Ali Mosleh
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2018 - MAE 174 taught by Mosleh is a very easy MAE TBR or elective class. It's a simple stats class and I found it intuitive and interesting even though I suck at stats. Just follow the recommended homework and review your notes and you should be fine. The class is completely podcasted through ZOOM and CCLE since it is cross listed with the masters online course of the same name. The grading is 50% midterm and 50% final, which is pretty daunting but the exams were nothing surprising. Do the suggested homework and pay attention to the videos and it will be a great class for you.
Fall 2018 - MAE 174 taught by Mosleh is a very easy MAE TBR or elective class. It's a simple stats class and I found it intuitive and interesting even though I suck at stats. Just follow the recommended homework and review your notes and you should be fine. The class is completely podcasted through ZOOM and CCLE since it is cross listed with the masters online course of the same name. The grading is 50% midterm and 50% final, which is pretty daunting but the exams were nothing surprising. Do the suggested homework and pay attention to the videos and it will be a great class for you.