Amber J Reilly
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Would Take Again

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (14)

1 of 2
1 of 2
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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: B+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 20, 2020

Professor Reilly is the best professor I've had during my time at UCLA. If you have the opportunity to take this class with her, I would 100% recommend it. I would take her class again in a heartbeat. She really cares about her students and has been very accommodating during the pandemic. She holds office hours after class and during the weekend. We had 3 different types of assessment -- 5 Take-Home Assessments, 5 In-Class Assessments, 6 BACON. Take-Home Assessments were completion and she held workshops after they were due to go over each problem. In-Class Assessments were completed in 1 hour during class time. These were pretty challenging, but as I adapted to her testing/teaching method, it became easier over time. BACON worked to integrate our course materials with real-life, and although these were not for completion, they were very easy and took only 20 minutes. She also shows us pictures of her dog Kasey, who is absolutely adorable, during lecture. She gave numerous extra credit assignments including completing evaluations and memes/drawing.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 30, 2020

Dr. Reilly is the best professor I have had at UCLA so far. She is very receptive of students facing difficulties and genuinely goes the extra mile to ensure their success. I greatly appreciated the formatting of assessments: 5 one-hour exams, each held on the Monday of every even week. It substituted the stresses of high volumes of content on one or two midterms with consistent, relatively lower-weighted checkpoints of learning with somewhat difficult problems on a slimmer volume of content. This format allows students to more clearly monitor their progress, however amidst other classes also with frequent assessments, I can certainly see how this could be a drawback. The final exam was notoriously difficult, perhaps twice as hard as any previous assessment (we had a 50% average), in my opinion, so make sure you are very well prepared. However, and I can't stress this enough: try to not worry about your grade too much. Your worst assessment score will be dropped and there are three extra-credit opportunities. On top of this, the completion-based assignments were very helpful and comprised a good ~40% of the grade. As for lectures, I found her pace to be pretty fast to get through a lot of content (since five lecture slots are devoted to the aforementioned assessments), so recordings are your best friend. Also, reading the free textbook PDF is very useful for additional practice problems and reinforcing concepts. If there is one thing to take away from this post: if you can, GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Dr. Reilly is incredibly responsive to any questions you may have and does not finish answering until she ensures that you understand. I learned several useful clarifications and approaches to problems for tests. There are so many office hours during the week along with weekend sessions before each test and workshops for each take-home completion-based problem set. Overall, if you see Dr. Reilly's name for any Chemistry class you are considering, I highly recommend you take her.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 20, 2024

Dr. Reilly has very very good intentions as a professor, and it was clear very early that she was passionate about both the students and the subject. Her lectures were all on Zoom and recorded and she was generally good at explaining concepts, making it clear what we needed to know, and responding to questions. However, she was also regularly disorganized and missed lectures without warning. I'd like to be understanding because there's a good possibility that she had some sort of prior commitment or larger events happening in her life, but it really did affect our class significantly because we were behind on the material by the end of the class and there was a lot of added stress over the way she would handle her absences. She'd often say that she'd post a supplemental lecture and just not do it or send in a week later, and she was pretty much always tardy in posting midterm or final review material. The review material would have definitely be helpful, but I will also say that the actual exams were significantly harder and additional study is recommended even if you did well on the practice test. The partial credit is also very unforgiving. In all, I think Dr. Reilly is a great person, but a bit of a gamble as a professor. I'd probably retake the class but given Dr. Ow as an alternative I'd definitely go there


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 15, 2024

for the **times she showed up** professor reilly was a splendid instructor!!!!!! she is good at explaining stuff and good at teaching with examples, her lecture notes are very helpful. and this is where the good stuff ends. is my saltiness abt my grade the main driver that drove me to write this review? yes

firstly there was BARELY ANY partial credit in either midterm (besides like one mechanism question per midterm if im right). there's only a few choices for a specific question, and the questions often feature some of the exceptioniest exceptions, so your score doesn't really reflect how much you studied, i.e. it is possible to do really good or really bad with or without knowing (since it's kind of just guessing). i did above avg (mid 80s) for the first midterm with 2ish days of studying. for the second midterm, i studied for a week and did below avg.

the avg. for the first midterm was 71% and the second 66%, neither were curved (they i.e. Reilly+ Ow said if the class avg. at the end is below a B- they will curve but the average ended up being an 84 so they didn't)

secondly the final was EIGHTEEN MULTIPLE CHOICE questions. was it light work and basic? yes! but the amount of points you would lose per question was just so high and for what? i think literally everyone finished the final in 30 minutes...

thirdly and most importantly, everything was so insanely last minute....I'm grateful that she promised us stuff and then delivered some of it but it was just so so late like a day before the exam kinda late....

at the end, some grading adjustments were made: we all got 0.25% for filling out the la feedback (they gave it to everyone cos hard to check, tumultuous times blah blah, the grading scheme that applied was whatever gave you the best grade out of these three: a. original (50 points both midterms, 100 points final, 25 points hw), b. 50 points less from final (no other change) c. one midterm drop (no other change)

my problem with everything is that yes, the class avg. is decently "high (84)"... but i genuinely don't think the scores reflect anything...

firstly it was all highkey just guessing...there was no explanation or anything involved in any of her exams...ig the final had some reasoning mcqs so that was nice but you can always just guess...

secondly because the individual midterms weren't curved, so say you did really bad on the first one (which had a higher class avg., and is the main class avg. booster) and decently good on the second one (with a lower class avg.), since neither midterm was individually curved and the overall curve depends on the overall class grade (which was high so the curve doesn't exist), you are now fucked.

what's even more fucked up is that an A in this class was a 94 not a what do u want from me dawg....the grade i got was higher than what i thought i would get but i guess the grass is never green in the present


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Oct. 5, 2023

she is so disorganized and she makes her tests ridiculously hard. her disorganization affects your grade and she's lazy. i'm not kidding


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
July 4, 2023

Everything you have heard about ochem is true and this class proved no different. Coming into this class, I thought it was going to be relatively easy and something I wouldn't have to struggle too hard at because the professor was sympathetic and understood that ochem was a tough subject. However, it was hard, draining, painful, and has made me have a dislike for chemistry. For some reason I passed even after failing both midterms and completely bombing the final (which I think everyone did). I would say that she is a relatable and funny person and gives thorough lectures but ochem is such a difficult subject because there are many details and exceptions to the rules. Although she gave practice midterms that replicated the format of the actual midterm, there was a huge discrepancy in the content from both and I often found myself doing fine on the practice but completely bombing the actual midterm. The discussion was also no help because my section just did their work individually without any interactions and I usually learned nothing and sat in silence. The final was also horrible because we all felt like we were prepared but it crushed me and any fiber of confidence I had. Overall, if you take this class, heavily concentrate on the practice midterms/final she offers and understand every question on there, do the discussion worksheets, additional problems, spend time understanding hard chapters on your own, do extra credit, and befriend people who are smarter than you.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
June 13, 2023

Dr. Reilly is engaging and personable. She cares that we've learned the material and shares flowcharts and heuristics that make challenging distinctions more methodical. Organic chemistry is hard, but she does not make it extra challenging. In fact, she probably made the course as straightforward as it could reasonably be. She releases practice exams and hosts Zoom sessions to go over the answers. However, don't be fooled, as even though the questions on the real exams look similar to the practice, they can test quite different concepts, and averages still land around 60. Make sure to do the problems she writes (in the lecture guides, discussion, and extra worksheets), as they are the best indicator of how she will test you (as opposed to the textbook).

The extra credit assignments were either fun/silly or helpful. But you will probably be in the dark as to your grade the whole quarter. She says that the exam averages are the benchmark for a B-, but that's all you get to know. She doesn't tell you how much or little the extra credit will boost your grade. Her lectures were quite fast-paced, especially if you're not following along on her pre-written notes on a tablet.

Dr. Reilly was almost always extremely clear about what was and was not relevant for exams. In my opinion, some of the material on the final was an exception, but the final was worth 100 points, so some conceptual lapses weren't too damaging. Given the chance, I would definitely continue taking the 30 series with her.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: B
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 9, 2021

Professor Reilly clearly cares about her students, which includes on making sure her students material. I didn't find her class easy, but with her lectures, notes, and office hours it made the class enjoyable and she took the time to help me personally when I told her I was struggling with the material. Her assessments are hard but a fair judge of how well you are understanding the material. When she gives you specific study tips, like make flashcards of all the reactions and memorize and then retake the practice problems as tests, do it. Her study tips are incredibly helpful to learning the material and succeeding in this class. She is extremely kind so contact her with issues because she understands this isn't an easy subject and will work with you through it. Also no need to buy the textbook, find the PDF. Definitely one of the best professors I've had at UCLA.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 9, 2020

Selling required text plus molecule building kit. phone: **********


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Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: B+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 1, 2020

Dr. Reilly is truly a great professor. Though her lectures are on the quicker pace, she has the notes pre-uploaded with blank spots that you can fill in during lecture. She also supplies a lot of great resources including chapter summaries, practice problems, optional homework assignments from the textbook, and step-by-step solution videos to the discussion worksheets.
Discussion section is not mandatory but it is extremely helpful! It gave me a chance to practice the material we learned since I'm personally not motivated enough to do the optional hw problems.
The only things that were mandatory were problem sets which she usually had an office hour dedicated to going through it with students before it was due (given about a week to complete, but only take a few hours at most) and BACON assignments which are pretty much free points.
Ngl I failed the midterm even though it was 24 hours and open note, but it was bc of my lack of preparation and practice. The final ended up being no-harm due to the circumstances regarding covid and the BLM movement, and is why I managed to still get a B+.
Overall, Dr. Reilly is extremely accommodating and focuses on student's learning and understanding the material. She knows how stressful grades can be for us and does her best to help. I really enjoyed her class and hope I can take 30B with her as well.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: B+
Dec. 20, 2020

Professor Reilly is the best professor I've had during my time at UCLA. If you have the opportunity to take this class with her, I would 100% recommend it. I would take her class again in a heartbeat. She really cares about her students and has been very accommodating during the pandemic. She holds office hours after class and during the weekend. We had 3 different types of assessment -- 5 Take-Home Assessments, 5 In-Class Assessments, 6 BACON. Take-Home Assessments were completion and she held workshops after they were due to go over each problem. In-Class Assessments were completed in 1 hour during class time. These were pretty challenging, but as I adapted to her testing/teaching method, it became easier over time. BACON worked to integrate our course materials with real-life, and although these were not for completion, they were very easy and took only 20 minutes. She also shows us pictures of her dog Kasey, who is absolutely adorable, during lecture. She gave numerous extra credit assignments including completing evaluations and memes/drawing.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 30, 2020

Dr. Reilly is the best professor I have had at UCLA so far. She is very receptive of students facing difficulties and genuinely goes the extra mile to ensure their success. I greatly appreciated the formatting of assessments: 5 one-hour exams, each held on the Monday of every even week. It substituted the stresses of high volumes of content on one or two midterms with consistent, relatively lower-weighted checkpoints of learning with somewhat difficult problems on a slimmer volume of content. This format allows students to more clearly monitor their progress, however amidst other classes also with frequent assessments, I can certainly see how this could be a drawback. The final exam was notoriously difficult, perhaps twice as hard as any previous assessment (we had a 50% average), in my opinion, so make sure you are very well prepared. However, and I can't stress this enough: try to not worry about your grade too much. Your worst assessment score will be dropped and there are three extra-credit opportunities. On top of this, the completion-based assignments were very helpful and comprised a good ~40% of the grade. As for lectures, I found her pace to be pretty fast to get through a lot of content (since five lecture slots are devoted to the aforementioned assessments), so recordings are your best friend. Also, reading the free textbook PDF is very useful for additional practice problems and reinforcing concepts. If there is one thing to take away from this post: if you can, GO TO OFFICE HOURS. Dr. Reilly is incredibly responsive to any questions you may have and does not finish answering until she ensures that you understand. I learned several useful clarifications and approaches to problems for tests. There are so many office hours during the week along with weekend sessions before each test and workshops for each take-home completion-based problem set. Overall, if you see Dr. Reilly's name for any Chemistry class you are considering, I highly recommend you take her.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-
June 20, 2024

Dr. Reilly has very very good intentions as a professor, and it was clear very early that she was passionate about both the students and the subject. Her lectures were all on Zoom and recorded and she was generally good at explaining concepts, making it clear what we needed to know, and responding to questions. However, she was also regularly disorganized and missed lectures without warning. I'd like to be understanding because there's a good possibility that she had some sort of prior commitment or larger events happening in her life, but it really did affect our class significantly because we were behind on the material by the end of the class and there was a lot of added stress over the way she would handle her absences. She'd often say that she'd post a supplemental lecture and just not do it or send in a week later, and she was pretty much always tardy in posting midterm or final review material. The review material would have definitely be helpful, but I will also say that the actual exams were significantly harder and additional study is recommended even if you did well on the practice test. The partial credit is also very unforgiving. In all, I think Dr. Reilly is a great person, but a bit of a gamble as a professor. I'd probably retake the class but given Dr. Ow as an alternative I'd definitely go there


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A-
June 15, 2024

for the **times she showed up** professor reilly was a splendid instructor!!!!!! she is good at explaining stuff and good at teaching with examples, her lecture notes are very helpful. and this is where the good stuff ends. is my saltiness abt my grade the main driver that drove me to write this review? yes

firstly there was BARELY ANY partial credit in either midterm (besides like one mechanism question per midterm if im right). there's only a few choices for a specific question, and the questions often feature some of the exceptioniest exceptions, so your score doesn't really reflect how much you studied, i.e. it is possible to do really good or really bad with or without knowing (since it's kind of just guessing). i did above avg (mid 80s) for the first midterm with 2ish days of studying. for the second midterm, i studied for a week and did below avg.

the avg. for the first midterm was 71% and the second 66%, neither were curved (they i.e. Reilly+ Ow said if the class avg. at the end is below a B- they will curve but the average ended up being an 84 so they didn't)

secondly the final was EIGHTEEN MULTIPLE CHOICE questions. was it light work and basic? yes! but the amount of points you would lose per question was just so high and for what? i think literally everyone finished the final in 30 minutes...

thirdly and most importantly, everything was so insanely last minute....I'm grateful that she promised us stuff and then delivered some of it but it was just so so late like a day before the exam kinda late....

at the end, some grading adjustments were made: we all got 0.25% for filling out the la feedback (they gave it to everyone cos hard to check, tumultuous times blah blah, the grading scheme that applied was whatever gave you the best grade out of these three: a. original (50 points both midterms, 100 points final, 25 points hw), b. 50 points less from final (no other change) c. one midterm drop (no other change)

my problem with everything is that yes, the class avg. is decently "high (84)"... but i genuinely don't think the scores reflect anything...

firstly it was all highkey just guessing...there was no explanation or anything involved in any of her exams...ig the final had some reasoning mcqs so that was nice but you can always just guess...

secondly because the individual midterms weren't curved, so say you did really bad on the first one (which had a higher class avg., and is the main class avg. booster) and decently good on the second one (with a lower class avg.), since neither midterm was individually curved and the overall curve depends on the overall class grade (which was high so the curve doesn't exist), you are now fucked.

what's even more fucked up is that an A in this class was a 94 not a what do u want from me dawg....the grade i got was higher than what i thought i would get but i guess the grass is never green in the present


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: C+
Oct. 5, 2023

she is so disorganized and she makes her tests ridiculously hard. her disorganization affects your grade and she's lazy. i'm not kidding


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
July 4, 2023

Everything you have heard about ochem is true and this class proved no different. Coming into this class, I thought it was going to be relatively easy and something I wouldn't have to struggle too hard at because the professor was sympathetic and understood that ochem was a tough subject. However, it was hard, draining, painful, and has made me have a dislike for chemistry. For some reason I passed even after failing both midterms and completely bombing the final (which I think everyone did). I would say that she is a relatable and funny person and gives thorough lectures but ochem is such a difficult subject because there are many details and exceptions to the rules. Although she gave practice midterms that replicated the format of the actual midterm, there was a huge discrepancy in the content from both and I often found myself doing fine on the practice but completely bombing the actual midterm. The discussion was also no help because my section just did their work individually without any interactions and I usually learned nothing and sat in silence. The final was also horrible because we all felt like we were prepared but it crushed me and any fiber of confidence I had. Overall, if you take this class, heavily concentrate on the practice midterms/final she offers and understand every question on there, do the discussion worksheets, additional problems, spend time understanding hard chapters on your own, do extra credit, and befriend people who are smarter than you.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: N/A
June 13, 2023

Dr. Reilly is engaging and personable. She cares that we've learned the material and shares flowcharts and heuristics that make challenging distinctions more methodical. Organic chemistry is hard, but she does not make it extra challenging. In fact, she probably made the course as straightforward as it could reasonably be. She releases practice exams and hosts Zoom sessions to go over the answers. However, don't be fooled, as even though the questions on the real exams look similar to the practice, they can test quite different concepts, and averages still land around 60. Make sure to do the problems she writes (in the lecture guides, discussion, and extra worksheets), as they are the best indicator of how she will test you (as opposed to the textbook).

The extra credit assignments were either fun/silly or helpful. But you will probably be in the dark as to your grade the whole quarter. She says that the exam averages are the benchmark for a B-, but that's all you get to know. She doesn't tell you how much or little the extra credit will boost your grade. Her lectures were quite fast-paced, especially if you're not following along on her pre-written notes on a tablet.

Dr. Reilly was almost always extremely clear about what was and was not relevant for exams. In my opinion, some of the material on the final was an exception, but the final was worth 100 points, so some conceptual lapses weren't too damaging. Given the chance, I would definitely continue taking the 30 series with her.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: B
Jan. 9, 2021

Professor Reilly clearly cares about her students, which includes on making sure her students material. I didn't find her class easy, but with her lectures, notes, and office hours it made the class enjoyable and she took the time to help me personally when I told her I was struggling with the material. Her assessments are hard but a fair judge of how well you are understanding the material. When she gives you specific study tips, like make flashcards of all the reactions and memorize and then retake the practice problems as tests, do it. Her study tips are incredibly helpful to learning the material and succeeding in this class. She is extremely kind so contact her with issues because she understands this isn't an easy subject and will work with you through it. Also no need to buy the textbook, find the PDF. Definitely one of the best professors I've had at UCLA.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: N/A
Dec. 9, 2020

Selling required text plus molecule building kit. phone: **********


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: B+
July 1, 2020

Dr. Reilly is truly a great professor. Though her lectures are on the quicker pace, she has the notes pre-uploaded with blank spots that you can fill in during lecture. She also supplies a lot of great resources including chapter summaries, practice problems, optional homework assignments from the textbook, and step-by-step solution videos to the discussion worksheets.
Discussion section is not mandatory but it is extremely helpful! It gave me a chance to practice the material we learned since I'm personally not motivated enough to do the optional hw problems.
The only things that were mandatory were problem sets which she usually had an office hour dedicated to going through it with students before it was due (given about a week to complete, but only take a few hours at most) and BACON assignments which are pretty much free points.
Ngl I failed the midterm even though it was 24 hours and open note, but it was bc of my lack of preparation and practice. The final ended up being no-harm due to the circumstances regarding covid and the BLM movement, and is why I managed to still get a B+.
Overall, Dr. Reilly is extremely accommodating and focuses on student's learning and understanding the material. She knows how stressful grades can be for us and does her best to help. I really enjoyed her class and hope I can take 30B with her as well.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 18 Users
Easiness 2.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.1 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Tough Tests
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Engaging Lectures
  • Would Take Again

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