
Agape Awad

Overall Ratings
Based on 37 Users
Easiness 1.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (37)

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June 17, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Overall, I'd recommend Awad. Her lecturing is really good, not too fast paced if you pay attention. I'd recommend going to her office hours too and definitely DO the study questions, they help prepare you for the exams. I think I only got an A because COVID and she made the final easier, but I probably would have gotten an A- without. Chemistry isn't my strong suit, but I felt like she made this class a lot easier than Chem 14D for example. Her exams are difficult, and it's a little hard to prepare for but like I said, really explain your reasoning and go to office hours and do the study questions. I think she's tough, but overall pretty fair in terms of grading. She can come off a little rude, but she's not usually that rude for the sake of being rude and I'd still recommend her as a professor since her lecturing is really good


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Feb. 15, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I loved this class with Awad so much, honestly this was one of my favorite classes I've taken at UCLA and I wish more classes here were structured like this. Awad is one of the clearest lecturers I've ever had, she explains every concept so well that if you listen to her lectures and do the practice problems she gives you, you'll end up understanding the material. If you need to take Chem 153A at some point, I'd recommend waiting until you're able to enroll in it when Awad is teaching.

She never has any trick questions on exams, it's exactly like the study questions, so if you understand those, go to discussion and pay attention, and absorb the lecture material, I feel like there's no way to not get an A in the class. Also, all the TAs that Awad chooses are really helpful, Joseph was my favorite one though because he always went above and beyond to help and explain things.

Also, she provides an extremely generous grade boost at the end of the quarter!!


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Although the exams are quite difficult due to the significant amount of material covered, professor Awad never fails to offer help and her lectures are very clear. However, you could not only depend on lecture slides to pass this class.
Doing study questions and discussion worksheets are probably the best way to prepare for exams as the questions are often relatively similar. You will feel like you are failing throughout the quarter; however, Dr Awad curves very generously so that a relatively large number of students receive an B plus or above. She also gives so many extra credit opportunities which help buffer out the difficult exams.
This is probably the hardest class i've ever taken in UCLA, but I would not reccomend any other professor other than Dr Awad to teach this course.


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April 2, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

Professor Awad is amazing! Her lectures (although fast) are recorded and you can always rewatch. Her explanations are super clear and helpful. Her exams, though, are HARD! There are certain keywords and you can't go over a certain amount of words or you get docked points for not being concise. Still, though, she is super helpful. I have never been to office hours but I probably would've done better if I did. My final grade percentage was 84% and I got an A-. The final was open book/notes due to the coronavirus. Honestly, I was terrified of this class, but she had so many extra credit opportunities - I think there were 18 extra credit points total with a music video too. Definitely Recommend her to for 153A!


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March 31, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

This is the best class I’ve taken at UCLA! Professor Awad is amazing and makes the class enjoyable. The material is endless and requires a whole lot of memorization but the exams are not that hard. If you go through the study questions and understand them all and watch the bruincast taking notes, you can get a good grade. Also, discussion sessions are really helpful, go to all of them.
Other than the exams, there are clicker questions, one assignment and 5 quizzes. Make sure you get full credit in all of these. And at the end of the quarter there are a bunch of options for extra credit.
This class took up a lot of my time but I feel like I learned a lot and would for sure take it again with Prof Awad.


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Jan. 17, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B

Awad is a terrible, horrible, awful, no good, very bad teacher. She is smug and uses the class to fuel her massive ego. I wish that I would never ever have to interact with this smug horrible person. She is no longer at UCLA and I am forever grateful for this. She thinks that she is some kind of genius and everyone has to bow down to her majesty. She thinks that she's the best teacher in the world while she's literally incapable of explaining the very basic biochemical concepts. Her choice of TAs aren't any better than the rest of her awful class. The TAs seemed to be confused every week about what Awad wanted them to do and we would end doing basically nothing. Her quizzes were decent but her exams were ridiculously hard and grading was even worse she wants you to use her exact words to use in your answers. She tries so hard to be liked by the students by being a clown and showing her dog's picture every lecture. I hated her class so much not because it was hard but because she's such a horrible teacher.


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March 30, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+

Agape is cool. This class isn't that hard man. Just do all of the study questions and the exams are chill. Do the extra credit, she gives so much extra credit, and yeah the class isn't curved, but you don't need a 93 to get an A, you need like an 86 or something. So then including the extra credit, there's a lot of room for error. And so Agape is very clear with everything, and she lays out exactly what you need to know to do well. The class isn't hard content wise, you just have to put in the effort and you'll be fine. Overall, Agape is very clear, and it's worthwhile taking this class with her as you'll learn a lot. Highly recommend.


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Dec. 27, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Basically you would need to work hard in the class and that's not because the class material is hard, but because the professor makes it hard. She tries to go over the lecture as fast as possible, she appears not to care whether you understand her or not. She kept telling us to go back and watch the bruin cast if we want to understand (which to me seemed like there was no reason to show up to the class other than the iclicker, as she doesn't expect students to understand her anyways). Her lectures are so superficial, they lack many details that could have aided the learning process. Her exams are also unfair, they aren't about what you know but about memorizing her own words. personally, I believe that the TA and the lehninger book are the only two sources to seek knowledge in this class. however, if you really decided to take that class and pass with an A, you just need to memorize everything in her study questions and other worksheets.


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March 23, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

Awad is an amazing teacher! She made a very difficult concept very fun and engaging. Very clear and organized. Exams are difficult because biochem is difficult, but she makes them very fair. Also, Joseph is the BEST TA ever. Go to his sections and you're set.


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April 1, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

I really really loved Professor Awad!!! She is such a kind, genuine person who cares about the performance of her students. I also found her to be pretty funny. Of course, the class is challenging, as can be expected of biochem due to the large amounts of memorization and required content you must learn. However, Professor Awad makes doing well very achievable! She does everything she can to help during office hours, as do the TA's. Additionally, she provides SO MANY study questions that are very similar to test questions for practice, and the discussion worksheets are also very helpful when preparing for exams, though you are not required to attend discussion. As if that isn't enough, she also provides a good deal of extra credit which are worth it. Her tests are very fair, and similar to what you see on the practice midterms/study questions she posts so if you do those and study them, you should be fine. Definitely take this class with Awad is possible!!!!!!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
June 17, 2020

Overall, I'd recommend Awad. Her lecturing is really good, not too fast paced if you pay attention. I'd recommend going to her office hours too and definitely DO the study questions, they help prepare you for the exams. I think I only got an A because COVID and she made the final easier, but I probably would have gotten an A- without. Chemistry isn't my strong suit, but I felt like she made this class a lot easier than Chem 14D for example. Her exams are difficult, and it's a little hard to prepare for but like I said, really explain your reasoning and go to office hours and do the study questions. I think she's tough, but overall pretty fair in terms of grading. She can come off a little rude, but she's not usually that rude for the sake of being rude and I'd still recommend her as a professor since her lecturing is really good


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 15, 2020

I loved this class with Awad so much, honestly this was one of my favorite classes I've taken at UCLA and I wish more classes here were structured like this. Awad is one of the clearest lecturers I've ever had, she explains every concept so well that if you listen to her lectures and do the practice problems she gives you, you'll end up understanding the material. If you need to take Chem 153A at some point, I'd recommend waiting until you're able to enroll in it when Awad is teaching.

She never has any trick questions on exams, it's exactly like the study questions, so if you understand those, go to discussion and pay attention, and absorb the lecture material, I feel like there's no way to not get an A in the class. Also, all the TAs that Awad chooses are really helpful, Joseph was my favorite one though because he always went above and beyond to help and explain things.

Also, she provides an extremely generous grade boost at the end of the quarter!!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

Although the exams are quite difficult due to the significant amount of material covered, professor Awad never fails to offer help and her lectures are very clear. However, you could not only depend on lecture slides to pass this class.
Doing study questions and discussion worksheets are probably the best way to prepare for exams as the questions are often relatively similar. You will feel like you are failing throughout the quarter; however, Dr Awad curves very generously so that a relatively large number of students receive an B plus or above. She also gives so many extra credit opportunities which help buffer out the difficult exams.
This is probably the hardest class i've ever taken in UCLA, but I would not reccomend any other professor other than Dr Awad to teach this course.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
April 2, 2020

Professor Awad is amazing! Her lectures (although fast) are recorded and you can always rewatch. Her explanations are super clear and helpful. Her exams, though, are HARD! There are certain keywords and you can't go over a certain amount of words or you get docked points for not being concise. Still, though, she is super helpful. I have never been to office hours but I probably would've done better if I did. My final grade percentage was 84% and I got an A-. The final was open book/notes due to the coronavirus. Honestly, I was terrified of this class, but she had so many extra credit opportunities - I think there were 18 extra credit points total with a music video too. Definitely Recommend her to for 153A!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 31, 2019

This is the best class I’ve taken at UCLA! Professor Awad is amazing and makes the class enjoyable. The material is endless and requires a whole lot of memorization but the exams are not that hard. If you go through the study questions and understand them all and watch the bruincast taking notes, you can get a good grade. Also, discussion sessions are really helpful, go to all of them.
Other than the exams, there are clicker questions, one assignment and 5 quizzes. Make sure you get full credit in all of these. And at the end of the quarter there are a bunch of options for extra credit.
This class took up a lot of my time but I feel like I learned a lot and would for sure take it again with Prof Awad.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: B
Jan. 17, 2020

Awad is a terrible, horrible, awful, no good, very bad teacher. She is smug and uses the class to fuel her massive ego. I wish that I would never ever have to interact with this smug horrible person. She is no longer at UCLA and I am forever grateful for this. She thinks that she is some kind of genius and everyone has to bow down to her majesty. She thinks that she's the best teacher in the world while she's literally incapable of explaining the very basic biochemical concepts. Her choice of TAs aren't any better than the rest of her awful class. The TAs seemed to be confused every week about what Awad wanted them to do and we would end doing basically nothing. Her quizzes were decent but her exams were ridiculously hard and grading was even worse she wants you to use her exact words to use in your answers. She tries so hard to be liked by the students by being a clown and showing her dog's picture every lecture. I hated her class so much not because it was hard but because she's such a horrible teacher.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A+
March 30, 2019

Agape is cool. This class isn't that hard man. Just do all of the study questions and the exams are chill. Do the extra credit, she gives so much extra credit, and yeah the class isn't curved, but you don't need a 93 to get an A, you need like an 86 or something. So then including the extra credit, there's a lot of room for error. And so Agape is very clear with everything, and she lays out exactly what you need to know to do well. The class isn't hard content wise, you just have to put in the effort and you'll be fine. Overall, Agape is very clear, and it's worthwhile taking this class with her as you'll learn a lot. Highly recommend.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 27, 2019

Basically you would need to work hard in the class and that's not because the class material is hard, but because the professor makes it hard. She tries to go over the lecture as fast as possible, she appears not to care whether you understand her or not. She kept telling us to go back and watch the bruin cast if we want to understand (which to me seemed like there was no reason to show up to the class other than the iclicker, as she doesn't expect students to understand her anyways). Her lectures are so superficial, they lack many details that could have aided the learning process. Her exams are also unfair, they aren't about what you know but about memorizing her own words. personally, I believe that the TA and the lehninger book are the only two sources to seek knowledge in this class. however, if you really decided to take that class and pass with an A, you just need to memorize everything in her study questions and other worksheets.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
March 23, 2019

Awad is an amazing teacher! She made a very difficult concept very fun and engaging. Very clear and organized. Exams are difficult because biochem is difficult, but she makes them very fair. Also, Joseph is the BEST TA ever. Go to his sections and you're set.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 1, 2019

I really really loved Professor Awad!!! She is such a kind, genuine person who cares about the performance of her students. I also found her to be pretty funny. Of course, the class is challenging, as can be expected of biochem due to the large amounts of memorization and required content you must learn. However, Professor Awad makes doing well very achievable! She does everything she can to help during office hours, as do the TA's. Additionally, she provides SO MANY study questions that are very similar to test questions for practice, and the discussion worksheets are also very helpful when preparing for exams, though you are not required to attend discussion. As if that isn't enough, she also provides a good deal of extra credit which are worth it. Her tests are very fair, and similar to what you see on the practice midterms/study questions she posts so if you do those and study them, you should be fine. Definitely take this class with Awad is possible!!!!!!


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