
Abigail Goldman

Overall Ratings
Based on 45 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (45)

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June 22, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

To put it simply, Professor Goldman cares. She's an energetic teacher who clearly wants to see her students improve as writers. And this class was a lot of writing, as expected. There are plenty of instructions to help guide you, but it can be overwhelming sometimes. Just go to office hours to clear things up if there's confusion.

Participation is crucial so don't take this if you don't want to be involved. Attendance is also important.

Ultimately, I was highly entertained by Professor Goldman and appreciated that she approached things in a down-to-earth manner.


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June 26, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

Professor Goldman goes out of her way to make sure that students are treated fairly (she grades anonymously and doesn't know who submits each exam, and is incredibly accommodating of circumstances that affect the class). She does spend the first 10 minutes of each class talking about how the class is structured, which doesn't add much, but the rest of the class was really engaging and everyone in the room leaves wishing it were longer. I'd definitely take this class again- one of the most engaging and interesting ones I've enrolled in at UCLA.


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July 7, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A

You might think "Journalism ethics? What is that good for?" but this class teaches you about how to argue your beliefs and to argue them WELL. It is useful to everyone, and such a fun class for Comm and non-comm majors. I nearly dropped this class the first day because of the bi-weekly posts in the forum online and fear that the professor expected too much from us, but take this class! I can tell you now that it has been one of my favorites at UCLA.

We learned socratic style, which was nerve-wracking for me, but I soon got over it as soon as Abigail called on me. She learns everyones names and fosters a small-class environment- even in a 75 person lecture! The cases were interesting. I never dreaded this class since I always looked forward to discussing them.

One thing I will say is that being a good writer really helps you in this class. I wouldn't let that stop you from taking this class, but I think that a large part of why I got an A on both exams is that I came is with a pretty strong writing foundation. The exams are graded anonymously which I loved (Why aren't all tests done this way?), so don't expect your participation in class to help you on exams.


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Sept. 20, 2017
Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B+

Professor Goldman is amazing! One of the greatest professors I've had at UCLA.


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June 25, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-

Goldman is a great professor and really knows what she's talking about, especially concerning writing/journalism. This was probably one of the most practical classes I've taken at UCLA - I feel like I can apply this knowledge outside of the classroom. The whole class is based on refining your writing, which can be useful for anyone. She is very funny and although the grading on the writing can be harsh, she is fair and does it with the intention of helping you learn and grow. There was about one assignment per week, assigned on Mondays and due on Wednesdays, in addition to relatively light reading assignments. Definitely take this class if you want to improve your writing.


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June 1, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

I enjoyed the class, great if you're interested in journalism or the ethics of media coverage. Sometimes the professor's goals felt ambiguous and possibly like I had to guess on what I should focus on in exams. Otherwise fairly easy and interesting, just be sure to participate because you can get marked down quite a bit if you don't speak!


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June 22, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+

Professor Goldman is an amazing professor and this class is unlike any other I've taken at UCLA. It's a small seminar so she can really teach us how to write. As a comm major, I wish more classes in the communications department were like this -- practical skills for journalists. And the professor was truly there to help us learn.

It's intense because you're writing an article each week, but anyone interested in journalism or writing should take this class. It hones your skills and makes you think about each word you use.

She uses anonymous grading which was fair (and great because the class is really about improving yourself so it's nice to know where you stand). I went to her office hours a lot and it was SUPER helpful to read her my work. She's welcoming to students and really cares about our learning.


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April 1, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

This is probably my favorite class i've taken at UCLA. The entire basis of this class is reading media ethics cases and debating them in class, which is so much fun. It is not a typical lecture, because the class is small and the whole point of the class is speaking and engaging with Professor Goldman. She will try to scare you off on the first day of class by telling you to drop if you aren't okay with posting 2 times a week on a forum about the cases and also participating in class for a good grade, but it's not hard to do. For homework, you have to read the cases (usually between 10-20 pages) and post your thoughts on a forum due monday and wednesday. Your midterm and final grade is how well you can debate sides of a media issue- as long as you go to class, you don't need to study for the tests at all. I reviewed the cases for about 20 minutes before each test and ended up with an A; it's about how well you can write about the issues presented. This class was minimal work and incredibly engaging- Professor Goldman knows what she's talking about (she's a Pulitzer prize winner). Take this class if you are at all interested in media ethics/the media in general-Goldman is amazing!


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June 3, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: I

Abbe Goldman is straight up the best professor I've ever had at UCLA and that I think I will have in the future. Her teaching style is really amazing because she pushes you to think in new and different ways. On numerous occasions I've found myself wishing we had more class time to continue discussing cases.

This class definitely isn't going to ruin your life in terms of workload, you just have to post responses to the forum twice a week, and on time. Participation also definitely matters for the class, but you only receive credit for contributing something new and thought-provoking in class discussions, which can at times be pretty challenging. If you don't already know, the class is not comprised of lectures, but rather a dialogue between opposing sides of a debate--like a socratic seminar. That being said, you definitely do have to go to class. The exams make you think but are fair, as every class is in a way a preparation for the midterm and final.

Anyways, I am so grateful for being able to take this class with Abbe, and I could not recommend it enough. I will definitely be taking the writing class that Abbe teaches, if I can.


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Sept. 19, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A



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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
June 22, 2016

To put it simply, Professor Goldman cares. She's an energetic teacher who clearly wants to see her students improve as writers. And this class was a lot of writing, as expected. There are plenty of instructions to help guide you, but it can be overwhelming sometimes. Just go to office hours to clear things up if there's confusion.

Participation is crucial so don't take this if you don't want to be involved. Attendance is also important.

Ultimately, I was highly entertained by Professor Goldman and appreciated that she approached things in a down-to-earth manner.


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 26, 2016

Professor Goldman goes out of her way to make sure that students are treated fairly (she grades anonymously and doesn't know who submits each exam, and is incredibly accommodating of circumstances that affect the class). She does spend the first 10 minutes of each class talking about how the class is structured, which doesn't add much, but the rest of the class was really engaging and everyone in the room leaves wishing it were longer. I'd definitely take this class again- one of the most engaging and interesting ones I've enrolled in at UCLA.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: A
July 7, 2017

You might think "Journalism ethics? What is that good for?" but this class teaches you about how to argue your beliefs and to argue them WELL. It is useful to everyone, and such a fun class for Comm and non-comm majors. I nearly dropped this class the first day because of the bi-weekly posts in the forum online and fear that the professor expected too much from us, but take this class! I can tell you now that it has been one of my favorites at UCLA.

We learned socratic style, which was nerve-wracking for me, but I soon got over it as soon as Abigail called on me. She learns everyones names and fosters a small-class environment- even in a 75 person lecture! The cases were interesting. I never dreaded this class since I always looked forward to discussing them.

One thing I will say is that being a good writer really helps you in this class. I wouldn't let that stop you from taking this class, but I think that a large part of why I got an A on both exams is that I came is with a pretty strong writing foundation. The exams are graded anonymously which I loved (Why aren't all tests done this way?), so don't expect your participation in class to help you on exams.


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Quarter: Winter 2017
Grade: B+
Sept. 20, 2017

Professor Goldman is amazing! One of the greatest professors I've had at UCLA.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-
June 25, 2018

Goldman is a great professor and really knows what she's talking about, especially concerning writing/journalism. This was probably one of the most practical classes I've taken at UCLA - I feel like I can apply this knowledge outside of the classroom. The whole class is based on refining your writing, which can be useful for anyone. She is very funny and although the grading on the writing can be harsh, she is fair and does it with the intention of helping you learn and grow. There was about one assignment per week, assigned on Mondays and due on Wednesdays, in addition to relatively light reading assignments. Definitely take this class if you want to improve your writing.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
June 1, 2019

I enjoyed the class, great if you're interested in journalism or the ethics of media coverage. Sometimes the professor's goals felt ambiguous and possibly like I had to guess on what I should focus on in exams. Otherwise fairly easy and interesting, just be sure to participate because you can get marked down quite a bit if you don't speak!


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+
June 22, 2016

Professor Goldman is an amazing professor and this class is unlike any other I've taken at UCLA. It's a small seminar so she can really teach us how to write. As a comm major, I wish more classes in the communications department were like this -- practical skills for journalists. And the professor was truly there to help us learn.

It's intense because you're writing an article each week, but anyone interested in journalism or writing should take this class. It hones your skills and makes you think about each word you use.

She uses anonymous grading which was fair (and great because the class is really about improving yourself so it's nice to know where you stand). I went to her office hours a lot and it was SUPER helpful to read her my work. She's welcoming to students and really cares about our learning.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
April 1, 2018

This is probably my favorite class i've taken at UCLA. The entire basis of this class is reading media ethics cases and debating them in class, which is so much fun. It is not a typical lecture, because the class is small and the whole point of the class is speaking and engaging with Professor Goldman. She will try to scare you off on the first day of class by telling you to drop if you aren't okay with posting 2 times a week on a forum about the cases and also participating in class for a good grade, but it's not hard to do. For homework, you have to read the cases (usually between 10-20 pages) and post your thoughts on a forum due monday and wednesday. Your midterm and final grade is how well you can debate sides of a media issue- as long as you go to class, you don't need to study for the tests at all. I reviewed the cases for about 20 minutes before each test and ended up with an A; it's about how well you can write about the issues presented. This class was minimal work and incredibly engaging- Professor Goldman knows what she's talking about (she's a Pulitzer prize winner). Take this class if you are at all interested in media ethics/the media in general-Goldman is amazing!


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: I
June 3, 2016

Abbe Goldman is straight up the best professor I've ever had at UCLA and that I think I will have in the future. Her teaching style is really amazing because she pushes you to think in new and different ways. On numerous occasions I've found myself wishing we had more class time to continue discussing cases.

This class definitely isn't going to ruin your life in terms of workload, you just have to post responses to the forum twice a week, and on time. Participation also definitely matters for the class, but you only receive credit for contributing something new and thought-provoking in class discussions, which can at times be pretty challenging. If you don't already know, the class is not comprised of lectures, but rather a dialogue between opposing sides of a debate--like a socratic seminar. That being said, you definitely do have to go to class. The exams make you think but are fair, as every class is in a way a preparation for the midterm and final.

Anyways, I am so grateful for being able to take this class with Abbe, and I could not recommend it enough. I will definitely be taking the writing class that Abbe teaches, if I can.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
Sept. 19, 2020



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