
Ayako Janet Tomiyama

Overall Ratings
Based on 29 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (29)

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June 6, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A

Dr. T is the BEST professor I've had at UCLA. It sucks that my schedule literally allowed me to never attend office hours and couldn't schedule anything since my days ended so late.
She makes lectures SUPER engaging and she's so interested and pumped for health psychology that I went in with 0 ambition about it and came out of the class wanting to learn more and wanting to take another class with her. She is super charismatic and very engaging with the students. She uses Piazza and responds super quickly unlike many professors.

She's a VERY reasonable grader:

Exams: 3
-Drops the lowest score
-Completely based off lecture which is nice since lectures were bruincasted so you could always return to them.
- VERY fair exams
-No trick questions and no "All of the Above" or "Two of the Above" or "None of the Above" answers - AMAZING!

- As long as you get a total of 75% of the clicker questions (some points for correctness and others for just answering) you basically get 100% in the participation section of the class which allows you to forget your clicker at home or not attend lecture (although I recommend attending since she's a fun lecturer)

Extra Credit:
-She offered 1%extra credit for Psych Sona
-Offered .5% for doing evaluation!
-Thats like 1.5% extra credit.....

TAKE HEALTH PSYCH WITH DR. T! So good! You won't regret it. She's great and everything she lectures on it super relatable to real life. Seriously, the best professor in the Psychology department and at UCLA>


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June 14, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

I highly encourage you to take PSYCH 150 with Dr. T! She is truly an amazing professor!
She gives lectures using Slides/PPT. Her lectures are also recorded on Bruincast. :) This class does not require a textbook. You will primarily read news articles and will be quizzed on them in class by ICLICKER or REEF. There are 3 Exams, however, if you do very well on the first two exams and are happy with your grade then you are not required to take the last Exam. Exams are pretty long (can vary from 50-70 questions), but the questions are very fair! Professor T also drops questions that the majority of the class answers poorly. If you participate in 3 psych studies then you will also earn 1 % of Extra Credit!


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June 14, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A+

I would absolutely take 150 with Tomiyama again! She really loves health psych, you can tell by the way she discuses topics in class.

Class set up: 3 exams but she only counts 2 (70% of grade). Participation (30% of grade) in the form of i>clickers, but you only need 75% to get full credit.

Did really well on the first two exams, got full clicker points, easy A+.


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May 24, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

I could write an entire essay on Dr. T! She has been the most engaging, clear, and understanding professor! She is the best professor I have had at UCLA! She breaks down the material (including the more challenging biology components) in a very creative and understanding method. She has no issue with answering questions in lecture to curious students. She makes herself very available to students, including during exams. The material she presented us throughout the course was very interesting and she even had guest lecturers who are involved and/or teach in the Health Psychology field present material. Her exams were a little lengthy but very fair! Her iClicker questions really helped the class to be stimulated in answering reading questions and general questions from lecture that had us critically think. Her Think-Pair-Share questions also give a chance for students to communicate with one another to critically think about a concept. Dr. T takes lecturing to an entire new level. I wish all my Psychology professors could be as effective in their methods of teaching course material.

Some extra notes: You can use iClicker or Reef App on your phone for participation. No required textbook, just CCLE simple and interesting short readings. She uses Powerpoint slides, which are available before lecture to download. She also Bruincasts her lectures (with video), which is very helpful when studying for exams to pick up on some notes you might have missed out on.

Thank you Dr T!


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Feb. 11, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2015
Grade: A+

I loved taking 150 with Professor Tomiyama. It's obvious that she cares about student learning, and even more obvious that she's fascinated by health psychology. The class involves lots of study examples, but she goes over them clearly & as long as you go to class you should definitely be able to get an A. There are required readings & iClicker questions, but most of them are news articles so they're quick reads. Overall, really enjoyed this class, and I gained an appreciation for the field of health psych.


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Nov. 19, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

I enjoyed coming to this class every single day. Professor Tomiyama made lecture so engaging and the material itself was super interesting and applicable to everyone and everything. Also no books at all which is a plus, just weekly readings that are often short. Three tests and you drop your lowest one so if you do really well on the first two you don't even need to do the last. 10/10 would recommend!!


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March 26, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+

While this class was incredibly easy, I can't recommend taking it. The professor is quite plainly a regressive ideologue, and it's apparent that this clouds her empirical thinking.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 31, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

One of the BEST labs ever taught by Dr. T. The class was set up in a way where the TA and professor wanted you to succeed and most of the assignments were graded on completion rather than correctness. Dr. T was also very generous with allowing groups to do work during class time which significantly reduced the number of times that we had to meet outside of class.
For the final paper, as long as you answered everything on the rubric, you're pretty much set.

Really enjoyed this lab and Dr. T & Kristen were the most helpful when we needed help.



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July 9, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

Prof. Tomiyama is so awesome!
She is a clear, calm, intelligent, and empathetic communicator, and her class is well-organized and super interesting. It is also very very easy.
I highly recommend this class as a Psych Elective or Column B Course, you will learn a lot in a low-stakes and positive environment.


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May 20, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

This class is extremely interesting, and Dr. Tomiyama is such an outstanding professor. She’s super sweet and really engaging; you can tell she really loves what she teaches. I would definitely take this class again with her.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A
June 6, 2018

Dr. T is the BEST professor I've had at UCLA. It sucks that my schedule literally allowed me to never attend office hours and couldn't schedule anything since my days ended so late.
She makes lectures SUPER engaging and she's so interested and pumped for health psychology that I went in with 0 ambition about it and came out of the class wanting to learn more and wanting to take another class with her. She is super charismatic and very engaging with the students. She uses Piazza and responds super quickly unlike many professors.

She's a VERY reasonable grader:

Exams: 3
-Drops the lowest score
-Completely based off lecture which is nice since lectures were bruincasted so you could always return to them.
- VERY fair exams
-No trick questions and no "All of the Above" or "Two of the Above" or "None of the Above" answers - AMAZING!

- As long as you get a total of 75% of the clicker questions (some points for correctness and others for just answering) you basically get 100% in the participation section of the class which allows you to forget your clicker at home or not attend lecture (although I recommend attending since she's a fun lecturer)

Extra Credit:
-She offered 1%extra credit for Psych Sona
-Offered .5% for doing evaluation!
-Thats like 1.5% extra credit.....

TAKE HEALTH PSYCH WITH DR. T! So good! You won't regret it. She's great and everything she lectures on it super relatable to real life. Seriously, the best professor in the Psychology department and at UCLA>


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 14, 2016

I highly encourage you to take PSYCH 150 with Dr. T! She is truly an amazing professor!
She gives lectures using Slides/PPT. Her lectures are also recorded on Bruincast. :) This class does not require a textbook. You will primarily read news articles and will be quizzed on them in class by ICLICKER or REEF. There are 3 Exams, however, if you do very well on the first two exams and are happy with your grade then you are not required to take the last Exam. Exams are pretty long (can vary from 50-70 questions), but the questions are very fair! Professor T also drops questions that the majority of the class answers poorly. If you participate in 3 psych studies then you will also earn 1 % of Extra Credit!


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A+
June 14, 2016

I would absolutely take 150 with Tomiyama again! She really loves health psych, you can tell by the way she discuses topics in class.

Class set up: 3 exams but she only counts 2 (70% of grade). Participation (30% of grade) in the form of i>clickers, but you only need 75% to get full credit.

Did really well on the first two exams, got full clicker points, easy A+.


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
May 24, 2016

I could write an entire essay on Dr. T! She has been the most engaging, clear, and understanding professor! She is the best professor I have had at UCLA! She breaks down the material (including the more challenging biology components) in a very creative and understanding method. She has no issue with answering questions in lecture to curious students. She makes herself very available to students, including during exams. The material she presented us throughout the course was very interesting and she even had guest lecturers who are involved and/or teach in the Health Psychology field present material. Her exams were a little lengthy but very fair! Her iClicker questions really helped the class to be stimulated in answering reading questions and general questions from lecture that had us critically think. Her Think-Pair-Share questions also give a chance for students to communicate with one another to critically think about a concept. Dr. T takes lecturing to an entire new level. I wish all my Psychology professors could be as effective in their methods of teaching course material.

Some extra notes: You can use iClicker or Reef App on your phone for participation. No required textbook, just CCLE simple and interesting short readings. She uses Powerpoint slides, which are available before lecture to download. She also Bruincasts her lectures (with video), which is very helpful when studying for exams to pick up on some notes you might have missed out on.

Thank you Dr T!


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Quarter: Spring 2015
Grade: A+
Feb. 11, 2016

I loved taking 150 with Professor Tomiyama. It's obvious that she cares about student learning, and even more obvious that she's fascinated by health psychology. The class involves lots of study examples, but she goes over them clearly & as long as you go to class you should definitely be able to get an A. There are required readings & iClicker questions, but most of them are news articles so they're quick reads. Overall, really enjoyed this class, and I gained an appreciation for the field of health psych.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Nov. 19, 2018

I enjoyed coming to this class every single day. Professor Tomiyama made lecture so engaging and the material itself was super interesting and applicable to everyone and everything. Also no books at all which is a plus, just weekly readings that are often short. Three tests and you drop your lowest one so if you do really well on the first two you don't even need to do the last. 10/10 would recommend!!


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+
March 26, 2019

While this class was incredibly easy, I can't recommend taking it. The professor is quite plainly a regressive ideologue, and it's apparent that this clouds her empirical thinking.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
March 31, 2021

One of the BEST labs ever taught by Dr. T. The class was set up in a way where the TA and professor wanted you to succeed and most of the assignments were graded on completion rather than correctness. Dr. T was also very generous with allowing groups to do work during class time which significantly reduced the number of times that we had to meet outside of class.
For the final paper, as long as you answered everything on the rubric, you're pretty much set.

Really enjoyed this lab and Dr. T & Kristen were the most helpful when we needed help.



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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
July 9, 2024

Prof. Tomiyama is so awesome!
She is a clear, calm, intelligent, and empathetic communicator, and her class is well-organized and super interesting. It is also very very easy.
I highly recommend this class as a Psych Elective or Column B Course, you will learn a lot in a low-stakes and positive environment.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
May 20, 2022

This class is extremely interesting, and Dr. Tomiyama is such an outstanding professor. She’s super sweet and really engaging; you can tell she really loves what she teaches. I would definitely take this class again with her.


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