Carolyn Parkinson
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Before I begin, I'm selling the 4th edition of Social Psychology (PDF version) by Gilovich for $15. If you're interested, send a text to **********. I accept Venmo, PayPal, and physical cash in person. She's a great professor. The class wasn't too difficult nor was it too easy; just right. She provides slides before class even starts and also offers extra credit (SONA). The textbook is necessary because she would occasionally test material from the text that isn't taught in lecture. Honestly if you just read the text and not go to class you'll do fine. Overall a good professor, no BS like other professors out there (looking at you Firstenberg).
Winter 2019 - Before I begin, I'm selling the 4th edition of Social Psychology (PDF version) by Gilovich for $15. If you're interested, send a text to **********. I accept Venmo, PayPal, and physical cash in person. She's a great professor. The class wasn't too difficult nor was it too easy; just right. She provides slides before class even starts and also offers extra credit (SONA). The textbook is necessary because she would occasionally test material from the text that isn't taught in lecture. Honestly if you just read the text and not go to class you'll do fine. Overall a good professor, no BS like other professors out there (looking at you Firstenberg).
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - Overall, I would really recommend that you take this class! Prof. Parkinson is very reasonable + accommodating, and the workload is manageable: - 1 minute paper based on anything interesting in lecture/readings each week - 3 non-cumulative exams with a group re-test that can improve your individual score - Asynchronous The exams were also reasonable if you watched the lectures and reviewed your notes beforehand. I took this as an elective for Psychobiology. If you would like the notes for free feel free to email me and I'll be happy to send them over :)
Fall 2021 - Overall, I would really recommend that you take this class! Prof. Parkinson is very reasonable + accommodating, and the workload is manageable: - 1 minute paper based on anything interesting in lecture/readings each week - 3 non-cumulative exams with a group re-test that can improve your individual score - Asynchronous The exams were also reasonable if you watched the lectures and reviewed your notes beforehand. I took this as an elective for Psychobiology. If you would like the notes for free feel free to email me and I'll be happy to send them over :)
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - Psych 188B, Neuroscience of Social Perception. Great class! The content was very interesting and eye-opening (especially if you have little experience with psychology classes here at UCLA). Professor Parkinson is very accommodating to students. She understands that since there are no requisites for this class (apart from Pysch 10), there are a lot of students with different experiences and knowledge in psychology. Given this, she designed lectures that explain the content very well. , Some of the upperclassmen may have found some sections as review and boring, but it was very helpful for a first-quarter sophomore like me. She uploads the slides online, so I would not worry about copying the content and would focus more on Parkinson's lecture. I find that she often explains the denser and more research-based slides in simpler terms during lecture. She also likes to show videos, as she finds it helps students understand and remember concepts well. They certainly helped me! Shannon Burns, the only TA, was very helpful. She made and sent out a study guide/review sheet of sorts before each of the three total exams for this class. Exams are all multiple choice! There is a textbook required for this class, Student's Guide to Neuroscience. I found it as a free pdf online. I would recommend reading the chapters assigned, some of the material was tested on in the final exam. It also helps with the overall comprehension of the class content. Other assigned readings included research papers, which the professor helpfully strip down and presents in a more digestible fashion during lecture. Extra credit is, like many of the other psych classes, through participating in experiments with SONA system. Three hours equates to1.5 extra credit points (quoting from the syllabus; "which are added to your final 'out of 100' grade at the end of the quarter"). Overall, a great class. I would definitely take one again with Professor Parkinson!
Spring 2019 - Psych 188B, Neuroscience of Social Perception. Great class! The content was very interesting and eye-opening (especially if you have little experience with psychology classes here at UCLA). Professor Parkinson is very accommodating to students. She understands that since there are no requisites for this class (apart from Pysch 10), there are a lot of students with different experiences and knowledge in psychology. Given this, she designed lectures that explain the content very well. , Some of the upperclassmen may have found some sections as review and boring, but it was very helpful for a first-quarter sophomore like me. She uploads the slides online, so I would not worry about copying the content and would focus more on Parkinson's lecture. I find that she often explains the denser and more research-based slides in simpler terms during lecture. She also likes to show videos, as she finds it helps students understand and remember concepts well. They certainly helped me! Shannon Burns, the only TA, was very helpful. She made and sent out a study guide/review sheet of sorts before each of the three total exams for this class. Exams are all multiple choice! There is a textbook required for this class, Student's Guide to Neuroscience. I found it as a free pdf online. I would recommend reading the chapters assigned, some of the material was tested on in the final exam. It also helps with the overall comprehension of the class content. Other assigned readings included research papers, which the professor helpfully strip down and presents in a more digestible fashion during lecture. Extra credit is, like many of the other psych classes, through participating in experiments with SONA system. Three hours equates to1.5 extra credit points (quoting from the syllabus; "which are added to your final 'out of 100' grade at the end of the quarter"). Overall, a great class. I would definitely take one again with Professor Parkinson!