Amy Richlin
Most Helpful Review
I took Latin 1 with professor Richlin in Fall 2008. Latin is a really tough language since it's not spoken, but professor Richlin is super into the material, ergo students tend to be interested. there are 29 HW assignments that are english to latin translation (which is very difficult, but the worksheets are doable), and she allows you to drop 4 of them at the end of the quarter. there are 5 vocab quizzes that are easy so long as you study. You get to drop one of those at the end of the quarter as well. she gives both midterm and final review sheets that spell out almost EXACTLY what you need to study, which make the midterm and final fairly easy. HW-25%, Quizzes-25%, Midterm-25%, Final-25%. professor Richlin WANTS her students to succeed, and she is a GREAT professor. BEST PROFESSOR i've had at UCLA so far (i'm a 2nd yr)--like I said, she is super into the material which makes the class interesting. She is super nice, has a racy sense of humor (her expertise is Latin obscenities), and is very stylish. lecture MWF, drill section TR. there are 2 books for the course, but you only need to read/prepare translations from Latin Via Ovid as long as you GO TO CLASS because she explains the lecture concepts really well in class
I took Latin 1 with professor Richlin in Fall 2008. Latin is a really tough language since it's not spoken, but professor Richlin is super into the material, ergo students tend to be interested. there are 29 HW assignments that are english to latin translation (which is very difficult, but the worksheets are doable), and she allows you to drop 4 of them at the end of the quarter. there are 5 vocab quizzes that are easy so long as you study. You get to drop one of those at the end of the quarter as well. she gives both midterm and final review sheets that spell out almost EXACTLY what you need to study, which make the midterm and final fairly easy. HW-25%, Quizzes-25%, Midterm-25%, Final-25%. professor Richlin WANTS her students to succeed, and she is a GREAT professor. BEST PROFESSOR i've had at UCLA so far (i'm a 2nd yr)--like I said, she is super into the material which makes the class interesting. She is super nice, has a racy sense of humor (her expertise is Latin obscenities), and is very stylish. lecture MWF, drill section TR. there are 2 books for the course, but you only need to read/prepare translations from Latin Via Ovid as long as you GO TO CLASS because she explains the lecture concepts really well in class