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Chengxi Wang
Based on 85 Users
Super easy A. The lectures are basically the prof copying down the lecture notes (which are posted). Just find the example problems in the lecture notes that you need for exams and hw and you're set. She always tells what topics are on exams too.
This course is basically a free A course. Professor Wang basically went through the notes she posted and that's pretty much it. Tests are in the similar format as weekly quizzes and homework.
This professor's teaching ability is equivalent to that of a second grader. As long as you can read out loud and copy down things word for word, you would be able to teach this class at the same level as she does, maybe even better. If you want to learn anything, just read the textbook. There is no point in going to lecture because she zooms through the material while explaining the bare minimum, using confusing notation that seems very complicated at first with no explanation, and throwing random proofs and theorems at you with no logical sequential order. Half of the things discussed in class just come out of no where and make no sense when they're introduced because they just don't fit into the bigger picture of what was previously discussed, or at least the professor fails to show the class how new material is relevant until the point where you're too bored or lost to care. The tests are very easy (at least in online format) and the homework doesn't take longer than an hour (if that) to complete each week. Discussion sections could be useful as the TAs will probably be able to explain things better than her. Would greatly discourage from taking diff eqs with this professor, especially if being able to understand and use diff eqs is important for your major.
I took this class Fall Quarter my freshman year, so wasn’t really sure what to expect. The class ended up being pretty alright! The professor doesn’t really help you understand the material conceptually, but the TAs and Prof literally tell you the problems that are going to be on the midterms and finals. Lectures are very optional, discussion are decently helpful, and the lecture notes (pre-typed) are absolutely incredible.
i did the midterm in 15 min. did the final in 30 min. i swear im not joking. want an A? take it. and i feel like i learn valuable stuff too, i dont completely agree with you learn nothing. but i completely agree that she is hard to understand and you would probs learn better from som1 else. but this class felt easier than a ge. would take again tbh.
Wang is genuinely unbelievable -- but in a good way (for you).
I went to the first lecture of this class, realized I would never in a million years be able to understand any material due to Wang's accent and her constant pauses and back-ups and jumps and turns, and from there on out I learned material once before the midterm, and then once before the final.
The weekly homeworks and quizzes are online and involve the absolute most basic problems from each section, so they're no big deal.
The day before the final, I realized I was in deep shit, as I hadn't learned any of the material past the midterm, which was during week 5. For some reason, the content is weighted heavily towards the second half of the class. Anyway, I pulled an all-nighter, and learned the entire course's material in the span of like 10 hours, something that I don't think would be possible in any other math class. Wang continues the trend of using basic problems on her midterm and final, so as long as you memorize the basic concepts, I find it hard to believe you could get worse than an A.
So basically, this is the professor you need to have for 33B. You probably won't learn the material nearly as well as if you took another professor's section, but it would take a great deal of effort to NOT get an A in this class. The day before the final, I was sure I was fucked, and I would end up with a B or C or worse. But after like 2 hours of grinding I realized the entire course could be memorized. Never felt more confident walking out of a test.
This class is probably the easiest class at UCLA. The professor is a little bit hard to understand but the lecture notes are all you really need. The midterm was online and took only 50 minutes according to the professor but we had a full 3 hours. Additionally, one question on the final literally told us how to solve the problem. If you are looking for a free A take this class.
This class was one of the weirdest classes I've ever taken at UCLA. It's laughably easy, but that's because Dr. Wang is really bad at teaching the material. For one of the problems on the final, she literally gave us step by step instructions on how to solve it. If you're able to look at lecture notes and understand how to solve the problems she gives examples of, you should be golden. I've never taken a class were going to lecture was so pointless. Go if you need to be able to keep up with notes, but reading the lecture notes is actually a better way of studying. Also, she's almost never there??? Half of our lectures ended up being cancelled or moved online because she was at a conference. Overall, recommend if you want an easy A (although there is self-studying that you need to do), do not recommend if you want to actually understand anything about diff eqs past the basic "how do I solve this specific cherry-picked problem?"
WANG IS GOATED. If you're a math major, you'd probably disagree because you definitely left with no knowledge from her; however, if you're looking for an EASY A, Wang has you covered. Her lectures are a bit wacky--I stopped watching after the midterm, but you could genuinely learn all her course material from videos or her quick examples in class, practice her previous exams from past quarters, and you will easily pass. Take this class at your own risk; you might not learn much.
Super easy A. The lectures are basically the prof copying down the lecture notes (which are posted). Just find the example problems in the lecture notes that you need for exams and hw and you're set. She always tells what topics are on exams too.
This course is basically a free A course. Professor Wang basically went through the notes she posted and that's pretty much it. Tests are in the similar format as weekly quizzes and homework.
This professor's teaching ability is equivalent to that of a second grader. As long as you can read out loud and copy down things word for word, you would be able to teach this class at the same level as she does, maybe even better. If you want to learn anything, just read the textbook. There is no point in going to lecture because she zooms through the material while explaining the bare minimum, using confusing notation that seems very complicated at first with no explanation, and throwing random proofs and theorems at you with no logical sequential order. Half of the things discussed in class just come out of no where and make no sense when they're introduced because they just don't fit into the bigger picture of what was previously discussed, or at least the professor fails to show the class how new material is relevant until the point where you're too bored or lost to care. The tests are very easy (at least in online format) and the homework doesn't take longer than an hour (if that) to complete each week. Discussion sections could be useful as the TAs will probably be able to explain things better than her. Would greatly discourage from taking diff eqs with this professor, especially if being able to understand and use diff eqs is important for your major.
I took this class Fall Quarter my freshman year, so wasn’t really sure what to expect. The class ended up being pretty alright! The professor doesn’t really help you understand the material conceptually, but the TAs and Prof literally tell you the problems that are going to be on the midterms and finals. Lectures are very optional, discussion are decently helpful, and the lecture notes (pre-typed) are absolutely incredible.
i did the midterm in 15 min. did the final in 30 min. i swear im not joking. want an A? take it. and i feel like i learn valuable stuff too, i dont completely agree with you learn nothing. but i completely agree that she is hard to understand and you would probs learn better from som1 else. but this class felt easier than a ge. would take again tbh.
Wang is genuinely unbelievable -- but in a good way (for you).
I went to the first lecture of this class, realized I would never in a million years be able to understand any material due to Wang's accent and her constant pauses and back-ups and jumps and turns, and from there on out I learned material once before the midterm, and then once before the final.
The weekly homeworks and quizzes are online and involve the absolute most basic problems from each section, so they're no big deal.
The day before the final, I realized I was in deep shit, as I hadn't learned any of the material past the midterm, which was during week 5. For some reason, the content is weighted heavily towards the second half of the class. Anyway, I pulled an all-nighter, and learned the entire course's material in the span of like 10 hours, something that I don't think would be possible in any other math class. Wang continues the trend of using basic problems on her midterm and final, so as long as you memorize the basic concepts, I find it hard to believe you could get worse than an A.
So basically, this is the professor you need to have for 33B. You probably won't learn the material nearly as well as if you took another professor's section, but it would take a great deal of effort to NOT get an A in this class. The day before the final, I was sure I was fucked, and I would end up with a B or C or worse. But after like 2 hours of grinding I realized the entire course could be memorized. Never felt more confident walking out of a test.
This class is probably the easiest class at UCLA. The professor is a little bit hard to understand but the lecture notes are all you really need. The midterm was online and took only 50 minutes according to the professor but we had a full 3 hours. Additionally, one question on the final literally told us how to solve the problem. If you are looking for a free A take this class.
This class was one of the weirdest classes I've ever taken at UCLA. It's laughably easy, but that's because Dr. Wang is really bad at teaching the material. For one of the problems on the final, she literally gave us step by step instructions on how to solve it. If you're able to look at lecture notes and understand how to solve the problems she gives examples of, you should be golden. I've never taken a class were going to lecture was so pointless. Go if you need to be able to keep up with notes, but reading the lecture notes is actually a better way of studying. Also, she's almost never there??? Half of our lectures ended up being cancelled or moved online because she was at a conference. Overall, recommend if you want an easy A (although there is self-studying that you need to do), do not recommend if you want to actually understand anything about diff eqs past the basic "how do I solve this specific cherry-picked problem?"
WANG IS GOATED. If you're a math major, you'd probably disagree because you definitely left with no knowledge from her; however, if you're looking for an EASY A, Wang has you covered. Her lectures are a bit wacky--I stopped watching after the midterm, but you could genuinely learn all her course material from videos or her quick examples in class, practice her previous exams from past quarters, and you will easily pass. Take this class at your own risk; you might not learn much.