.

The class itself is somewhat interesting, but if you're not into Shark Tank, it will probably feel useless. I also took it when the time was 8:30 am for 3 hours, and attendance is mandatory and he is strict about timestamps, so take that into account.


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March 25, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

This was an easy class. But you probably won't learn much out of it. Instead of learning some technical stuff, you would learn some really broad business concepts focusing on entrepreneurship. You would probably be motivated to start a business yourself after seeing those successful guys earning crazy money. But that's it, you wouldn't learn how exactly to start a business, which seems like an MBA thing. Anyway, as long as you submit all your homework and attend all lectures, and study a little bit for the exams, an A for this class isn't unattainable.


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March 22, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: NR

Conclusion: don't take this class if you don't really have a passion in entrepreneurship.
Time - Though the contents in class were fun, I would not recommend taking this class. The class is once per week from 8:30 to 11:15 and the professor requires attendance for every single lecture. If you miss one lecture, you'll have to write a 3 page paper on what he taught that week.... I personally hate 3 hour lectures, especially this one is in the morning.
Class content - We read about cases and analyzed them in class but these were not the main questions in tests. Prof invited random guest speakers (A lot are entrepreneurs but most of them were just Anderson students who just started their business, I dont really think they know much about real world entrepreneurship ..... ) and tested us on details that they've mentioned.
Readings - We were required to read around 3 chapters of textbook (weekly homework also include doing questions in chapters) per week and the tests were heavily based on the readings. Prof never talked about materials in the book!
Grading - Also, I really dont like how the TAs and the professor kept changing things throughout the quarter. The grading scheme was unclear. As we had a 60% average on our midterms, the TAs said they'll curve the grades but they never did. Later, professor said if you do better in finals, final exam grade can replace midterm grades. It was so confusing. The case responses were mainly graded based on completion, but for the airbnb case, they graded us based on response quality. We were required to do the case in random group within one week (very hard to find a common meeting time, which was required).
Tests & Homework - The questions in the exams were super tricky, with a lot of questions that have multiple answers. Workload is super big (at least for me). We not only need to read the textbook, complete textbook questions, but also need to read cases and answer case questions, watch Udacity videos(some online course on entrepreneruship), watch additional videos, do group projects, and we have to write a 3-5 page single spaced paper.
Overall, I would say I put much effort in this class and enjoyed the cases but I constantly regret about taking this class throughout the quarter (thought about dropping but the sunken cost was too high since I've already did a lot of work :)))) ).


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MGMT 159
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
June 26, 2024

I honestly think that the other reviews on this page are WAY too harsh. The professor absolutely taught us important concepts. He told us exactly how to study for the exams. Sure, some of the questions were a little nit-picky and definitely require some memorization of the concepts, but I'm not sure what's really wrong with that. The comments I had read on bruinwalk prompted me to study way more intensely than I normally do, but I guess it paid off because I did fine on the exams.

The class was fairly expensive but when people complained, the professor said we could get our money back (except for the textbook cost but like textbooks are a part of college?) I honestly feel like some of these reviews are exaggerating and people just want to find something to complain about. The class met once a week for 3 hours and the homework was so manageable. It had a way lighter workload than the other courses I took that quarter.

This was also the first course I took relating to econ, accounting, or business anything and I got an A+. Hope this eases some nerves for students who don't have a choice but to take this class. I actually enjoyed it a ton!


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MGMT 159
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 29, 2022

I really liked this professor. He is clearly very knowledgable and learning from someone who has actual experience in entrepreneurship made the class so interesting! There are some lengthy assignments but nothing difficult. You're also graded based on attendance, participation, cases (which are easy and mainly have to do with summarizing or personal opinions), midterm, final, paper, and reading assignments (through CONNECT). Therefore, it's easy to improve your grade if you didn't do well on a final or midterm because there's so much taken into account! Also, the exam is memorization based, The information he presented was engaging and interesting and I definitely recommend his class!


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MGMT 159
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 8, 2023

I'd say the other reviews blow Dan's behavior way out of proportion. He's overall a great guy that's always willing to chat and cares for his student's education. Realistically I hadn't put in significant effort and came out with an A. Just study for the midterm and final using the smartbook recharge and you'll be more than fine.

Also for those claiming it was unfair, he literally decided that if you did better on the final than the midterm it would replace your grade for it, although it wasn't in the syllabus originally. Overall extremely kind and accommodating.


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MGMT 159
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 4, 2023

Overall, this class is ok. This is my first management class, so I'm not sure how it compares to others. Most of this class is based on completion, so take that as you will. Everyone did horribly on the midterm, with an average of 69%. This was because the entire thing was based off of the textbook, like 10 chapters, that we did not discuss at all in class, and the professor assured us that the midterm would focus mostly on "lecture and application," so we had no idea what to expect. Further, I lost a lot of points because all of the multiple choice questions were "select all that apply." Professor Nathanson said he had "no idea why everyone did so horribly." That being said, he did adjust the final exam to be more explicit to what was going to be on it as well as less "select all that apply."So really he did respond to our feedback despite at first being offended by it. Because everyone did so badly, he decided to use the final for both the midterm and the final grade if you did better, although he was really unclear on that policy and many people were confused.

The class itself is somewhat interesting, but if you're not into Shark Tank, it will probably feel useless. I also took it when the time was 8:30 am for 3 hours, and attendance is mandatory and he is strict about timestamps, so take that into account.


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MGMT 159
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 25, 2023

This was an easy class. But you probably won't learn much out of it. Instead of learning some technical stuff, you would learn some really broad business concepts focusing on entrepreneurship. You would probably be motivated to start a business yourself after seeing those successful guys earning crazy money. But that's it, you wouldn't learn how exactly to start a business, which seems like an MBA thing. Anyway, as long as you submit all your homework and attend all lectures, and study a little bit for the exams, an A for this class isn't unattainable.


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MGMT 159
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: NR
March 22, 2023

Conclusion: don't take this class if you don't really have a passion in entrepreneurship.
Time - Though the contents in class were fun, I would not recommend taking this class. The class is once per week from 8:30 to 11:15 and the professor requires attendance for every single lecture. If you miss one lecture, you'll have to write a 3 page paper on what he taught that week.... I personally hate 3 hour lectures, especially this one is in the morning.
Class content - We read about cases and analyzed them in class but these were not the main questions in tests. Prof invited random guest speakers (A lot are entrepreneurs but most of them were just Anderson students who just started their business, I dont really think they know much about real world entrepreneurship ..... ) and tested us on details that they've mentioned.
Readings - We were required to read around 3 chapters of textbook (weekly homework also include doing questions in chapters) per week and the tests were heavily based on the readings. Prof never talked about materials in the book!
Grading - Also, I really dont like how the TAs and the professor kept changing things throughout the quarter. The grading scheme was unclear. As we had a 60% average on our midterms, the TAs said they'll curve the grades but they never did. Later, professor said if you do better in finals, final exam grade can replace midterm grades. It was so confusing. The case responses were mainly graded based on completion, but for the airbnb case, they graded us based on response quality. We were required to do the case in random group within one week (very hard to find a common meeting time, which was required).
Tests & Homework - The questions in the exams were super tricky, with a lot of questions that have multiple answers. Workload is super big (at least for me). We not only need to read the textbook, complete textbook questions, but also need to read cases and answer case questions, watch Udacity videos(some online course on entrepreneruship), watch additional videos, do group projects, and we have to write a 3-5 page single spaced paper.
Overall, I would say I put much effort in this class and enjoyed the cases but I constantly regret about taking this class throughout the quarter (thought about dropping but the sunken cost was too high since I've already did a lot of work :)))) ).


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