Dale Kim
Department of Statistics
Overall Rating
Based on 16 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (15)

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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 3, 2023

This class consists of regular homework, quizzes, labs, a midterm and a final. Professor Kim is very understanding and always willing to help students succeed. To review for exams, utilize the practice problems he gives and the practice midterm. They are very helpful. He also allows a cheat sheet during exams, so make sure to make use of it. The lectures are podcasted and attendance is not required. Extra credit was given for taking complete notes of lectures. Professor Kim is super sweet and often funny in lectures.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 3, 2023

I think professor Kim was a engaging lecturer, he was often funny. For transparency I got a 12/20 on the first midterm and for the final I received a 20/25, I would do all the homework and get perfect scores (labs as well.) you also get 5% extra credit for writing down all lectures and I thought it was too much writing so I didnt do some. However I ended up passing the class with a B. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DOING THE SHEET OF NOTES THAT HE ALLOWS IN THE EXAM. I think that is honestly what saved me, I mostly put practice problems that were given in the homework and I also referenced the practice final exam that he gave and I did pretty well on my final exam due to that. Although I liked Kim as a lecturer I absolutely despised stats content. Hope that helps and good luck !


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 25, 2023


Lectures: Professor Kim is as engaging and fun as learning stats or math can get! He is very funny and likes to make little jokes and comments. Lecture attendance is not mandatory but Bruincast is not the best quality where you can't really clearly see the symbols on the board. He also goes through a lot of theoretical stuff and goes through the reasoning why we use certain formulas but they aren't really important in exams. I have never had a stats class before but I definitely loved it! Lectures moved very fast and can sometimes get confusing but you can definitely rewatch the lecture and stay on top of it.

Homework: Homework was only 3-5 problems depending on the unit and only took 30 minutes to 1 hour. He provides a lot of supplemental practice problems in addition to homework so if you just follow the steps in the supplemental practice problems you are guaranteed to get a 100% most of the time. We had homework due at the end of the week for most of the week. He even canceled one of our homework assignments.

Labs: EXTREMELY EASY! It is different from LS30A/B and if you had prior coding experience, it should be very easy but different. The lab manual and TA's basically handed you the code so it was never a stress for me. Just ask for help!

Midterm: The one midterm was only 20 questions of multiple choice. It was a mix of both calculations and conceptual questions on why we use a certain statistical test, why we use a certain technique, etc. The midterm was very easy! However, beware of his test answer options! His questions have a lot of "none of the above" or "all of the above" options and often times those were the right answer because of a small detail! READ EACH QUESTION AND ANSWER CHOICE CAREFULLY AND DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK YOUR WORK! However, the midterm is literally the same difficulty or sometimes even easier than the homework, practice problems, and practice exams. He also gave us a sheet of notes front and back.

Final: Same as the final just longer but only should be taking you a hour and a half max. It only tests on the material after the midterm but a lot of the concepts build on top of each other anyways. The amount of statistical tests you learn by the end and can get tested on is overwhelming but he did a review session during lecture and summarized all of them for you. You have your sheet of notes and I highly recommend writing down the different tests and their properties, etc. Make sure to check your work!!!!

Extra Credit: He gave us the opportunity to get 5% extra credit added to our overall course percentage which is EXTREMELY GENEROUS! All you had to do was write/type clear lecture notes and submit them. You can make them fancy or you can just submit sectioned bullet points with all of diagrams, formulas, etc. He gives you a whole week from the lecture to turn it in so you can turn it in at your own pace.

This class was the least of my worries and actually made me love statistics even as a person who doesn't really like math!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 15, 2023

*Class Percentages*
20% Homework (lowest dropped)
20% Online Quizzes (lowest dropped)
15% Labs
20% Midterm
25% Final Exam
5% Extra Credit (from lecture notes)

I have nothing but positive things to say about Prof. Kim!! He is so organized from his lecture notes format to the way he organizes his Canvas classroom. He is a very kind, understanding, and funny professor. Even tho the actual subject is pretty boring and feels repetitive, Prof. Kim makes stats actually enjoyable with his jokes throughout the class, but he never gets too sidetracked and doesn’t waste the class’ time. You can tell he is super passionate about the subject. Stats gets VERY confusing towards the end of the quarter because you end up learning many different statistical tests that seem very similar, but have different purposes, but Prof. Kim had a review session before the final in which he outlined ALLLLLL the differences. This review session literally saved me on the final since he allows a page of notes on the midterm and final. He also responds to emails in a very timely manner and is very clear and direct with his responses. Even when there was a TA strike, he took over and held his own discussion sections and responded to all student emails that would have been directed at the TAs. He also added extra office hours. He handled the strike situation very very well!! Overall, incredible professor, especially for his first quarter teaching!! It honestly felt like he was a very seasoned teacher judging by how prepared and confident he was at every lecture.

Homework was pretty fair and usually took around an hour. It’s super easy at first, but then progressively becomes more challenging. It’s graded on accuracy, but again, it’s pretty fair and the lowest is dropped. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis.

*Online Quizzes*
These also start off super easy but then as the course progresses, the quizzes definitely became more difficult and kinda challenging (especially the theory ones). They were sometimes based on solving stats problems and sometimes based on “theory” taught in lecture. It’s five multiple choice/sometimes fill in the blank or select all and you get one hour so it’s not the worst thing ever and they’re manageable. These are also assigned on a weekly basis and lowest is dropped.

These use a different language (R) not CoCalc from LS30A/LS30B. I thought R was a lot easier and more intuitive to use than CoCalc tbh. The labs are easier than LS30 series, but still were painful at times. We got kind of lucky because one of the TAs recorded his section where he guided us very clearly on the code so it was also manageable. Again, this is another fair component of the class–nothing is too difficult but it wasn’t super easy. Discussion is basically just where we do the labs and attendance is optional so I ended up skipping all of them and doing the labs on my own time. My TA never went over homework during section, but I heard one of them did.

There’s one midterm (I think around either end of Week 5 or beginning of Week 6) that takes place in-person during the class lecture. It’s 20 multiple choice so it’s definitely doable during a 75 minute lecture. Prof. Kim lets you use a single page of notes (front and back) and he gives you a practice exam that is EXTREMELY similar to the actual midterm so this exam it’s honestly more than fair. You are allowed a basic calculator (not a TI-84 or other graphing calculator), but you really don’t need it because he uses pretty small numbers that you could calculate by hand if you did forget your calculator. It felt pretty easy but I think it’s because Prof. Kim prepares you very well and doesn’t write outlandish questions–he specifically stated that he writes his exam to be fair and he definitely does. If I remember correctly the average/median/mode was also pretty high. Just study the practice midterm and review your notes/homework and you should be okay! There was also no coding on our midterm.

*Final Exam*
Very similar comments to the midterm: very fair, one page of notes, calculator, etc. The only difference is it 25 MC and takes place during finals week so there’s 3 hours instead of just 75 minutes, but you really need only an hour max. The final only tests the content after the midterm too (but there are concepts that carry over from the beginning of the class–they’re just not directly tested). He gives a practice final that is also VERY similar!!! Study that and you should honestly be fine, but just be very careful about wording bc in stats you will learn that there are SPECIFIC ways you have to phrase certain things. Prof. Kim makes this very clear during lectures so make sure to take note of these specific wordings!! The final honestly felt so fair and pretty easy thanks to him. Also go to the review sessions before!

*Extra Credit Notes*
You literally get extra credit for writing what he writes on the board! Super easy points.

Literally just take the class with Prof. Kim–do not hesitate and you will not regret this at all! Amazing class and professor!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
May 20, 2024


This guy is super chill and says at the start of class that you don't even have to show up (although he recommends it and I feel bad because nobody shows up, sooo SHOW UP!) and you can still end with a good grade. He only has 1 midterm and both the final and midterm are all multiple choice. If you get in all your HW you will get a 5 percent bonus to your grade which makes this class EZ AF. Just do the HW because they are extremely similar to the tests just read the questions carefully because he sometimes changes little things in the problems.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 13, 2024

One of the best classes at UCLA. Definitely easy to get an A but I heavily relied on my note sheet for exams. I got 100% on homework and labs. For those assignments I often collaborated and checked answers with people on GroupMe. The workload was manageable. He is also so so so funny!!!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 3, 2024

Take this class with Professor Kim if you can.
Grades were composed of: midterm, final (wasn't cumulative), homework, labs.
Lectures: Recorded, must watch or attend because he does not post his notes and there is no textbook or slides.
Homework: took like 1 hour and had example problems you could directly follow the steps for, lowest dropped
Labs: super easy coding, TA and lab manual basically walks you through them
Exams: Multiple choice and you were allowed to bring 1 cheat sheet (so helpful, highly recommend you put examples and equations on it, you learn A LOT of different tests with different steps). Because they were multiple choice, it was super important to double check your math. There is a practice exam given and it is basically the same as the exam (tests the same concepts pretty much).
Class is designed for success. Put in effort but it is hard to not do well if you're doing the basics.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 1, 2024

Prof Kim sounds exactly like a professor from an early 2000s college movie. He explains the concepts very well and makes them easy to understand. There are an extra 5% built into the grading scheme, so it's out of 105% instead of out of 100%. Overall, I very very very much recommend taking Prof Kim for Stats 13 if you can


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: I
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 11, 2024

Professor Kim is very knowledgeable in statistics and the class is very fair. He is willing to help in any way he can, whether it’s through office hours or posting practice problems for the homework and midterm. I really appreciated that both the lectures and discussions were recorded because it made it much easier to catch up on the material if you missed any. Sometimes Professor Kim was a bit confusing, but the homework problems always cleared up what you needed to know, and they were very fair and helpful. Overall I think this is a somewhat easy class and Professor Kim does a great job of making it manageable.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 23, 2024

Easiest class I have even taken. The first half of the quarter is basically the same with ap stats, and the second half consists of different hypothesis tests that are really similar to the ones in the first half. The test is in the form of multiple choice. While the wording is sometimes tricky, the content and format is exactly the same as practice. No attendance required for lectures and discussion, and they both have recordings. So, I definitely recommend it, and I wish all of my stem classes can be as easy as stats 13.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
June 3, 2023

This class consists of regular homework, quizzes, labs, a midterm and a final. Professor Kim is very understanding and always willing to help students succeed. To review for exams, utilize the practice problems he gives and the practice midterm. They are very helpful. He also allows a cheat sheet during exams, so make sure to make use of it. The lectures are podcasted and attendance is not required. Extra credit was given for taking complete notes of lectures. Professor Kim is super sweet and often funny in lectures.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
April 3, 2023

I think professor Kim was a engaging lecturer, he was often funny. For transparency I got a 12/20 on the first midterm and for the final I received a 20/25, I would do all the homework and get perfect scores (labs as well.) you also get 5% extra credit for writing down all lectures and I thought it was too much writing so I didnt do some. However I ended up passing the class with a B. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DOING THE SHEET OF NOTES THAT HE ALLOWS IN THE EXAM. I think that is honestly what saved me, I mostly put practice problems that were given in the homework and I also referenced the practice final exam that he gave and I did pretty well on my final exam due to that. Although I liked Kim as a lecturer I absolutely despised stats content. Hope that helps and good luck !


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 25, 2023


Lectures: Professor Kim is as engaging and fun as learning stats or math can get! He is very funny and likes to make little jokes and comments. Lecture attendance is not mandatory but Bruincast is not the best quality where you can't really clearly see the symbols on the board. He also goes through a lot of theoretical stuff and goes through the reasoning why we use certain formulas but they aren't really important in exams. I have never had a stats class before but I definitely loved it! Lectures moved very fast and can sometimes get confusing but you can definitely rewatch the lecture and stay on top of it.

Homework: Homework was only 3-5 problems depending on the unit and only took 30 minutes to 1 hour. He provides a lot of supplemental practice problems in addition to homework so if you just follow the steps in the supplemental practice problems you are guaranteed to get a 100% most of the time. We had homework due at the end of the week for most of the week. He even canceled one of our homework assignments.

Labs: EXTREMELY EASY! It is different from LS30A/B and if you had prior coding experience, it should be very easy but different. The lab manual and TA's basically handed you the code so it was never a stress for me. Just ask for help!

Midterm: The one midterm was only 20 questions of multiple choice. It was a mix of both calculations and conceptual questions on why we use a certain statistical test, why we use a certain technique, etc. The midterm was very easy! However, beware of his test answer options! His questions have a lot of "none of the above" or "all of the above" options and often times those were the right answer because of a small detail! READ EACH QUESTION AND ANSWER CHOICE CAREFULLY AND DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK YOUR WORK! However, the midterm is literally the same difficulty or sometimes even easier than the homework, practice problems, and practice exams. He also gave us a sheet of notes front and back.

Final: Same as the final just longer but only should be taking you a hour and a half max. It only tests on the material after the midterm but a lot of the concepts build on top of each other anyways. The amount of statistical tests you learn by the end and can get tested on is overwhelming but he did a review session during lecture and summarized all of them for you. You have your sheet of notes and I highly recommend writing down the different tests and their properties, etc. Make sure to check your work!!!!

Extra Credit: He gave us the opportunity to get 5% extra credit added to our overall course percentage which is EXTREMELY GENEROUS! All you had to do was write/type clear lecture notes and submit them. You can make them fancy or you can just submit sectioned bullet points with all of diagrams, formulas, etc. He gives you a whole week from the lecture to turn it in so you can turn it in at your own pace.

This class was the least of my worries and actually made me love statistics even as a person who doesn't really like math!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 15, 2023

*Class Percentages*
20% Homework (lowest dropped)
20% Online Quizzes (lowest dropped)
15% Labs
20% Midterm
25% Final Exam
5% Extra Credit (from lecture notes)

I have nothing but positive things to say about Prof. Kim!! He is so organized from his lecture notes format to the way he organizes his Canvas classroom. He is a very kind, understanding, and funny professor. Even tho the actual subject is pretty boring and feels repetitive, Prof. Kim makes stats actually enjoyable with his jokes throughout the class, but he never gets too sidetracked and doesn’t waste the class’ time. You can tell he is super passionate about the subject. Stats gets VERY confusing towards the end of the quarter because you end up learning many different statistical tests that seem very similar, but have different purposes, but Prof. Kim had a review session before the final in which he outlined ALLLLLL the differences. This review session literally saved me on the final since he allows a page of notes on the midterm and final. He also responds to emails in a very timely manner and is very clear and direct with his responses. Even when there was a TA strike, he took over and held his own discussion sections and responded to all student emails that would have been directed at the TAs. He also added extra office hours. He handled the strike situation very very well!! Overall, incredible professor, especially for his first quarter teaching!! It honestly felt like he was a very seasoned teacher judging by how prepared and confident he was at every lecture.

Homework was pretty fair and usually took around an hour. It’s super easy at first, but then progressively becomes more challenging. It’s graded on accuracy, but again, it’s pretty fair and the lowest is dropped. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis.

*Online Quizzes*
These also start off super easy but then as the course progresses, the quizzes definitely became more difficult and kinda challenging (especially the theory ones). They were sometimes based on solving stats problems and sometimes based on “theory” taught in lecture. It’s five multiple choice/sometimes fill in the blank or select all and you get one hour so it’s not the worst thing ever and they’re manageable. These are also assigned on a weekly basis and lowest is dropped.

These use a different language (R) not CoCalc from LS30A/LS30B. I thought R was a lot easier and more intuitive to use than CoCalc tbh. The labs are easier than LS30 series, but still were painful at times. We got kind of lucky because one of the TAs recorded his section where he guided us very clearly on the code so it was also manageable. Again, this is another fair component of the class–nothing is too difficult but it wasn’t super easy. Discussion is basically just where we do the labs and attendance is optional so I ended up skipping all of them and doing the labs on my own time. My TA never went over homework during section, but I heard one of them did.

There’s one midterm (I think around either end of Week 5 or beginning of Week 6) that takes place in-person during the class lecture. It’s 20 multiple choice so it’s definitely doable during a 75 minute lecture. Prof. Kim lets you use a single page of notes (front and back) and he gives you a practice exam that is EXTREMELY similar to the actual midterm so this exam it’s honestly more than fair. You are allowed a basic calculator (not a TI-84 or other graphing calculator), but you really don’t need it because he uses pretty small numbers that you could calculate by hand if you did forget your calculator. It felt pretty easy but I think it’s because Prof. Kim prepares you very well and doesn’t write outlandish questions–he specifically stated that he writes his exam to be fair and he definitely does. If I remember correctly the average/median/mode was also pretty high. Just study the practice midterm and review your notes/homework and you should be okay! There was also no coding on our midterm.

*Final Exam*
Very similar comments to the midterm: very fair, one page of notes, calculator, etc. The only difference is it 25 MC and takes place during finals week so there’s 3 hours instead of just 75 minutes, but you really need only an hour max. The final only tests the content after the midterm too (but there are concepts that carry over from the beginning of the class–they’re just not directly tested). He gives a practice final that is also VERY similar!!! Study that and you should honestly be fine, but just be very careful about wording bc in stats you will learn that there are SPECIFIC ways you have to phrase certain things. Prof. Kim makes this very clear during lectures so make sure to take note of these specific wordings!! The final honestly felt so fair and pretty easy thanks to him. Also go to the review sessions before!

*Extra Credit Notes*
You literally get extra credit for writing what he writes on the board! Super easy points.

Literally just take the class with Prof. Kim–do not hesitate and you will not regret this at all! Amazing class and professor!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
May 20, 2024


This guy is super chill and says at the start of class that you don't even have to show up (although he recommends it and I feel bad because nobody shows up, sooo SHOW UP!) and you can still end with a good grade. He only has 1 midterm and both the final and midterm are all multiple choice. If you get in all your HW you will get a 5 percent bonus to your grade which makes this class EZ AF. Just do the HW because they are extremely similar to the tests just read the questions carefully because he sometimes changes little things in the problems.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 13, 2024

One of the best classes at UCLA. Definitely easy to get an A but I heavily relied on my note sheet for exams. I got 100% on homework and labs. For those assignments I often collaborated and checked answers with people on GroupMe. The workload was manageable. He is also so so so funny!!!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 3, 2024

Take this class with Professor Kim if you can.
Grades were composed of: midterm, final (wasn't cumulative), homework, labs.
Lectures: Recorded, must watch or attend because he does not post his notes and there is no textbook or slides.
Homework: took like 1 hour and had example problems you could directly follow the steps for, lowest dropped
Labs: super easy coding, TA and lab manual basically walks you through them
Exams: Multiple choice and you were allowed to bring 1 cheat sheet (so helpful, highly recommend you put examples and equations on it, you learn A LOT of different tests with different steps). Because they were multiple choice, it was super important to double check your math. There is a practice exam given and it is basically the same as the exam (tests the same concepts pretty much).
Class is designed for success. Put in effort but it is hard to not do well if you're doing the basics.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 1, 2024

Prof Kim sounds exactly like a professor from an early 2000s college movie. He explains the concepts very well and makes them easy to understand. There are an extra 5% built into the grading scheme, so it's out of 105% instead of out of 100%. Overall, I very very very much recommend taking Prof Kim for Stats 13 if you can


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: I
March 11, 2024

Professor Kim is very knowledgeable in statistics and the class is very fair. He is willing to help in any way he can, whether it’s through office hours or posting practice problems for the homework and midterm. I really appreciated that both the lectures and discussions were recorded because it made it much easier to catch up on the material if you missed any. Sometimes Professor Kim was a bit confusing, but the homework problems always cleared up what you needed to know, and they were very fair and helpful. Overall I think this is a somewhat easy class and Professor Kim does a great job of making it manageable.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Feb. 23, 2024

Easiest class I have even taken. The first half of the quarter is basically the same with ap stats, and the second half consists of different hypothesis tests that are really similar to the ones in the first half. The test is in the form of multiple choice. While the wording is sometimes tricky, the content and format is exactly the same as practice. No attendance required for lectures and discussion, and they both have recordings. So, I definitely recommend it, and I wish all of my stem classes can be as easy as stats 13.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 16 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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