
Asma Sayeed

Overall Ratings
Based on 33 Users
Easiness 3.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (33)

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Feb. 11, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A

I took this class last quarter and loved it. Not only did it completely educated me about Muslims and the Islamic religion, but it totally changed my perspective. And really thats what classes are for, to change and educate students about real life and very relevant issues. Professor Sayeed was also a great professor. She has lecture slides, but they don't have much content, she likes to say a lot more than are on the slides. Her tests are VERY fair, and the paper at the end isn't bad at all! There's three midterms, no final, but a final paper. She also gives you a study guide for each test so you can know exactly what to look over. Overall loved this class, gave me a profound sense of knowledge and Professor Sayeed is very knowledgeable, sweet, and great at answering questions and being very open and clear!


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June 4, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A

Professor Sayeed is a very academic professor. When she lectures, she never states anything with certainty and made sure to be inclusive and accurate in all of her statements. She does assigns a lot of reading but her tests are pretty easy if you read/ pay attention in class and the final essay is not too bad. I also have Cameron Zargar as a TA who is excellent in discussion and is a cool guy overall. So if you try somewhat in this class, you can generally get an A and learn quite a bit about Islam.


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April 3, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

Professor Sayeed is a great professor who really cares about her students and their learning. She is very fair and willing to adapt the syllabus and give extra credit when needed. The class was very interesting and I enjoyed going to lectures. The information covered is very contemporary, relevant, and feels like it is actually applicable to real life. There is a required field visit to an Islamic institution to be incorporated into the final paper for the class, which was relatively difficult to arrange and actually do, but it was a meaningful experience that I ultimately enjoyed. Overall, I would definitely recommend this class and would definitely take it again with Professor Sayeed.


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Jan. 8, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

Pretty hard class if you have zero background in Islam. TA's said that the professor made the class harder this year, so the grade curves aren't the most accurate. Midterms weren't easy. I would have taken another GE if I had known.


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May 2, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

This class was one of the most interesting classes I have taken in UCLA so far. Professor Sayeed takes care to ensure that we learn outside of the classroom, and frequently invites different guest speakers to lectures so as to provide us with different perspectives. Her lectures and slides are incredibly clear and well organized, and she highlights key terms that would definitely come out for the quizzes and midterms. There was once she brought the first and only Muslim judge into lecture to speak with us, and many other times where she brought in various PHD candidates from other universities specialising in a variety of topics to teach us too. Grades comprise of 30% participation (in discussion sections only, not for lectures - but active participation is required i.e. students have to come prepared with answers for reading prompts. This really depends on your TA - I had a pretty strict one, where even though I attended all the sections and responded to every prompt earnestly, I received 97% for participation), 15% quizzes (there are 2 pop quizzes, normally given nearing the end of the course. Quizzes do require you to study beforehand), 10% midterm (requires memorisation of arabic terms, and ID and response for readings), 20% papers (2 papers 10% each, TAs tend to grade harshly at the start and more leniently towards the end) , and 25% of the final paper. The final paper requires a field trip to a local Muslim institution of your choice (note that transportation is not provided, although Professor Sayeed makes the effort to coordinate with select institutions beforehand). There is a lot of flexibility in the paper as long as you consult your TA/Professor before embarking on the project. There are many extra credit opportunities to take advantage of, many of which are extracurricular seminars where Professor Sayeed was the facilitator. Overall, even though the class was a lot of work, the assignments and lectures were all very interesting and engaging. Would definitely take this class again.


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April 4, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

A lot of work but fair grading. Take Evan as TA, fair grader and a great TA overall. Discussions are mandatory but very engaging. A lot of readings but skimming should suffice


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June 23, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: P

I took this as a GE expecting it to be a lot easier than it is. If you are like me and REALLY hate reading, just know by not doing the assigned reading you really screw yourself. Luckily I switched to pass no pass and saved my GPA. This is because the midterm really ruined me. It was half multiple choice which was based off vocab terms (easy) and a second half based off reading. So don't expect an easy A. I wish I was more interested in the subject because every discussion I had to lie about doing the reading and try really hard to make something up about the readings to get the participation credit. There is no final which is nice but there are two papers you have to write. The first paper was really easy and is really short (like 2-3 pages). You have to visit a Muslim institution for the final paper but she arranges a lot of places you can go to for this so finding a place isn't a problem. Try and find somebody to share an uber with because I spent way too much money on that. If you are interested in the subject you'll enjoy this class otherwise, not so much.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-

This class was one of the most interesting classes I have taken at UCLA. There is a lot of reading but it is actually very interesting and I was able to get an A in the class without completing full readings (as in I missed a few). I came into this class with no background on the subject and the TA's were very clear as well as the professor so that was fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 14, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-

This class would be phenomenal for an Islamic studies student, which I am not. Do not take this class as a GE. It is beyond interesting, but will take up an absurd amount of your time if you want to retain any of the information you are learning. Lectures are interesting and pretty engaging, but the texts assigned are long and dense - some up to 40 pages long of dense, premodern history. Overall, interesting course but not worth the long readings, tiring studying, and blow to your GPA


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 4, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

The production value of Prof Sayeed's lectures is incredible. They are fully shot in a studio with a green screen and her slides come up behind her as she's talking and there are transitions to photos and it's just wow. A great class to take online.
The modules also have quizzes and activities (you can retake multiple times) in between lectures so they don't get too monotonous.

There are 3 equally weighed exams. There is a study guide given out with ~15 possible short answer questions on it and 6 of those are on the exam (you pick 5 to answer and you have 90 minutes). You can pretty much answer the exam questions before the actual exam (by doing the study guide) if you are worried about running out of time.

There were a lot of readings assigned but tbh i didn't do them all, just the shorter or more interesting ones. Some were more reviews of what we learned in lecture.

Overall would take this class again, especially online. I learned so much about Islam that I never thought I would.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
Feb. 11, 2017

I took this class last quarter and loved it. Not only did it completely educated me about Muslims and the Islamic religion, but it totally changed my perspective. And really thats what classes are for, to change and educate students about real life and very relevant issues. Professor Sayeed was also a great professor. She has lecture slides, but they don't have much content, she likes to say a lot more than are on the slides. Her tests are VERY fair, and the paper at the end isn't bad at all! There's three midterms, no final, but a final paper. She also gives you a study guide for each test so you can know exactly what to look over. Overall loved this class, gave me a profound sense of knowledge and Professor Sayeed is very knowledgeable, sweet, and great at answering questions and being very open and clear!


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
June 4, 2017

Professor Sayeed is a very academic professor. When she lectures, she never states anything with certainty and made sure to be inclusive and accurate in all of her statements. She does assigns a lot of reading but her tests are pretty easy if you read/ pay attention in class and the final essay is not too bad. I also have Cameron Zargar as a TA who is excellent in discussion and is a cool guy overall. So if you try somewhat in this class, you can generally get an A and learn quite a bit about Islam.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 3, 2018

Professor Sayeed is a great professor who really cares about her students and their learning. She is very fair and willing to adapt the syllabus and give extra credit when needed. The class was very interesting and I enjoyed going to lectures. The information covered is very contemporary, relevant, and feels like it is actually applicable to real life. There is a required field visit to an Islamic institution to be incorporated into the final paper for the class, which was relatively difficult to arrange and actually do, but it was a meaningful experience that I ultimately enjoyed. Overall, I would definitely recommend this class and would definitely take it again with Professor Sayeed.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
Jan. 8, 2019

Pretty hard class if you have zero background in Islam. TA's said that the professor made the class harder this year, so the grade curves aren't the most accurate. Midterms weren't easy. I would have taken another GE if I had known.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
May 2, 2018

This class was one of the most interesting classes I have taken in UCLA so far. Professor Sayeed takes care to ensure that we learn outside of the classroom, and frequently invites different guest speakers to lectures so as to provide us with different perspectives. Her lectures and slides are incredibly clear and well organized, and she highlights key terms that would definitely come out for the quizzes and midterms. There was once she brought the first and only Muslim judge into lecture to speak with us, and many other times where she brought in various PHD candidates from other universities specialising in a variety of topics to teach us too. Grades comprise of 30% participation (in discussion sections only, not for lectures - but active participation is required i.e. students have to come prepared with answers for reading prompts. This really depends on your TA - I had a pretty strict one, where even though I attended all the sections and responded to every prompt earnestly, I received 97% for participation), 15% quizzes (there are 2 pop quizzes, normally given nearing the end of the course. Quizzes do require you to study beforehand), 10% midterm (requires memorisation of arabic terms, and ID and response for readings), 20% papers (2 papers 10% each, TAs tend to grade harshly at the start and more leniently towards the end) , and 25% of the final paper. The final paper requires a field trip to a local Muslim institution of your choice (note that transportation is not provided, although Professor Sayeed makes the effort to coordinate with select institutions beforehand). There is a lot of flexibility in the paper as long as you consult your TA/Professor before embarking on the project. There are many extra credit opportunities to take advantage of, many of which are extracurricular seminars where Professor Sayeed was the facilitator. Overall, even though the class was a lot of work, the assignments and lectures were all very interesting and engaging. Would definitely take this class again.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 4, 2019

A lot of work but fair grading. Take Evan as TA, fair grader and a great TA overall. Discussions are mandatory but very engaging. A lot of readings but skimming should suffice


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: P
June 23, 2019

I took this as a GE expecting it to be a lot easier than it is. If you are like me and REALLY hate reading, just know by not doing the assigned reading you really screw yourself. Luckily I switched to pass no pass and saved my GPA. This is because the midterm really ruined me. It was half multiple choice which was based off vocab terms (easy) and a second half based off reading. So don't expect an easy A. I wish I was more interested in the subject because every discussion I had to lie about doing the reading and try really hard to make something up about the readings to get the participation credit. There is no final which is nice but there are two papers you have to write. The first paper was really easy and is really short (like 2-3 pages). You have to visit a Muslim institution for the final paper but she arranges a lot of places you can go to for this so finding a place isn't a problem. Try and find somebody to share an uber with because I spent way too much money on that. If you are interested in the subject you'll enjoy this class otherwise, not so much.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-
March 30, 2020

This class was one of the most interesting classes I have taken at UCLA. There is a lot of reading but it is actually very interesting and I was able to get an A in the class without completing full readings (as in I missed a few). I came into this class with no background on the subject and the TA's were very clear as well as the professor so that was fine.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 14, 2020

This class would be phenomenal for an Islamic studies student, which I am not. Do not take this class as a GE. It is beyond interesting, but will take up an absurd amount of your time if you want to retain any of the information you are learning. Lectures are interesting and pretty engaging, but the texts assigned are long and dense - some up to 40 pages long of dense, premodern history. Overall, interesting course but not worth the long readings, tiring studying, and blow to your GPA


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Jan. 4, 2021

The production value of Prof Sayeed's lectures is incredible. They are fully shot in a studio with a green screen and her slides come up behind her as she's talking and there are transitions to photos and it's just wow. A great class to take online.
The modules also have quizzes and activities (you can retake multiple times) in between lectures so they don't get too monotonous.

There are 3 equally weighed exams. There is a study guide given out with ~15 possible short answer questions on it and 6 of those are on the exam (you pick 5 to answer and you have 90 minutes). You can pretty much answer the exam questions before the actual exam (by doing the study guide) if you are worried about running out of time.

There were a lot of readings assigned but tbh i didn't do them all, just the shorter or more interesting ones. Some were more reviews of what we learned in lecture.

Overall would take this class again, especially online. I learned so much about Islam that I never thought I would.


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