Belzu Jones
Department of Communication
Overall Rating
Based on 26 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (24)

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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 1, 2021

He is the best professor to teach this class and was super helpful and accommodating to all students. His lectures are posted and there are no live Zoom sessions but his style is very engaging. The concepts can be difficult, but he breaks them down well and gives many examples so students can understand them clearly. The class had weekly discussion posts, weekly response papers (400 words) and 2 reflection papers (5 pages). He made some of them optional after seeing many students struggle with their workload and was always willing to go the extra mile. Great professor and highly recommend him if you need Comm 100.


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2021

I loved Professor Jones! If it weren't for him I probably would not have liked this class as much. I didn't care for the material (it's very science based and tricky to understand concepts at times), but he made it as engaging, interesting, and easy to follow as he could. He is extremely accessible and was around to answer questions or concerns in a very timely manner since he joined our class GroupMe. I thought this was weird at first, but it DEFINITELY paid off considering how helpful and accommodating he was. The structure of the class goes like this: weekly discussion posts, weekly response papers (about 1 page), and 2 reflection papers (around 4 pages). I am most impressed with how caring he is. He realized that we were all going through a hard time and cut down the work load a lot. He made two of the response papers optional and even made the second reflection paper (due on finals week) optional as well. The TAs do tend to grade a little on the harsher side, but most of your grade is based on the discussions- which are mostly a guaranteed 100% every time. I finished with an A+ and spent half of the quarter on vacation or with COVID doing the absolute bare minimum... Overall, Gabe is such a genuine and caring guy and you should definitely take this class with him if you have the opportunity. I really appreciated how he was so gracious and lenient about the assignments considering the pandemic. He's a gem!


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2021

Professor Jones recorded and posted all lectures. He was also super accessible (joined our class groupme) and flexible (made several essays, including the final essay, optional). This class is a lot of work, with one discussion post, two discussion responses, and one short essay due per week. But if you're a Comm major and have to take Comm100, I'd recommend Jones for sure. The biggest part of your grade is the discussion board so as long as you post on time it's not hard to get a good grade.


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 29, 2021

Gabe was a God sent! This class was a bit tricky but it might've been just me because I never went to office hours with the TA haha which maybe I should have went to. But professor Gabe is literally one of the most relatable, patient, and understanding professors I've had at UCLA! As for the material, it wasn't really my cup of tea but professor Gabe was so attentive and engaging on our GroupMe (which I have never seen a teacher be on a student's GroupMe!) that it makes up for the class. So here I am, writing a review and hyping him up!


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 25, 2021

Professor Jones was one of the best professors I have had. First, I found lecture content and our readings to be very engaging and enlightening. If you are interested at all in media and communication, you will do the readings rather happily. Sometimes content is challenging, but Jones does a great job of clearing things up in lecture. I found his lecture slides to work well, and I typically attended his office hours for guidance on our papers, which really helped. Some may say that papers were graded harshly, but that's not true at all. I got A's on all of my papers, what the TA's are really looking for is creativity and reflection. They don't want you to repeat verbatim what was said in lecture or in the readings, but to be creative. Being creative in the essays really pays off. In addition to our papers, we also had discussion forum posts which really boost grades, it's mostly graded on completion. Jones was extremely generous and flexible, and he really cared about student well being. He went out of his way to help us and was very thoughtful and considerate with our wellness during the pandemic. Definitely take this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 12, 2021

Professor Jones has been one of my favorite professors at UCLA. He is one of the sweetest guys ever and does a great job at explaining the content, especially when it got difficult or abstract. I know he is a good professor because he took content I would not typically care about and make it so interesting and easy to understand. I am so sad that he does not teach any other classes at UCLA. I always loved going to his office hours, and he was great at communicating with students. I never felt scared or hesitant to come to him for help, and always left office hours feeling confident with my assignments. I felt that he truly cared about us and our experience in his class even though it was virtual. He really let his amazing personality shine through the course, and I can only imagine how much more amazing he is of a teacher in person. I hope UCLA gives him more oppurtunities to teach because he is truly a gem and breath of fresh air to our communications department. (Plus he has two adorable pit bulls that he talks about all the time and sent us reddit memes in the class group chat :))


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 11, 2021

Gabe is the sweetest and most understanding professor ever! He completely understands the content is difficult/heavy but he provided opportunities throughout the quarter to help with clarity and lighten our workload (making our second big paper optional). Our class created a GroupMe that he was a member and he was always extremely active and did a great job of answering clarifying questions at all hours of the day. The content can definitely get confusing and abstract, but as a Comm major who needed to take this class, he is 100% the best person to take it with. NOTE: One crucial determiner to this class was the TA. Andrew Smith graded all of the papers extremely harshly and had very high expectations (wanting the class to be graded as if they were graduate students). I had Kristine who was so sweet and generous with grading, making my experience much more positive than a lot of my class so keep that in mind. The professor did hear the complaints and offered an opportunity for submitted extra assignments for those struggling to help boost their grades!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 26, 2024

Comm 100 is one of the core courses for the Communications major, so you can't really avoid this class. But Professor Jones made it interesting, integrating topics from psychology, engineering, and art into his lectures. (Although I will say that the class focuses a bit too much on evolution theory for what is supposed to be a communication science course.)

The lectures are twice per week for 75 minutes. Prof talks SUPER FAST so an automated transcript app is extremely helpful for studying. Also be mindful that his exams are all short answer/essays so you really have to know the content through and through. Office hours are somewhat helpful although I've sometimes left them feeling more confused. Online resources are plenty and study groups are a great resource to lean into. I found that the best study method is trying to make sense of his slides, whereas reading his 20 page assignments are not so necessary.

If you've taken Comm 10 with Suman, be prepared to put in a similar amount of effort. This course has a high volume of content with limited time for review and the grading scheme heavily weighs exam scores, as discussions are optional and there is only 1 project he assigns in the quarter. Best of luck to anyone taking this class! It will be challenging but it is entirely possible to get an A.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Sept. 3, 2023

Here is my advice, as someone who struggled with this class. This class is HARD, the reviews from the past are based on the exams that were take home and open note. Due to chat-GPT, that is no longer an option. The biggest issue is that students think this class will be easy, but it is not. Professor Jones is a good professor, however I think his cool demeanor causes students underestimate the difficulty, which is not his fault but something to be aware of. You WILL have to memorize, take extensive notes, READ the assigned readings and annotate them for review. I did well in the class because I tanked the midterm the first time I took this class, but this second time I started studying from the jump. The first exam was difficult and time was limited, most did not finish on time. Professor Jones does offer office hours, I recommend attending them as much as possible and asking as many questions as you have since the material is rather difficult. He is a good professor, the material is just tricky and the exams are very hard. The difficulty may also be attributed to the fact that this is not a traditional humanities/communication type class, it is extremely technical at points borrowing from economics, anthropology, traditional scientific methods, machine behavior (AI), computing theories, and more. If you study from the beginning and do not procrastinate you will do well. I made flashcards and transcribed every single lecture, as well as re-read the readings before the exam (and drove the professor crazy with questions to ensure comprehension, and he answered them all). If there are concepts you do not understand, ask for examples and clarification, the professor wants everyone to understand the material. The scope of study is very interesting (once you understand it) and the lectures are funny/engaging. Good luck, hope this helps!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
May 9, 2023

First off, he goes by Professor GABE! By far my favorite class thus far but it was also the most difficult. I would definitely recommend for comm majors to take this with Professor Gabe; Professor is engaging, helpful and has a lot of extra office hours to help students understand the material. Gabe is also very welcoming and easy to talk to; he doesn’t make students feel discouraged or anything at all, he wants us all to succeed!!! YES THIS CLASS IS DIFFICULT AND IF YOU DONT TAKE NOTES YOU WILL HAVE A HARD TIME WITH THE EXAMS. I FAILED HIS FIRST EXAM, got an A on the redemption and a B on the final and ended with a B which I’m okay with because this class was very draining but nonetheless I loved it and would take it again with GABE. Communication Science is a tough class but if you try to engage, a lot of the stuff is very informative and interesting especially when he gets to the topic of AI and machine learning, those sections were my favorite! This class honestly opened up an area of interest I didn’t know I had, so if you’re a low key science geek like myself and are a comm major, I definitely recommend taking this class with Professor Gabe. I’m already registered for his summer class cause he’s the best .


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
April 1, 2021

He is the best professor to teach this class and was super helpful and accommodating to all students. His lectures are posted and there are no live Zoom sessions but his style is very engaging. The concepts can be difficult, but he breaks them down well and gives many examples so students can understand them clearly. The class had weekly discussion posts, weekly response papers (400 words) and 2 reflection papers (5 pages). He made some of them optional after seeing many students struggle with their workload and was always willing to go the extra mile. Great professor and highly recommend him if you need Comm 100.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
March 29, 2021

I loved Professor Jones! If it weren't for him I probably would not have liked this class as much. I didn't care for the material (it's very science based and tricky to understand concepts at times), but he made it as engaging, interesting, and easy to follow as he could. He is extremely accessible and was around to answer questions or concerns in a very timely manner since he joined our class GroupMe. I thought this was weird at first, but it DEFINITELY paid off considering how helpful and accommodating he was. The structure of the class goes like this: weekly discussion posts, weekly response papers (about 1 page), and 2 reflection papers (around 4 pages). I am most impressed with how caring he is. He realized that we were all going through a hard time and cut down the work load a lot. He made two of the response papers optional and even made the second reflection paper (due on finals week) optional as well. The TAs do tend to grade a little on the harsher side, but most of your grade is based on the discussions- which are mostly a guaranteed 100% every time. I finished with an A+ and spent half of the quarter on vacation or with COVID doing the absolute bare minimum... Overall, Gabe is such a genuine and caring guy and you should definitely take this class with him if you have the opportunity. I really appreciated how he was so gracious and lenient about the assignments considering the pandemic. He's a gem!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 29, 2021

Professor Jones recorded and posted all lectures. He was also super accessible (joined our class groupme) and flexible (made several essays, including the final essay, optional). This class is a lot of work, with one discussion post, two discussion responses, and one short essay due per week. But if you're a Comm major and have to take Comm100, I'd recommend Jones for sure. The biggest part of your grade is the discussion board so as long as you post on time it's not hard to get a good grade.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 29, 2021

Gabe was a God sent! This class was a bit tricky but it might've been just me because I never went to office hours with the TA haha which maybe I should have went to. But professor Gabe is literally one of the most relatable, patient, and understanding professors I've had at UCLA! As for the material, it wasn't really my cup of tea but professor Gabe was so attentive and engaging on our GroupMe (which I have never seen a teacher be on a student's GroupMe!) that it makes up for the class. So here I am, writing a review and hyping him up!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 25, 2021

Professor Jones was one of the best professors I have had. First, I found lecture content and our readings to be very engaging and enlightening. If you are interested at all in media and communication, you will do the readings rather happily. Sometimes content is challenging, but Jones does a great job of clearing things up in lecture. I found his lecture slides to work well, and I typically attended his office hours for guidance on our papers, which really helped. Some may say that papers were graded harshly, but that's not true at all. I got A's on all of my papers, what the TA's are really looking for is creativity and reflection. They don't want you to repeat verbatim what was said in lecture or in the readings, but to be creative. Being creative in the essays really pays off. In addition to our papers, we also had discussion forum posts which really boost grades, it's mostly graded on completion. Jones was extremely generous and flexible, and he really cared about student well being. He went out of his way to help us and was very thoughtful and considerate with our wellness during the pandemic. Definitely take this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 12, 2021

Professor Jones has been one of my favorite professors at UCLA. He is one of the sweetest guys ever and does a great job at explaining the content, especially when it got difficult or abstract. I know he is a good professor because he took content I would not typically care about and make it so interesting and easy to understand. I am so sad that he does not teach any other classes at UCLA. I always loved going to his office hours, and he was great at communicating with students. I never felt scared or hesitant to come to him for help, and always left office hours feeling confident with my assignments. I felt that he truly cared about us and our experience in his class even though it was virtual. He really let his amazing personality shine through the course, and I can only imagine how much more amazing he is of a teacher in person. I hope UCLA gives him more oppurtunities to teach because he is truly a gem and breath of fresh air to our communications department. (Plus he has two adorable pit bulls that he talks about all the time and sent us reddit memes in the class group chat :))


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 11, 2021

Gabe is the sweetest and most understanding professor ever! He completely understands the content is difficult/heavy but he provided opportunities throughout the quarter to help with clarity and lighten our workload (making our second big paper optional). Our class created a GroupMe that he was a member and he was always extremely active and did a great job of answering clarifying questions at all hours of the day. The content can definitely get confusing and abstract, but as a Comm major who needed to take this class, he is 100% the best person to take it with. NOTE: One crucial determiner to this class was the TA. Andrew Smith graded all of the papers extremely harshly and had very high expectations (wanting the class to be graded as if they were graduate students). I had Kristine who was so sweet and generous with grading, making my experience much more positive than a lot of my class so keep that in mind. The professor did hear the complaints and offered an opportunity for submitted extra assignments for those struggling to help boost their grades!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
June 26, 2024

Comm 100 is one of the core courses for the Communications major, so you can't really avoid this class. But Professor Jones made it interesting, integrating topics from psychology, engineering, and art into his lectures. (Although I will say that the class focuses a bit too much on evolution theory for what is supposed to be a communication science course.)

The lectures are twice per week for 75 minutes. Prof talks SUPER FAST so an automated transcript app is extremely helpful for studying. Also be mindful that his exams are all short answer/essays so you really have to know the content through and through. Office hours are somewhat helpful although I've sometimes left them feeling more confused. Online resources are plenty and study groups are a great resource to lean into. I found that the best study method is trying to make sense of his slides, whereas reading his 20 page assignments are not so necessary.

If you've taken Comm 10 with Suman, be prepared to put in a similar amount of effort. This course has a high volume of content with limited time for review and the grading scheme heavily weighs exam scores, as discussions are optional and there is only 1 project he assigns in the quarter. Best of luck to anyone taking this class! It will be challenging but it is entirely possible to get an A.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A+
Sept. 3, 2023

Here is my advice, as someone who struggled with this class. This class is HARD, the reviews from the past are based on the exams that were take home and open note. Due to chat-GPT, that is no longer an option. The biggest issue is that students think this class will be easy, but it is not. Professor Jones is a good professor, however I think his cool demeanor causes students underestimate the difficulty, which is not his fault but something to be aware of. You WILL have to memorize, take extensive notes, READ the assigned readings and annotate them for review. I did well in the class because I tanked the midterm the first time I took this class, but this second time I started studying from the jump. The first exam was difficult and time was limited, most did not finish on time. Professor Jones does offer office hours, I recommend attending them as much as possible and asking as many questions as you have since the material is rather difficult. He is a good professor, the material is just tricky and the exams are very hard. The difficulty may also be attributed to the fact that this is not a traditional humanities/communication type class, it is extremely technical at points borrowing from economics, anthropology, traditional scientific methods, machine behavior (AI), computing theories, and more. If you study from the beginning and do not procrastinate you will do well. I made flashcards and transcribed every single lecture, as well as re-read the readings before the exam (and drove the professor crazy with questions to ensure comprehension, and he answered them all). If there are concepts you do not understand, ask for examples and clarification, the professor wants everyone to understand the material. The scope of study is very interesting (once you understand it) and the lectures are funny/engaging. Good luck, hope this helps!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
May 9, 2023

First off, he goes by Professor GABE! By far my favorite class thus far but it was also the most difficult. I would definitely recommend for comm majors to take this with Professor Gabe; Professor is engaging, helpful and has a lot of extra office hours to help students understand the material. Gabe is also very welcoming and easy to talk to; he doesn’t make students feel discouraged or anything at all, he wants us all to succeed!!! YES THIS CLASS IS DIFFICULT AND IF YOU DONT TAKE NOTES YOU WILL HAVE A HARD TIME WITH THE EXAMS. I FAILED HIS FIRST EXAM, got an A on the redemption and a B on the final and ended with a B which I’m okay with because this class was very draining but nonetheless I loved it and would take it again with GABE. Communication Science is a tough class but if you try to engage, a lot of the stuff is very informative and interesting especially when he gets to the topic of AI and machine learning, those sections were my favorite! This class honestly opened up an area of interest I didn’t know I had, so if you’re a low key science geek like myself and are a comm major, I definitely recommend taking this class with Professor Gabe. I’m already registered for his summer class cause he’s the best .


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1 of 3
Overall Rating
Based on 26 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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