Benjamin Karney
Most Helpful Review
Great Professor. Great Class. Opportunities for extra credit. Pretty Easy tests (the Midterm was NOT that tricky.....really. Though, I will admit, it wasn't the best made test i've ever seen, lets put it that way. Still very possible to do well.) Make sure to do all the readings and go to lecture obviously. But lecture is so fun and interesting, you'll want to go anyways!
Great Professor. Great Class. Opportunities for extra credit. Pretty Easy tests (the Midterm was NOT that tricky.....really. Though, I will admit, it wasn't the best made test i've ever seen, lets put it that way. Still very possible to do well.) Make sure to do all the readings and go to lecture obviously. But lecture is so fun and interesting, you'll want to go anyways!
Most Helpful Review
Just took his course this last Spring Quarter of 2015. And all I have to say is... God damn. Okay, well let me just get started on his grading and how it works for people who are -potentially- interested in taking this course. You have two "midterms", the second one is weighted slightly more heavily than the first one to account for "getting used to how he writes his exams"... yeah. They are both 50 questions, multiple choice, and the second one is non-cumulative. And you have to write a short paper that out of 30 points. So long as you follow the guidelines for the paper and hit all those key concepts, you can easily get the 30/30. As for the multiple choice... yeesh. So I know people are saying that if reading takes time away from reviewing, then choose reviewing lectures first... but I say, if you want a great grade in the course, you need to read the ENTIRE book and have good notes for them + have good notes for lecture and know every single one of em. Yes, that's right. You can literally only miss 10 points in this class to get an A. It's ridiculous, but it isn't impossible. You just need to stay on track. That being said, if you're planning to take this course as an "easy" course you can sort of half ass your way through, then DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT take this course. That being said, Karney is an amazing professor. He is very approachable, outgoing, and makes lecture a fun thing to go to. He podcasts every single lecture (be wary, because sometimes his mic gives out). And he constantly reminds you about deadlines and test dates to keep you informed. He's very honest and will tell how you it is. No bullshit. This course will definitely inform you a lot about how relationships work. But as Karney told us, fixing relationships is still a very tricky thing to accomplish.
Just took his course this last Spring Quarter of 2015. And all I have to say is... God damn. Okay, well let me just get started on his grading and how it works for people who are -potentially- interested in taking this course. You have two "midterms", the second one is weighted slightly more heavily than the first one to account for "getting used to how he writes his exams"... yeah. They are both 50 questions, multiple choice, and the second one is non-cumulative. And you have to write a short paper that out of 30 points. So long as you follow the guidelines for the paper and hit all those key concepts, you can easily get the 30/30. As for the multiple choice... yeesh. So I know people are saying that if reading takes time away from reviewing, then choose reviewing lectures first... but I say, if you want a great grade in the course, you need to read the ENTIRE book and have good notes for them + have good notes for lecture and know every single one of em. Yes, that's right. You can literally only miss 10 points in this class to get an A. It's ridiculous, but it isn't impossible. You just need to stay on track. That being said, if you're planning to take this course as an "easy" course you can sort of half ass your way through, then DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT take this course. That being said, Karney is an amazing professor. He is very approachable, outgoing, and makes lecture a fun thing to go to. He podcasts every single lecture (be wary, because sometimes his mic gives out). And he constantly reminds you about deadlines and test dates to keep you informed. He's very honest and will tell how you it is. No bullshit. This course will definitely inform you a lot about how relationships work. But as Karney told us, fixing relationships is still a very tricky thing to accomplish.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - This class is very tough, if you want an easy A this is not the class. The class is interesting but once you get to the test you will regret ever taking the class. The test are so specific and you really need to study or else you will cry during the exams. He is very unclear of what is going to be on the exams and when you ask him what is going to be on the exam he just says to study everything. The class include a lot of reading and the textbook is for essential to pass the class and is a little expensive. Do not take this class if you want a high GPA. Interesting but a lot of material you will need to retain.
Spring 2022 - This class is very tough, if you want an easy A this is not the class. The class is interesting but once you get to the test you will regret ever taking the class. The test are so specific and you really need to study or else you will cry during the exams. He is very unclear of what is going to be on the exams and when you ask him what is going to be on the exam he just says to study everything. The class include a lot of reading and the textbook is for essential to pass the class and is a little expensive. Do not take this class if you want a high GPA. Interesting but a lot of material you will need to retain.
Most Helpful Review
Professor Karney is an engaging, boisterous speaker. However, his testing methods and text leave much to be desired. I am an A student, who reads the materials, studies for days, and I can honestly say that this if the first exam where I felt it was a guessing game. The exam questions are vague or test material from text that is minute.
Professor Karney is an engaging, boisterous speaker. However, his testing methods and text leave much to be desired. I am an A student, who reads the materials, studies for days, and I can honestly say that this if the first exam where I felt it was a guessing game. The exam questions are vague or test material from text that is minute.