
Amiya Chatterjee

Overall Ratings
Based on 68 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (68)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

He is incredibly kind and caring for his students, but was rarely helpful. When students asked questions in lecture or office hours, the answers were frequently long-winded or merely repetition of confusing initial explanations. He encouraged students to visit him during office hours and to email him with questions, but few, if any, students seemed to find these helpful.

There were significant technical issues throughout the quarter: even in a final review, I heard that the professor accidentally left during the middle of the session.

Chatterjee lectured using slides that were both disordered and filled with errors. He struggled with pacing, at times speaking too quickly for students to follow and at times moving incredibly slowly. He clearly knows the class material well, but doesn't seem to understand what material students will struggle with or be able to provide alternate explanations.

Homework answers are provided with assignments but are frequently incorrect. The homework is generally good preparation for exams, but some assignments were difficult more because of ridiculous integrations than implementing concepts.

This class was a lot of stress and I didn't feel like I learned anything by the end of the quarter. The textbook was generally more helpful than lectures in understanding differential equation concepts, but exams often featured conceptual equations answered in class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 19, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Lectures: mandatory attendance and he calls on people. His slides are extremely long and difficult to read. Teaches you all the things you need to know and be able to recite in the test but does not draw connection between different topics.

Discussion sections: taught me everything I need to know for this class. Bless the TA. It's a weekly 2-hour lecture that teaches you everything that's important.

Homework: Really fair and encompassing of the major knowledge points. Not excessively long and does a good job to check student comprehension.

Office Hours: he's really nice. Go to his office hours and talk with him.

Exams: Pretty fair exams. Similar format to homework questions usually with an extra thing to test comprehension. Does a good job checking for understanding of course material.

Overall: Be patient and persevere. Be prepared to go to discussions and look up some outside resources to gain a deeper degree of understanding. Definitely caused me some headaches at times but at the end, I feel okay.


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Oct. 8, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2008
Grade: N/A

He can not teach, period !


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 12, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: P

An important factor in this review is that I took this course in Spring 2020, which was completely online. Those of us that took this class at this time missed out on the in-person helpfulness that Chatterjee is apparently known for. The lectures were roughly based on slides, which would not be a problem if the slides were straightforward, legible, and correct. Instead, the slides were inconsistent and illegible at best. Numerous corrections were made during each presentation. This lack of attention to detail was reflected in the homework sets. The problems did not come out of the textbook and the solutions provided were often wrong, which was frustrating and prevented me from developing a sound understanding of how to solve differential equations. The tests were very difficult and were rarely at the level of what was discussed in class or what was presented in the recommended textbook. I went to office hours a handful of times, which confirmed that he definitely cares about his students, but his lack of clarity undermines that concern.

In short, Chatterjee is a caring, though unclear professor that I would not recommend.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

DISCLAIMER: This was online during COVID-19

Chatterjee was the worst professor I have ever had. Seeing his other reviews on here I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming that this online style of teaching is just not for him. He was really poor when it came to teaching us online. He was unclear, his notes were sloppy and illegible at times, he never clarified anything when it came to questions, his notation was inconsistent, and he was near computer illiterate. He is a nice guy and really wants his students to learn, but is not very good at helping them to learn (at least through online format). I would avoid taking this class with him at all costs if it is online, in person he might be better. The exams were tough (average for the midterm was 58%) and they were nearly undoable in the time frame he wanted them in. This class was very theoretical at times and he would often ask questions about a specific thing he explained for like 30 seconds in a lecture 2 weeks before hand that is not something really in the textbook (at least under the same name). I learned more from my TA than I did in his class. The textbook we had was awful which only added to the confusion.

My experience with this class went like this: Try to read the textbook before class so I would understand what he would be referencing -> go to class and not really understand much -> Go to discussion and actually learn the material -> read paul's online math notes (seriously these are life saver. Look them up if you are in this class) while I did the homework to actually get the concepts down. If Chatterjee was actually a good lecturer with good explanations this class wouldn't have been so bad, and the discussion session would have been review rather than like lecture 2.0


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July 2, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: C+

I'm normally not the type to say this but the professor was pretty hard to understand. He seemed nice but I had a lot of difficulty deciphering what to take away from his words and sentences. Differential equations are already fairly difficult, so this class was definitely a struggle. I recall using online resources to teach myself and check my work because I was generally lost otherwise. It would have been helpful to have a basic knowledge of linear algebra before taking this course; it was very easy to get lost.


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June 26, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

Professor Chatterjee is one of the worst professors I've ever had at UCLA. His lectures are extraordinarily useless. I would only ever attend lectures for attendance, and most people stopped showing up after the first couple of weeks as they were always a waste of time.

He is too old to be teaching anymore and he could never hear or comprehend his students when they asked questions. He often spent 20 minutes of the lecture struggling with simple tasks on the projector. His voice was too soft and lectures were very slowly paced making it impossible to pay attention. One time in the middle of a lecture he stopped talking about the topic and started going on a little spiel about how he knows he can't teach well but that he knows the material well.

The class was also very disorganized with messy/cluttered slides, and homework problems often were missing needed figures. The professor also often explained topics differently from the way the TA explained them which caused conflict in how we should solve problems. I only really learned anything from doing the homework.

Tests were also very hard and the grading distribution sucks with 10% homework 5% participation and 85% tests/quizzes. The average on the final for reference was 42%.

This guy needs to retire and let someone else who can actually teach the class teach it. Avoid this professor at all costs.


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June 15, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Terrible slides. Denied writing anything out in the board because he felt it would take up too much time, so he just reads off of slides. Not an engaging professor at all. Asking him questions will lead you to even more questions. No textbook required. You're better off using internet resources to learn differential equations. Just pray you get excellent TA's, Shoutouts Salim and Fadhel. On the other hand, the midterm and exams were pretty fair. We had 2-3 quizzes that were pretty fair too. Just hope that the TAs grade generously. Studying together for this class is crucial.


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Jan. 7, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Avoid him if you can. If you can't:
Lectures: Professor Chatterjee cannot teach. He uses long, tedious, cramped, and consequently confusing slides to teach a subject that should be taught with handwritten examples. Every chapter has about 100 slides, of which there is little order and lots of unnecessary repetition. His explanations do not help either. No breaks are given during the 2 hour in-person lecture.
Discussions: A must-go. This time is when you will do most (all) of your learning. Bless the TAs who indulged our endless questions.
Homework: Not too long, but can be difficult depending on your grasp of concepts.
Exams: There are two quizzes, one midterm, and the final. The first two quizzes were reasonable, whereas the midterm was surprisingly difficult in comparison. Prepare hard for the midterm, you'll need it. The final was slightly fairer time-wise, but not much. Most importantly, have a theoretical knowledge of concepts, and know every possible proof relevant to the exam material.
Pursue outside resources and work your own examples, because there is no way you will successfully learn differential equations with him alone.


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Jan. 3, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Chatterjee is the worst professor I have ever had in my life. He cannot explain shit, the few words you can make out from his mumbling are completely useless out of context, and he goes over the most ridiculously abstract things that seem inapplicable to actually performing math. I think thinking abstractly in math is super important and all, but in a class where being able to put solving into practice is legitimately useful, he falls so sub-par. If he spent the half hour he takes setting up equipment at the beginning of lecture to go over practice problems instead, this class would maybe be reasonable. Unfortunately, he's one of the few professors who teaches this, so if you're stuck with him then good luck, but please try to get this with someone else, for your own sake.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 23, 2020

He is incredibly kind and caring for his students, but was rarely helpful. When students asked questions in lecture or office hours, the answers were frequently long-winded or merely repetition of confusing initial explanations. He encouraged students to visit him during office hours and to email him with questions, but few, if any, students seemed to find these helpful.

There were significant technical issues throughout the quarter: even in a final review, I heard that the professor accidentally left during the middle of the session.

Chatterjee lectured using slides that were both disordered and filled with errors. He struggled with pacing, at times speaking too quickly for students to follow and at times moving incredibly slowly. He clearly knows the class material well, but doesn't seem to understand what material students will struggle with or be able to provide alternate explanations.

Homework answers are provided with assignments but are frequently incorrect. The homework is generally good preparation for exams, but some assignments were difficult more because of ridiculous integrations than implementing concepts.

This class was a lot of stress and I didn't feel like I learned anything by the end of the quarter. The textbook was generally more helpful than lectures in understanding differential equation concepts, but exams often featured conceptual equations answered in class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 19, 2021

Lectures: mandatory attendance and he calls on people. His slides are extremely long and difficult to read. Teaches you all the things you need to know and be able to recite in the test but does not draw connection between different topics.

Discussion sections: taught me everything I need to know for this class. Bless the TA. It's a weekly 2-hour lecture that teaches you everything that's important.

Homework: Really fair and encompassing of the major knowledge points. Not excessively long and does a good job to check student comprehension.

Office Hours: he's really nice. Go to his office hours and talk with him.

Exams: Pretty fair exams. Similar format to homework questions usually with an extra thing to test comprehension. Does a good job checking for understanding of course material.

Overall: Be patient and persevere. Be prepared to go to discussions and look up some outside resources to gain a deeper degree of understanding. Definitely caused me some headaches at times but at the end, I feel okay.


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Quarter: Spring 2008
Grade: N/A
Oct. 8, 2021

He can not teach, period !


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: P
June 12, 2020

An important factor in this review is that I took this course in Spring 2020, which was completely online. Those of us that took this class at this time missed out on the in-person helpfulness that Chatterjee is apparently known for. The lectures were roughly based on slides, which would not be a problem if the slides were straightforward, legible, and correct. Instead, the slides were inconsistent and illegible at best. Numerous corrections were made during each presentation. This lack of attention to detail was reflected in the homework sets. The problems did not come out of the textbook and the solutions provided were often wrong, which was frustrating and prevented me from developing a sound understanding of how to solve differential equations. The tests were very difficult and were rarely at the level of what was discussed in class or what was presented in the recommended textbook. I went to office hours a handful of times, which confirmed that he definitely cares about his students, but his lack of clarity undermines that concern.

In short, Chatterjee is a caring, though unclear professor that I would not recommend.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 23, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This was online during COVID-19

Chatterjee was the worst professor I have ever had. Seeing his other reviews on here I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming that this online style of teaching is just not for him. He was really poor when it came to teaching us online. He was unclear, his notes were sloppy and illegible at times, he never clarified anything when it came to questions, his notation was inconsistent, and he was near computer illiterate. He is a nice guy and really wants his students to learn, but is not very good at helping them to learn (at least through online format). I would avoid taking this class with him at all costs if it is online, in person he might be better. The exams were tough (average for the midterm was 58%) and they were nearly undoable in the time frame he wanted them in. This class was very theoretical at times and he would often ask questions about a specific thing he explained for like 30 seconds in a lecture 2 weeks before hand that is not something really in the textbook (at least under the same name). I learned more from my TA than I did in his class. The textbook we had was awful which only added to the confusion.

My experience with this class went like this: Try to read the textbook before class so I would understand what he would be referencing -> go to class and not really understand much -> Go to discussion and actually learn the material -> read paul's online math notes (seriously these are life saver. Look them up if you are in this class) while I did the homework to actually get the concepts down. If Chatterjee was actually a good lecturer with good explanations this class wouldn't have been so bad, and the discussion session would have been review rather than like lecture 2.0


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: C+
July 2, 2018

I'm normally not the type to say this but the professor was pretty hard to understand. He seemed nice but I had a lot of difficulty deciphering what to take away from his words and sentences. Differential equations are already fairly difficult, so this class was definitely a struggle. I recall using online resources to teach myself and check my work because I was generally lost otherwise. It would have been helpful to have a basic knowledge of linear algebra before taking this course; it was very easy to get lost.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2023

Professor Chatterjee is one of the worst professors I've ever had at UCLA. His lectures are extraordinarily useless. I would only ever attend lectures for attendance, and most people stopped showing up after the first couple of weeks as they were always a waste of time.

He is too old to be teaching anymore and he could never hear or comprehend his students when they asked questions. He often spent 20 minutes of the lecture struggling with simple tasks on the projector. His voice was too soft and lectures were very slowly paced making it impossible to pay attention. One time in the middle of a lecture he stopped talking about the topic and started going on a little spiel about how he knows he can't teach well but that he knows the material well.

The class was also very disorganized with messy/cluttered slides, and homework problems often were missing needed figures. The professor also often explained topics differently from the way the TA explained them which caused conflict in how we should solve problems. I only really learned anything from doing the homework.

Tests were also very hard and the grading distribution sucks with 10% homework 5% participation and 85% tests/quizzes. The average on the final for reference was 42%.

This guy needs to retire and let someone else who can actually teach the class teach it. Avoid this professor at all costs.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
June 15, 2023

Terrible slides. Denied writing anything out in the board because he felt it would take up too much time, so he just reads off of slides. Not an engaging professor at all. Asking him questions will lead you to even more questions. No textbook required. You're better off using internet resources to learn differential equations. Just pray you get excellent TA's, Shoutouts Salim and Fadhel. On the other hand, the midterm and exams were pretty fair. We had 2-3 quizzes that were pretty fair too. Just hope that the TAs grade generously. Studying together for this class is crucial.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 7, 2023

Avoid him if you can. If you can't:
Lectures: Professor Chatterjee cannot teach. He uses long, tedious, cramped, and consequently confusing slides to teach a subject that should be taught with handwritten examples. Every chapter has about 100 slides, of which there is little order and lots of unnecessary repetition. His explanations do not help either. No breaks are given during the 2 hour in-person lecture.
Discussions: A must-go. This time is when you will do most (all) of your learning. Bless the TAs who indulged our endless questions.
Homework: Not too long, but can be difficult depending on your grasp of concepts.
Exams: There are two quizzes, one midterm, and the final. The first two quizzes were reasonable, whereas the midterm was surprisingly difficult in comparison. Prepare hard for the midterm, you'll need it. The final was slightly fairer time-wise, but not much. Most importantly, have a theoretical knowledge of concepts, and know every possible proof relevant to the exam material.
Pursue outside resources and work your own examples, because there is no way you will successfully learn differential equations with him alone.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Jan. 3, 2023

Chatterjee is the worst professor I have ever had in my life. He cannot explain shit, the few words you can make out from his mumbling are completely useless out of context, and he goes over the most ridiculously abstract things that seem inapplicable to actually performing math. I think thinking abstractly in math is super important and all, but in a class where being able to put solving into practice is legitimately useful, he falls so sub-par. If he spent the half hour he takes setting up equipment at the beginning of lecture to go over practice problems instead, this class would maybe be reasonable. Unfortunately, he's one of the few professors who teaches this, so if you're stuck with him then good luck, but please try to get this with someone else, for your own sake.


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