Ali Sayed
Most Helpful Review
If you are very good at signal analysis, matrix analysis, stochastic analysis, or you have friends who are good at it, take this class and you will be good to go. My experience: I am in circuit path and feel interested in adaptive filter. So I go ahead and take this class. I get 38/100 in the midterm. Professor Sayed said I will be fine if I achieve better grade at the final. Then told me that a guy in stochastic analysis got a 33/100 and still be able to obtain B grade. Then I get 62/100 in the final, I get dramatic improvement, and an F grade! And then he told me that that's all I deserve... The F makes me almost impossible to graduate from Master program, where it requires student to maintain 3.0 GPA. I have to drop out of graduate program. Thank you professor Sayed! You ruined my academic career and dream. Best wishes!
If you are very good at signal analysis, matrix analysis, stochastic analysis, or you have friends who are good at it, take this class and you will be good to go. My experience: I am in circuit path and feel interested in adaptive filter. So I go ahead and take this class. I get 38/100 in the midterm. Professor Sayed said I will be fine if I achieve better grade at the final. Then told me that a guy in stochastic analysis got a 33/100 and still be able to obtain B grade. Then I get 62/100 in the final, I get dramatic improvement, and an F grade! And then he told me that that's all I deserve... The F makes me almost impossible to graduate from Master program, where it requires student to maintain 3.0 GPA. I have to drop out of graduate program. Thank you professor Sayed! You ruined my academic career and dream. Best wishes!