
Christopher Wegemer

Overall Ratings
Based on 4 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (4)

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June 10, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

I'm surprised this class doesn't already have good reviews. If you want to learn how to use R in social science research, TAKE THIS CLASS! Prof Wegemer is the best and this class is definitely manageable. Discussion attendance is mandatory but lectures are fully recorded. Wegemer is so sweet and this class helps give you a strong R background for future research. All exams are multiple choice and because of the disruptions this quarter he changed his grading scheme to boost our grades where possible.


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Jan. 10, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

I could not recommend this class with Wegemer more!!! He is an exceptional teacher and understands how students learn. He lectures at a slow pace, has clear an helpful slides, always welcomes questions, and explains the topics in good detail. It is clear he has a true passion for social networks. I found this class to be incredibly fascinating, especially the later half when the concepts are applied to more real world examples, it seems to all come together in the end! It is refreshing to have a professor who is optimistic about the future and I walked away feeling inspired. The class is made up of a midterm, a final, section attendance (1 can be missed) and 6 homeworks (lowest one is dropped. If you attend discussion and the lecture you should be able to do well on the homework without issue. The homeworks force you to stay on top of lectures and not get behind, and practice questions that will be on the exams. The midterm and final are multiple choice, and the final is not cumulative. He offers practice exams which are very similar if not the same to the exam questions. Lectures were recorded but going to class was so worth it. Overall Professor Wegemer is approachable, clear, and really wants students to do well :)


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 10, 2024

I'm surprised this class doesn't already have good reviews. If you want to learn how to use R in social science research, TAKE THIS CLASS! Prof Wegemer is the best and this class is definitely manageable. Discussion attendance is mandatory but lectures are fully recorded. Wegemer is so sweet and this class helps give you a strong R background for future research. All exams are multiple choice and because of the disruptions this quarter he changed his grading scheme to boost our grades where possible.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 10, 2024

I could not recommend this class with Wegemer more!!! He is an exceptional teacher and understands how students learn. He lectures at a slow pace, has clear an helpful slides, always welcomes questions, and explains the topics in good detail. It is clear he has a true passion for social networks. I found this class to be incredibly fascinating, especially the later half when the concepts are applied to more real world examples, it seems to all come together in the end! It is refreshing to have a professor who is optimistic about the future and I walked away feeling inspired. The class is made up of a midterm, a final, section attendance (1 can be missed) and 6 homeworks (lowest one is dropped. If you attend discussion and the lecture you should be able to do well on the homework without issue. The homeworks force you to stay on top of lectures and not get behind, and practice questions that will be on the exams. The midterm and final are multiple choice, and the final is not cumulative. He offers practice exams which are very similar if not the same to the exam questions. Lectures were recorded but going to class was so worth it. Overall Professor Wegemer is approachable, clear, and really wants students to do well :)


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