Andrew Wikenheiser
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Overall, I really enjoyed my experience in this class! The professor is very clear and is always super open to answering student questions -- I was never made to feel stupid for speaking up. What I also really liked about his class was that Wilkenheiser made it accessible to all students given COVID-19 by offering hybrid options to everything, and not penalizing students if they were unable to come in-person. He had Zoom options for both lecture and discussion, although I am not sure if this will be continued for future quarters. He had 4 non-cumulative quizzes in place of midterms and finals. The quizzes were very doable if you understood and reviewed the lecture material, and comparable in difficulty to the practice questions he posted. All the questions were very fair and he even dropped questions that he thought where poorly worded or that the entire class did badly on. They were also all online and open note. Discussion attendance was mandatory, but I found it helpful (shout out to my TA, Lindsey) since it reviewed the material from the previous week. You also turn in 5 reaction papers total for points, which are basically one-pagers that connect the content of the class to your personal experiences -- very doable, shouldn't take more than 2 hours at most if you're following along with lecture. The last component of the grade was 1 problem set. Because we moved through material slowly than previous quarters, he ended up making the problem set based on a scientific article. Similar to everything else, it was graded very fairly and very manageable in terms of workload. Again, I would highly recommend taking Psych 110 with Professor Wilkenheiser if you can. The material may not be the most engaging, but he is very fair, accommodating, clear, and concise in his lectures!
Spring 2022 - Overall, I really enjoyed my experience in this class! The professor is very clear and is always super open to answering student questions -- I was never made to feel stupid for speaking up. What I also really liked about his class was that Wilkenheiser made it accessible to all students given COVID-19 by offering hybrid options to everything, and not penalizing students if they were unable to come in-person. He had Zoom options for both lecture and discussion, although I am not sure if this will be continued for future quarters. He had 4 non-cumulative quizzes in place of midterms and finals. The quizzes were very doable if you understood and reviewed the lecture material, and comparable in difficulty to the practice questions he posted. All the questions were very fair and he even dropped questions that he thought where poorly worded or that the entire class did badly on. They were also all online and open note. Discussion attendance was mandatory, but I found it helpful (shout out to my TA, Lindsey) since it reviewed the material from the previous week. You also turn in 5 reaction papers total for points, which are basically one-pagers that connect the content of the class to your personal experiences -- very doable, shouldn't take more than 2 hours at most if you're following along with lecture. The last component of the grade was 1 problem set. Because we moved through material slowly than previous quarters, he ended up making the problem set based on a scientific article. Similar to everything else, it was graded very fairly and very manageable in terms of workload. Again, I would highly recommend taking Psych 110 with Professor Wilkenheiser if you can. The material may not be the most engaging, but he is very fair, accommodating, clear, and concise in his lectures!