
Audrey Harris

Overall Ratings
Based on 9 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (9)

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June 20, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

The class was a little unorganized it was her first time teaching it and with all the strikes and protests it was a little difficult navigating as we switched to online. Overall I don't think the assignments were hard, she is very understanding and a sweet professor if you love structure, it is probably not the best class for you.


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May 28, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+

wow, she is super unorganized, if you are ok with a type b person go for it, but she was so all over the place and just read off her slides. never had anything prepared for our class and seemed unsure of everything she said anyways.


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Jan. 3, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+

Highly recommend this course if you need a non-major upper division elective with no discussion and a very light workload. Readings are minimal, and the course content is interesting too. There are a few discussion posts and small creative writing assignments but they were all manageable within a full course load. Professor Harris was a generous (largely completion-based) grader and encouraged students to be creative and adapt the course content to their own culture.


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Dec. 29, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

I loved this class. Guaranteed A if u put in the work. The midterm exam is open book/open note, there’s no final exam instead u have to do a final project which can be an essay or presentation. This class did involve reading that needed to be done before class since during class you’d go into groups to discuss the readings. Overall, the workload was definitely manageable and the professor is really sweet


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June 26, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B

I had such trouble in this class. It wasn't even because of the material, but rather the exams themselves. I know it's the department that creates the exams, but I struggled so much on them because I feel like a lot of the questions were open to interpretation. As a teacher, Audrey was nice but I think she could have done better teaching-wise. I felt like she just went through the curriculum but did not necessarily connect with her students. I took Spanish 5 the following quarter and loved my new teacher as she took the time to ask the students what we felt like we needed to work on and attempted to gauge where we were at in the language before she delved into the material. I appreciated that and I think Audrey's future students would as well if she were to do something similar.


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Aug. 18, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

I took three classes with professor Harris: M155A, M155B, and 155C. I thoroughly enjoyed her classes and the literature we had to read. In fact, I learned about one of my favorite books "The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gómez" in her class. Professor Harris introduced interesting topics for our class discussion, which were always very relevant to this day and age. She made great parallels to the social issues of the Chicano movement to present-day ones. She encouraged class participation, so I would recommend staying on top of the reading assignments. Her midterms and finals were also more creative. For one of the classes, she gave us the choice of PowerPoint presentation, scripted video, or written essay. I do feel like this was one of the few classes I took at UCLA, where I was able to use my creativity instead of writing your traditional 10-page essay. I also liked how lectures weren't limited to literature, she would also share relevant digital media. One of my favorite lectures was when she brought the director of "No mas bebes" to talk to the class after a class viewing of the documentary! Professor Harris is also nice and easy to talk to. I always felt comfortable sharing my ideas and point of view during class discussions. I would definitely recommend any of her courses if you are looking for compelling literature and engaging conversations.


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Aug. 21, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Professor Harris was very passionate in helping her students engage and understand the material. I am very glad I enrolled in her course and learned a ton about Chicanx literature and history. Highly recommend taking courses with her.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 29, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Love Professor Harris! I enjoyed her class so much that I am taking another class of hers this coming quarter.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 5, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Professor Harris is an amazing, genuine and kind person. She is very engaging, really cares about her students and is a passionate instructor. She takes her time to hear the students opinions on topics discussed in class and is open to learning new trends surrounding these topics. The class is very interesting, you learn a lot of Aztec folklore and popular modern day folklore like La Llorona. My favorite topics discussed were on Dia de Los Muertos. As a class we made an ofrenda and told stories of our loved ones who passed. This class was probably the best experience I've had not just as a college student but as a Chicanx. She bruincasted discussions and lectures as much as she could which was so helpful to not only those students who felt sick (as Covid-19 was still an issue) but also to commuter students and immunocomprised students or students who live with immunocomprised relatives. A lot of the class is discussion led so participation really makes the class the most interesting. As far as workload goes, there are weekly readings, a couple of short papers, a midterm and a final project. Nothing too overwhelming. She also gives students the opportunity to turn in artistic pieces for the final project that are related to topics discussed in class. Overall, I'd highly recommend taking this class with Professor Audrey, as I'm sure you'll love your experience too.


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CCAS 111
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 20, 2024

The class was a little unorganized it was her first time teaching it and with all the strikes and protests it was a little difficult navigating as we switched to online. Overall I don't think the assignments were hard, she is very understanding and a sweet professor if you love structure, it is probably not the best class for you.


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CCAS 111
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: B+
May 28, 2024

wow, she is super unorganized, if you are ok with a type b person go for it, but she was so all over the place and just read off her slides. never had anything prepared for our class and seemed unsure of everything she said anyways.


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CCAS 109
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Jan. 3, 2024

Highly recommend this course if you need a non-major upper division elective with no discussion and a very light workload. Readings are minimal, and the course content is interesting too. There are a few discussion posts and small creative writing assignments but they were all manageable within a full course load. Professor Harris was a generous (largely completion-based) grader and encouraged students to be creative and adapt the course content to their own culture.


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CCAS 109
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Dec. 29, 2023

I loved this class. Guaranteed A if u put in the work. The midterm exam is open book/open note, there’s no final exam instead u have to do a final project which can be an essay or presentation. This class did involve reading that needed to be done before class since during class you’d go into groups to discuss the readings. Overall, the workload was definitely manageable and the professor is really sweet


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: B
June 26, 2018

I had such trouble in this class. It wasn't even because of the material, but rather the exams themselves. I know it's the department that creates the exams, but I struggled so much on them because I feel like a lot of the questions were open to interpretation. As a teacher, Audrey was nice but I think she could have done better teaching-wise. I felt like she just went through the curriculum but did not necessarily connect with her students. I took Spanish 5 the following quarter and loved my new teacher as she took the time to ask the students what we felt like we needed to work on and attempted to gauge where we were at in the language before she delved into the material. I appreciated that and I think Audrey's future students would as well if she were to do something similar.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
Aug. 18, 2020

I took three classes with professor Harris: M155A, M155B, and 155C. I thoroughly enjoyed her classes and the literature we had to read. In fact, I learned about one of my favorite books "The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gómez" in her class. Professor Harris introduced interesting topics for our class discussion, which were always very relevant to this day and age. She made great parallels to the social issues of the Chicano movement to present-day ones. She encouraged class participation, so I would recommend staying on top of the reading assignments. Her midterms and finals were also more creative. For one of the classes, she gave us the choice of PowerPoint presentation, scripted video, or written essay. I do feel like this was one of the few classes I took at UCLA, where I was able to use my creativity instead of writing your traditional 10-page essay. I also liked how lectures weren't limited to literature, she would also share relevant digital media. One of my favorite lectures was when she brought the director of "No mas bebes" to talk to the class after a class viewing of the documentary! Professor Harris is also nice and easy to talk to. I always felt comfortable sharing my ideas and point of view during class discussions. I would definitely recommend any of her courses if you are looking for compelling literature and engaging conversations.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
Aug. 21, 2020

Professor Harris was very passionate in helping her students engage and understand the material. I am very glad I enrolled in her course and learned a ton about Chicanx literature and history. Highly recommend taking courses with her.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
July 29, 2021

Love Professor Harris! I enjoyed her class so much that I am taking another class of hers this coming quarter.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Feb. 5, 2022

Professor Harris is an amazing, genuine and kind person. She is very engaging, really cares about her students and is a passionate instructor. She takes her time to hear the students opinions on topics discussed in class and is open to learning new trends surrounding these topics. The class is very interesting, you learn a lot of Aztec folklore and popular modern day folklore like La Llorona. My favorite topics discussed were on Dia de Los Muertos. As a class we made an ofrenda and told stories of our loved ones who passed. This class was probably the best experience I've had not just as a college student but as a Chicanx. She bruincasted discussions and lectures as much as she could which was so helpful to not only those students who felt sick (as Covid-19 was still an issue) but also to commuter students and immunocomprised students or students who live with immunocomprised relatives. A lot of the class is discussion led so participation really makes the class the most interesting. As far as workload goes, there are weekly readings, a couple of short papers, a midterm and a final project. Nothing too overwhelming. She also gives students the opportunity to turn in artistic pieces for the final project that are related to topics discussed in class. Overall, I'd highly recommend taking this class with Professor Audrey, as I'm sure you'll love your experience too.


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