Daniel Frederick Mckeown
Department of Physics
Overall Rating
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (8)

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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Oct. 4, 2024

I had Dr. McKeown for Physics 5A (for some reason not listed here), and going into the course, I was concerned that we would be learning a lot of irrelevant, technical physics that wasn't related to my career path as a pre-med student. However, this wasn't the case, as Dr. McKeown correctly designed this course to be relevant to pre-med students by including topics and concepts that are actually relevant to biology and medicine. Because of this, I was interested in the topics of this course and found what we had to learn to be intriguing rather than tedious.

Additionally, Dr. McKeown's lectures were helpful, on-task, and weren't boring. He always stopped to take questions from students and clarified everything thoroughly, which not all professors do. I felt that our quizzes and tests were very reasonable and had nothing unexpected/surprising that strayed from the lectures/homework. I also appreciated how he gave us unlimited attempts/graded the homework on completion, rather than correctness, so we could actually use it as a learning source and not an assessment.

Overall, I would highly recommend taking a course with Dr. McKeown as he is passionate about Physics, and teaching his students in an effective and legitimate manner. You definitely won't regret taking a class with him.


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Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
July 1, 2024

The best physics professor I had so far. He’s very caring, supportive, and passionate about learning the material. I didn’t actually consider him a professor because I did consider him as a father to his students. His exams, quizzes, and homework are fair as long as you study well. I def recommend taking it with him.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 3, 2024

Overall, I would take this class again. Not a big Physics fan and bad at it too but this Professor made Physics manageable.

Grades were composed of: Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Final, Homework, Quizzes, Lab

Lectures: Recorded, not mandatory. Didn't find the lectures super helpful.

Homework: Mastering Physics, graded on completion. There were A LOT of problems assigned for each chapter but it was CRUCIAL to do them and UNDERSTAND how to do them because his exams and quizzes were basically homework problems reworded. Do the HW thoroughly and you'd be fine on exams.

Exams: Fair. MTC and FRQ, mtc often pulled from lecture examples, had multiple FRQ questions with different parts. Very doable but if you don't study enough you'll be very strapped for time. Quizzes were like one small HW problem.

Grading: Very fair. If you did better on the final it would replace your lowest midterm score + 5 points EC.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 27, 2024

Professor McKeown is very passionate about physics and clearly cares about his students. I think he will become a very good physics professor. However, I have to say this quarter has been pretty difficult and disappointing. The professors slides consist of screenshots of the textbook. Then, during lecture he reads, verbatim, the screenshots of the textbook. His example problems in class are from the textbook. At a certain point in the quarter I just felt like I was wasting time going to class. I can read, so I dont need someone to be reading the textbook to me. He also spends a large amount of time deriving formulas. Sure that is interesting, but it is not necessary for the level of this course and honestly wastes time where he could be doing practice problems instead.
One more thing I will say is that by week 4 or 5 we were so behind the lab portion of this course that I literally had no idea what was going on. The lab topic was completely different from the lecture topics. I know that lecture and lab are separate parts of this course, however I found it very frustrating to complete pre-labs and labs with NO KNOWLEDGE of the topics being covered.
Overall, he has potential to be a great professor. It's rare to have one that cares so much about his students. I will say that for the most part he listens to our suggestions and complaints, which I appreciate. He is just a bit disorganized and it comes at the cost of your sanity and grades.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: NR
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 21, 2024

I am currently taking Prof Mckeown's class and it doesn't even matter to me what grade I get in the end to stress how amazing of a person Mckeown is and how much I would recommend his class to anyone who has the opportunity to take Physics with him. I have never had a professor that cares as much about his students and their success as Mckeown does. He is so smart and very passionate about physics and making it an enjoyable and not stressful subject to learn. I will say, I hope to see more concise slides and more verbal explanation during lecture, but that is my only minor complaint about his class.

The tests are so fair and he is super accommodating if there's a mistake (he gave full points to everyone on a question that had a typo on our midterm). His quizzes are made for you to do well on them if you go to lecture and do the homeworks. The homeworks can be challenging but in a good way and are graded on completion. He stresses that homework is made for when you're first learning something and you shouldn't be penalized for that. I recommend going to his office hours because he's super engaging and eager to answer any questions you may have, and you get to know more of his teaching style through it as well.

Again, I absolutely love his class (coming from someone who doesn't like physics). I feel encouraged and wanting to learn just because of how positive and passionate he is about the subject. I think it would've been unbearable with another professor.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Jan. 19, 2024

gonna keep it short, this professor is sorta clueless when it comes to teaching. he is obviously knowledgeable about physics, but he comes to class and it seems like hes learning what his slides say as hes reading them. multiple times he got examples wrong in class or forgot how to do them and had to ask the class. BUT he curved like 20 points on an exam or 2, made the homework completion based, and made the quizzes just one of the problems from the homework.

ALSO, he got better as time went on which is a good sign for the future. you should have no problems getting an A in the class because he is very accomodating, but I didn't learn the material too well. hopefully his slides are more put together for the coming quarters because he has the personality traits to be a great professor.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 23, 2023

I don't know if it was because it was his first time teaching the class, but I have never had a professor as nice and accommodating to students' needs as Professor Mckeown. He was veryyyyy lenient on us (gave us formula sheets with all necessary equations during tests, huge curve on midterms and also allowed us to replace a midterm grade with the final grade if it was better), and gave full credit for homework as long as it was attempted. Quizzes were basically a random question from the homework that he chose, and tests were also heavily based on the homework and/or textbook questions covered in his slides. The lectures themselves were a little questionable (mostly consisted of the professor reading off screenshots of the textbook being pasted onto the slides) but were pretty accurate in terms of what the professor put on the exams + attendance was not mandatory.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2023

i absolutely love this guy. amazing dude who actually listens to his students. if you get the opportunity definitely take physics with him. it would have been absolutely unbearable with any other prof.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A+
Oct. 4, 2024

I had Dr. McKeown for Physics 5A (for some reason not listed here), and going into the course, I was concerned that we would be learning a lot of irrelevant, technical physics that wasn't related to my career path as a pre-med student. However, this wasn't the case, as Dr. McKeown correctly designed this course to be relevant to pre-med students by including topics and concepts that are actually relevant to biology and medicine. Because of this, I was interested in the topics of this course and found what we had to learn to be intriguing rather than tedious.

Additionally, Dr. McKeown's lectures were helpful, on-task, and weren't boring. He always stopped to take questions from students and clarified everything thoroughly, which not all professors do. I felt that our quizzes and tests were very reasonable and had nothing unexpected/surprising that strayed from the lectures/homework. I also appreciated how he gave us unlimited attempts/graded the homework on completion, rather than correctness, so we could actually use it as a learning source and not an assessment.

Overall, I would highly recommend taking a course with Dr. McKeown as he is passionate about Physics, and teaching his students in an effective and legitimate manner. You definitely won't regret taking a class with him.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A+
July 1, 2024

The best physics professor I had so far. He’s very caring, supportive, and passionate about learning the material. I didn’t actually consider him a professor because I did consider him as a father to his students. His exams, quizzes, and homework are fair as long as you study well. I def recommend taking it with him.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+
April 3, 2024

Overall, I would take this class again. Not a big Physics fan and bad at it too but this Professor made Physics manageable.

Grades were composed of: Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Final, Homework, Quizzes, Lab

Lectures: Recorded, not mandatory. Didn't find the lectures super helpful.

Homework: Mastering Physics, graded on completion. There were A LOT of problems assigned for each chapter but it was CRUCIAL to do them and UNDERSTAND how to do them because his exams and quizzes were basically homework problems reworded. Do the HW thoroughly and you'd be fine on exams.

Exams: Fair. MTC and FRQ, mtc often pulled from lecture examples, had multiple FRQ questions with different parts. Very doable but if you don't study enough you'll be very strapped for time. Quizzes were like one small HW problem.

Grading: Very fair. If you did better on the final it would replace your lowest midterm score + 5 points EC.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Feb. 27, 2024

Professor McKeown is very passionate about physics and clearly cares about his students. I think he will become a very good physics professor. However, I have to say this quarter has been pretty difficult and disappointing. The professors slides consist of screenshots of the textbook. Then, during lecture he reads, verbatim, the screenshots of the textbook. His example problems in class are from the textbook. At a certain point in the quarter I just felt like I was wasting time going to class. I can read, so I dont need someone to be reading the textbook to me. He also spends a large amount of time deriving formulas. Sure that is interesting, but it is not necessary for the level of this course and honestly wastes time where he could be doing practice problems instead.
One more thing I will say is that by week 4 or 5 we were so behind the lab portion of this course that I literally had no idea what was going on. The lab topic was completely different from the lecture topics. I know that lecture and lab are separate parts of this course, however I found it very frustrating to complete pre-labs and labs with NO KNOWLEDGE of the topics being covered.
Overall, he has potential to be a great professor. It's rare to have one that cares so much about his students. I will say that for the most part he listens to our suggestions and complaints, which I appreciate. He is just a bit disorganized and it comes at the cost of your sanity and grades.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: NR
Feb. 21, 2024

I am currently taking Prof Mckeown's class and it doesn't even matter to me what grade I get in the end to stress how amazing of a person Mckeown is and how much I would recommend his class to anyone who has the opportunity to take Physics with him. I have never had a professor that cares as much about his students and their success as Mckeown does. He is so smart and very passionate about physics and making it an enjoyable and not stressful subject to learn. I will say, I hope to see more concise slides and more verbal explanation during lecture, but that is my only minor complaint about his class.

The tests are so fair and he is super accommodating if there's a mistake (he gave full points to everyone on a question that had a typo on our midterm). His quizzes are made for you to do well on them if you go to lecture and do the homeworks. The homeworks can be challenging but in a good way and are graded on completion. He stresses that homework is made for when you're first learning something and you shouldn't be penalized for that. I recommend going to his office hours because he's super engaging and eager to answer any questions you may have, and you get to know more of his teaching style through it as well.

Again, I absolutely love his class (coming from someone who doesn't like physics). I feel encouraged and wanting to learn just because of how positive and passionate he is about the subject. I think it would've been unbearable with another professor.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 19, 2024

gonna keep it short, this professor is sorta clueless when it comes to teaching. he is obviously knowledgeable about physics, but he comes to class and it seems like hes learning what his slides say as hes reading them. multiple times he got examples wrong in class or forgot how to do them and had to ask the class. BUT he curved like 20 points on an exam or 2, made the homework completion based, and made the quizzes just one of the problems from the homework.

ALSO, he got better as time went on which is a good sign for the future. you should have no problems getting an A in the class because he is very accomodating, but I didn't learn the material too well. hopefully his slides are more put together for the coming quarters because he has the personality traits to be a great professor.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 23, 2023

I don't know if it was because it was his first time teaching the class, but I have never had a professor as nice and accommodating to students' needs as Professor Mckeown. He was veryyyyy lenient on us (gave us formula sheets with all necessary equations during tests, huge curve on midterms and also allowed us to replace a midterm grade with the final grade if it was better), and gave full credit for homework as long as it was attempted. Quizzes were basically a random question from the homework that he chose, and tests were also heavily based on the homework and/or textbook questions covered in his slides. The lectures themselves were a little questionable (mostly consisted of the professor reading off screenshots of the textbook being pasted onto the slides) but were pretty accurate in terms of what the professor put on the exams + attendance was not mandatory.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2023

i absolutely love this guy. amazing dude who actually listens to his students. if you get the opportunity definitely take physics with him. it would have been absolutely unbearable with any other prof.


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1 of 1
Overall Rating
Based on 10 Users
Easiness 4.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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