
Alexander Julius

Overall Ratings
Based on 48 Users
Easiness 3.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (48)

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Feb. 21, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

this guy is awesome!!! he's so awkward and hilarious in a subtle way that you want to go to lecture just to watch him standing at the front of the classroom. he doesn't lecture very well, but you don't really need to go to the lecture since he just reviews the readings. he's great! you really SHOULD go to section though, great tool. the material was really interesting too, quite a plus. i got an A-, but i don't really think that's much to complain about. i'm fine with that. he was always available for office hours, but i usually just went to my TA's office hours because she was the person that determined your grade. i don't know if this is correct, but i think it was 3 take-home assignments and a final that you got to bring your own notes to. that might have changed, but even then it was not too bad.

if you want a class with interesting material and isn't so demanding, take this class. if you want a class where you don't have to go to the lecture, take this class. if you want a class where your teacher is practically the real life version of allen from the hangover, TAKE. THIS. CLASS.


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Dec. 1, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

worst professor ever no joke do yourself a favor and do not enroll. he rants and pulls random examples that dont relate and cannot use midterm. i swear he is pulling random thoughts out of his ass to kill time because he doesnt have anything to say in a two hour lecture. yes the TA all grade differently so good luck!


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March 2, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Philos 6 is a great class. 3 homework assignments make up your grade so make sure you go to office hours to see what your TA wants. AJ is a sweet lecturer. Would recommend this class in a heart beat.


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June 3, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

AJ is great. The TA I had was not. The whole class breaks down into three written assignments, one for each author you cover (Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau) all graded by your TA. If you take this class, be prepared for the most subjective grading imaginable.


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March 30, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Hands down, the WORST professor I ever had the displeasure of having at UCLA.

He is literally the most incompetent lecturer I ever heard. He severely lacks the confidence, charisma, and clarity required of any lecturer. He mutters everything he says, and says "um" every other word.

He also reads straight from his dense notes, without any accompanying powerpoint or commentary. No one goes to class because it's so pointless. He and his TAs even know it.

The grades depend straight on the TAs. TAs grade VERY differently, so good luck in finding the right one. They don't normalize the overall class grading.

Overall, not to be mean, but Prof. Julius should not be teaching at UCLA. He's not meant to be a lecturer.


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Dec. 17, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

He is very easy going and very concerned about his students. By his own admission, he is more afraid of you than you are of him. He gives no midterms nor finals. You final grade is based on 3 very easy papers. Neither section nor class is mandatory.

Jonathan is the best TA ever. He puts up notes for section. Even people from other sections looked at his notes.


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March 6, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Great professor! He really tries hard to get the class interested and occasionally cracks a good joke. Has a tendency to make lecture awkward by making sexual innuendos but they're still pretty hilarious. Sometimes even ask his students during lecture for our opinions.

There were no textbooks, all readings were online, he even gives you notes for the readings, and class almost always ended an hour earlier then it's supposed to. There were two take home midterm and an in-class essay which he and his TA well prepares you for. The class was in general an easy workload. I recommend this class for anyone looking to fulfill the Social Analysis/Philosophical Analysis GE.


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March 25, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

so lets talk about julius here.
so i had him winter quarter 2010 and it was his first time teaching after not teaching for an year.

ill just get to the basics of the class and his teaching style.
the class is a semi-easy ge/prereq class but that doesnt mean its super easy.
the work load is light but its heavy on the weeks the assignments are due.

this class is all about utilizing your ta's.
i had brian hutler. he is the best. he was so nice, kind, helpful in office hours and discussion.

the onto the professor.
yea he is smart but hes a horrible teacher. but granted, philosophy is not an easy class to teach but granted, he is not a good teacher. i think he is more of a one on one guy. What i hated most about him is that he read straight off his notes (which are given in beginning of the first week), and he says uhhh and ummmm like every other word. my friends and i, as well as other people i saw were tallying how many times he says uhh and umm.

my final advice,
not a bad class. highly interesting readings. i didnt like learning about rawls. i went to class about 6 of the 20 lectures when the professor "explained" the hhomework assignments and even then, i didnt really listen. just read the notes in your room like twice, go to discussion, utilize office hours and you will have a good semester.


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March 31, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

SO as a previous post said, the lectures are pretty much optional, if you read his lecture notes and go to one of his lectures you will notice that he reads off the lecture notes almost completely word for word. Your TA's discussions and office hours; however, are definitely not optional. As your TAs are the ones grading your 2 papers, its very important you go over your paper with them. I also had Brian Hutler I think he was an excellent TA. The TAs will go over everything they're looking for on your papers and basically hand out A's. The final exams was incredibly easy as Julius sent a practice study guide with practice questions/prompts. The final exam was the exact same thing, and even better, you get a one page (front and back)notes sheet which you can take in. Overall, the material is quite interesting and the class is probably one of the easiest ways to finish that philosophy GE.


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April 11, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

EASIEST CLASS EVER TAKEN AT UCLA. Professor Julius is a straight boss. If you ever go to lecture, which you definitely don't need to, you will see that Julius is a pretty funny professor. Lectures are pretty boring, so basically just don't go unless you are going to get your homework back. Contrary to the previous review, office hours and discussion are useless. My TA was alright, the only purpose of going to discussion was to get a little insight on how your TA grades and what you should base your homework on. The two homework assignments are simple, you don't need to go to lecture to do them, just print out the notes and answer the questions as simply as you can directly from the notes. You will get an A on these if you give examples that are relevant. The "example" final is given to you a week in advance and he says that he will change the questions, but in reality, the only thing he changed was one short answer question by adding to the end of it "and provide an example". Also, you get to bring in a page of typed notes front and back to the final. My TA encouraged that we did the practice final and just typed it out and brought it in for our notes. I finished the final in 30 min. and ended up getting an A on both homework assignments and the final. Also, he has an awesome beard. TAKE HIM


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Feb. 21, 2012

this guy is awesome!!! he's so awkward and hilarious in a subtle way that you want to go to lecture just to watch him standing at the front of the classroom. he doesn't lecture very well, but you don't really need to go to the lecture since he just reviews the readings. he's great! you really SHOULD go to section though, great tool. the material was really interesting too, quite a plus. i got an A-, but i don't really think that's much to complain about. i'm fine with that. he was always available for office hours, but i usually just went to my TA's office hours because she was the person that determined your grade. i don't know if this is correct, but i think it was 3 take-home assignments and a final that you got to bring your own notes to. that might have changed, but even then it was not too bad.

if you want a class with interesting material and isn't so demanding, take this class. if you want a class where you don't have to go to the lecture, take this class. if you want a class where your teacher is practically the real life version of allen from the hangover, TAKE. THIS. CLASS.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 1, 2011

worst professor ever no joke do yourself a favor and do not enroll. he rants and pulls random examples that dont relate and cannot use midterm. i swear he is pulling random thoughts out of his ass to kill time because he doesnt have anything to say in a two hour lecture. yes the TA all grade differently so good luck!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 2, 2013

Philos 6 is a great class. 3 homework assignments make up your grade so make sure you go to office hours to see what your TA wants. AJ is a sweet lecturer. Would recommend this class in a heart beat.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 3, 2015

AJ is great. The TA I had was not. The whole class breaks down into three written assignments, one for each author you cover (Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau) all graded by your TA. If you take this class, be prepared for the most subjective grading imaginable.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 30, 2011

Hands down, the WORST professor I ever had the displeasure of having at UCLA.

He is literally the most incompetent lecturer I ever heard. He severely lacks the confidence, charisma, and clarity required of any lecturer. He mutters everything he says, and says "um" every other word.

He also reads straight from his dense notes, without any accompanying powerpoint or commentary. No one goes to class because it's so pointless. He and his TAs even know it.

The grades depend straight on the TAs. TAs grade VERY differently, so good luck in finding the right one. They don't normalize the overall class grading.

Overall, not to be mean, but Prof. Julius should not be teaching at UCLA. He's not meant to be a lecturer.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 17, 2011

He is very easy going and very concerned about his students. By his own admission, he is more afraid of you than you are of him. He gives no midterms nor finals. You final grade is based on 3 very easy papers. Neither section nor class is mandatory.

Jonathan is the best TA ever. He puts up notes for section. Even people from other sections looked at his notes.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 6, 2010

Great professor! He really tries hard to get the class interested and occasionally cracks a good joke. Has a tendency to make lecture awkward by making sexual innuendos but they're still pretty hilarious. Sometimes even ask his students during lecture for our opinions.

There were no textbooks, all readings were online, he even gives you notes for the readings, and class almost always ended an hour earlier then it's supposed to. There were two take home midterm and an in-class essay which he and his TA well prepares you for. The class was in general an easy workload. I recommend this class for anyone looking to fulfill the Social Analysis/Philosophical Analysis GE.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 25, 2010

so lets talk about julius here.
so i had him winter quarter 2010 and it was his first time teaching after not teaching for an year.

ill just get to the basics of the class and his teaching style.
the class is a semi-easy ge/prereq class but that doesnt mean its super easy.
the work load is light but its heavy on the weeks the assignments are due.

this class is all about utilizing your ta's.
i had brian hutler. he is the best. he was so nice, kind, helpful in office hours and discussion.

the onto the professor.
yea he is smart but hes a horrible teacher. but granted, philosophy is not an easy class to teach but granted, he is not a good teacher. i think he is more of a one on one guy. What i hated most about him is that he read straight off his notes (which are given in beginning of the first week), and he says uhhh and ummmm like every other word. my friends and i, as well as other people i saw were tallying how many times he says uhh and umm.

my final advice,
not a bad class. highly interesting readings. i didnt like learning about rawls. i went to class about 6 of the 20 lectures when the professor "explained" the hhomework assignments and even then, i didnt really listen. just read the notes in your room like twice, go to discussion, utilize office hours and you will have a good semester.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 31, 2010

SO as a previous post said, the lectures are pretty much optional, if you read his lecture notes and go to one of his lectures you will notice that he reads off the lecture notes almost completely word for word. Your TA's discussions and office hours; however, are definitely not optional. As your TAs are the ones grading your 2 papers, its very important you go over your paper with them. I also had Brian Hutler I think he was an excellent TA. The TAs will go over everything they're looking for on your papers and basically hand out A's. The final exams was incredibly easy as Julius sent a practice study guide with practice questions/prompts. The final exam was the exact same thing, and even better, you get a one page (front and back)notes sheet which you can take in. Overall, the material is quite interesting and the class is probably one of the easiest ways to finish that philosophy GE.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 11, 2010

EASIEST CLASS EVER TAKEN AT UCLA. Professor Julius is a straight boss. If you ever go to lecture, which you definitely don't need to, you will see that Julius is a pretty funny professor. Lectures are pretty boring, so basically just don't go unless you are going to get your homework back. Contrary to the previous review, office hours and discussion are useless. My TA was alright, the only purpose of going to discussion was to get a little insight on how your TA grades and what you should base your homework on. The two homework assignments are simple, you don't need to go to lecture to do them, just print out the notes and answer the questions as simply as you can directly from the notes. You will get an A on these if you give examples that are relevant. The "example" final is given to you a week in advance and he says that he will change the questions, but in reality, the only thing he changed was one short answer question by adding to the end of it "and provide an example". Also, you get to bring in a page of typed notes front and back to the final. My TA encouraged that we did the practice final and just typed it out and brought it in for our notes. I finished the final in 30 min. and ended up getting an A on both homework assignments and the final. Also, he has an awesome beard. TAKE HIM


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