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Bronwen Wilson
Based on 43 Users
I think most of the reviews from 2019 fall are kind of biased.
Yes, this class has a heavy workload.
Yes, the exams require you to know your materials.
However, I don't think we should expect an easy class just because it's a GE. What's the use of an easy class anyway? For me, I often learn the most from classes that are the most challenging. The class is difficult but prof. Wilson is so willing to help you. She answers questions in such an engaging way that makes me think a lot more about my original question. She might be going a bit fast in lectures sometimes but she explains things clearly whenever I ask her to go back on a topic I didn't understand. I got a B for my visual analysis and I was very frustrated, but she walked me through my paper and pointed out all the things I need to work on. Honestly, she's like one of the best professors I've had. I had almost no interest in Renaissance art but she made it very interesting.
I agree with some of the other reviewers here when they say that Art His 22 with Wilson is a pretty difficult class overall. However, I think she's a great lecturer who is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject.
The workload isn't unmanageable overall, with only a single paper due in the first half of the quarter as well as a page of notes to be turned into section each week based on the readings she posts on CCLE. What really does make this class tough though are the exams. The Midterm consists of 2 comparison essays for which you have to memorize a long list of paintings, including the name of the painting, the artist, the context, time period, medium, etc. and write 2 essays about the paintings she displays. The Final is even tougher, including 2 comparison essays as well as 2 other essays, all to be written within a little over 2 hours. The list she gives for the final has 35 paintings on it, all of which need to be studied and memorized, so it can be pretty difficult to prepare for.
The lectures are really interesting though, and I felt as though Professor Wilson was able to get through a huge amount of varying works throughout the 10 weeks. If you have any interest at all in art and don't mind taking a difficult and challenging GE, I would highly recommend taking this class. Just be mindful of the difficult exams, and the fact that the lectures aren't podcasted, so to be successful in the class, you must show up to the lectures or at the very least get notes from someone present.
Professor Wilson is passionate about her teaching. She speaks clearly and her lectures are somewhat interesting regardless if you like art history or not. Attendance in lecture isn't necessary but to have a better understanding for the Midterm and Final, you should definitely go. Honestly, if you put in the effort, this class should be a breeze. My advice: attend lectures, take a good amount of notes, participate in discussion w/ the one paper of notes, and study just a bit. Pretty light. Good luck.
- My TA (Kersten) was very helpful and kind, and discussion sections basically taught me everything.
- Since it's asynchronous, you can always look at lecture material for review.
- Since this was online, it was a bit easier. But I know that for in-person classes, she makes you memorize like 40 paintings.
- There were synchronous review sessions every Thursday (not recorded, though). Honestly I didn't really pay attention, but they seemed to be helpful. HOWEVER, she does assume that you attend them even though they're optional.
- Workload is extremely excessive. The amount of reading and writing that you have to do for this class is on par or even more than Writing II classes, and this isn't a Writing II class.
- You have to submit about a page of writing for homework every week, including on weeks with essays due, which gets very difficult -- especially when both the midterm and the final are two 800-1000 word essays.
- Professor Wilson is very boring to listen to and isn't succinct whatsoever. Again, I learned everything through my TA.
- My TA graded harshly and feedback wasn't helpful whatsoever (hence why I P/NP'd).
Professor Wilson is really kind and she is really helpful. Thomas D. was my TA and he was very helpful as well. I do have to agree with the other reviews and say she is a little boring. She just lectures for the whole two hours. If you have a general interest in renaissance and baroque art, this class shouldn't be too terrible. I wouldn't say this is one of the easier GEs, but I really enjoyed the content of this course. Yes, the final was a pain because we had 4 essays but overall the class wasn't too difficult. You don't really need to do the readings to have an understanding of the lecture.
This class was pretty interesting and easy overall (but I am an art history nerd, so...). There was very little memorization and the midterm and final were in classes essays that were almost completely analysis based. Professor Wilson uses slides, but doesn't really write anything on them so you have to pay attention to her in lecture and take notes. The TA discussion sections didn't always correlate with the lecture--the professor would assign weekly readings/videos which we could then discuss in section with our TA. We had to turn in a page of notes about the readings to our TA as well.
Along with the in-class midterm and final, there were two 2-3 page essays (but they're not too difficult). One essay did require that you go to a museum to look at and write about a piece of art, but the professor was okay if you just found a piece in the approved museum's online gallery.
Pretty heavy weekly workload considering it's a GE, but it is possible to get by without too much trouble if you are doing the bare minimum and have decent writing skills. My TA, Tori Schmitt, was wonderful so that definitely helped.
When enrolling in this class I first thought it would deal with just art while providing some historical background info and that it'd be interesting and relatively easy, because after all it was an art class. Week 2 is when I realized I was going to absolutely dread and dislike this class. The readings were very dense, with the exception of maybe two or three shorter ones, and extremely boring to be honest. Lectures were just as boring and the professor's voice was very hard to listen and pay attention to. We had weekly responses to the readings and lectures due every week before your discussion, so it sucked for anyone who had to read everything early in the week. The midterm and final consisted of two essay comparisons of two separate pair of paintings, which was very annoying and hard to understand what it is they really wanted from us. We were never given examples of what was expected of us until after we had already done the assignments--which didn't make sense to me. This class became the class I absolutely dreaded and spent so much time and lost so much sleep on. I didn't learn a single thing, nor did I find any of the material covered interesting. I somehow managed a B, though I was sure I would barely pass with a C. Overall I didn't like this class at all and I don't think it was worth all the effort and time spent on it for the grade I received,
Professor Wilson is one of the most engaging professor I have had at UCLA. She is really passionate about art history, and that shows when she lectures. She speaks clearly, interacts with students throughout lecture, is and is very organized. All exams in the class were writing based, and were not difficult as long as you understand the facts of each artifact. There were both take - home and in - class portions of the exams, and all were writing based. In discussion, you do small worksheets/assignments that are all very easy. Participation is required in discussion. As long as you say something thoughtful about the artworks/readings, you'll be fine and should receive full participation points. Overall, a pretty easy and very interesting GE taught by an amazing professor.
An amazing professor! If you love Venetian history and the Italian Renaissance I recommend! She is so sweet and so not out to get you. If you arrive late, she isn't ultra-critical like other professors. Also go to her office hours and she will help you with all the citation information for your essays.
I think most of the reviews from 2019 fall are kind of biased.
Yes, this class has a heavy workload.
Yes, the exams require you to know your materials.
However, I don't think we should expect an easy class just because it's a GE. What's the use of an easy class anyway? For me, I often learn the most from classes that are the most challenging. The class is difficult but prof. Wilson is so willing to help you. She answers questions in such an engaging way that makes me think a lot more about my original question. She might be going a bit fast in lectures sometimes but she explains things clearly whenever I ask her to go back on a topic I didn't understand. I got a B for my visual analysis and I was very frustrated, but she walked me through my paper and pointed out all the things I need to work on. Honestly, she's like one of the best professors I've had. I had almost no interest in Renaissance art but she made it very interesting.
I agree with some of the other reviewers here when they say that Art His 22 with Wilson is a pretty difficult class overall. However, I think she's a great lecturer who is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject.
The workload isn't unmanageable overall, with only a single paper due in the first half of the quarter as well as a page of notes to be turned into section each week based on the readings she posts on CCLE. What really does make this class tough though are the exams. The Midterm consists of 2 comparison essays for which you have to memorize a long list of paintings, including the name of the painting, the artist, the context, time period, medium, etc. and write 2 essays about the paintings she displays. The Final is even tougher, including 2 comparison essays as well as 2 other essays, all to be written within a little over 2 hours. The list she gives for the final has 35 paintings on it, all of which need to be studied and memorized, so it can be pretty difficult to prepare for.
The lectures are really interesting though, and I felt as though Professor Wilson was able to get through a huge amount of varying works throughout the 10 weeks. If you have any interest at all in art and don't mind taking a difficult and challenging GE, I would highly recommend taking this class. Just be mindful of the difficult exams, and the fact that the lectures aren't podcasted, so to be successful in the class, you must show up to the lectures or at the very least get notes from someone present.
Professor Wilson is passionate about her teaching. She speaks clearly and her lectures are somewhat interesting regardless if you like art history or not. Attendance in lecture isn't necessary but to have a better understanding for the Midterm and Final, you should definitely go. Honestly, if you put in the effort, this class should be a breeze. My advice: attend lectures, take a good amount of notes, participate in discussion w/ the one paper of notes, and study just a bit. Pretty light. Good luck.
- My TA (Kersten) was very helpful and kind, and discussion sections basically taught me everything.
- Since it's asynchronous, you can always look at lecture material for review.
- Since this was online, it was a bit easier. But I know that for in-person classes, she makes you memorize like 40 paintings.
- There were synchronous review sessions every Thursday (not recorded, though). Honestly I didn't really pay attention, but they seemed to be helpful. HOWEVER, she does assume that you attend them even though they're optional.
- Workload is extremely excessive. The amount of reading and writing that you have to do for this class is on par or even more than Writing II classes, and this isn't a Writing II class.
- You have to submit about a page of writing for homework every week, including on weeks with essays due, which gets very difficult -- especially when both the midterm and the final are two 800-1000 word essays.
- Professor Wilson is very boring to listen to and isn't succinct whatsoever. Again, I learned everything through my TA.
- My TA graded harshly and feedback wasn't helpful whatsoever (hence why I P/NP'd).
Professor Wilson is really kind and she is really helpful. Thomas D. was my TA and he was very helpful as well. I do have to agree with the other reviews and say she is a little boring. She just lectures for the whole two hours. If you have a general interest in renaissance and baroque art, this class shouldn't be too terrible. I wouldn't say this is one of the easier GEs, but I really enjoyed the content of this course. Yes, the final was a pain because we had 4 essays but overall the class wasn't too difficult. You don't really need to do the readings to have an understanding of the lecture.
This class was pretty interesting and easy overall (but I am an art history nerd, so...). There was very little memorization and the midterm and final were in classes essays that were almost completely analysis based. Professor Wilson uses slides, but doesn't really write anything on them so you have to pay attention to her in lecture and take notes. The TA discussion sections didn't always correlate with the lecture--the professor would assign weekly readings/videos which we could then discuss in section with our TA. We had to turn in a page of notes about the readings to our TA as well.
Along with the in-class midterm and final, there were two 2-3 page essays (but they're not too difficult). One essay did require that you go to a museum to look at and write about a piece of art, but the professor was okay if you just found a piece in the approved museum's online gallery.
Pretty heavy weekly workload considering it's a GE, but it is possible to get by without too much trouble if you are doing the bare minimum and have decent writing skills. My TA, Tori Schmitt, was wonderful so that definitely helped.
When enrolling in this class I first thought it would deal with just art while providing some historical background info and that it'd be interesting and relatively easy, because after all it was an art class. Week 2 is when I realized I was going to absolutely dread and dislike this class. The readings were very dense, with the exception of maybe two or three shorter ones, and extremely boring to be honest. Lectures were just as boring and the professor's voice was very hard to listen and pay attention to. We had weekly responses to the readings and lectures due every week before your discussion, so it sucked for anyone who had to read everything early in the week. The midterm and final consisted of two essay comparisons of two separate pair of paintings, which was very annoying and hard to understand what it is they really wanted from us. We were never given examples of what was expected of us until after we had already done the assignments--which didn't make sense to me. This class became the class I absolutely dreaded and spent so much time and lost so much sleep on. I didn't learn a single thing, nor did I find any of the material covered interesting. I somehow managed a B, though I was sure I would barely pass with a C. Overall I didn't like this class at all and I don't think it was worth all the effort and time spent on it for the grade I received,
Professor Wilson is one of the most engaging professor I have had at UCLA. She is really passionate about art history, and that shows when she lectures. She speaks clearly, interacts with students throughout lecture, is and is very organized. All exams in the class were writing based, and were not difficult as long as you understand the facts of each artifact. There were both take - home and in - class portions of the exams, and all were writing based. In discussion, you do small worksheets/assignments that are all very easy. Participation is required in discussion. As long as you say something thoughtful about the artworks/readings, you'll be fine and should receive full participation points. Overall, a pretty easy and very interesting GE taught by an amazing professor.
An amazing professor! If you love Venetian history and the Italian Renaissance I recommend! She is so sweet and so not out to get you. If you arrive late, she isn't ultra-critical like other professors. Also go to her office hours and she will help you with all the citation information for your essays.