
Abigail Goldman

Overall Ratings
Based on 45 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (45)

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Feb. 27, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Prof. Goldman is the perfect lecturer if you're coming into the course to become a better writer. While I did not get the grade I wanted, the skills I took from being taught by Prof. Goldman will be carried (by zombies) with me forever.

I more than recommend this course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 27, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

Professor Goldman is one of the best professors I've had the privilege of learning from in my time at UCLA, and I absolutely loved her Comm 191E class. The assignments aren't inherently easy, but you aren't overloaded with them, and Prof. Goldman provides a lot of help both in class and at office hours. She wants you to succeed, and pushes you through her assignments. I learned so much and can't wait to take Comm 186 with her in Spring 2024.


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Feb. 26, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-

As someone who wants to go into journalism, Prof. Goldman was knowledgable, helpful, and incredibly kind, building a class for us to think outside of our comfort zone and learn skills that we will use in the real world.

When I took the course, there was no exam, however, she held the right to add one as a final. Weekly assignments with two days to complete, but it was honestly nice because it never conflicted with my other classes.


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Aug. 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Selling Course Reader for $20.

Contact: ************* - **********


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April 12, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: NR

I am selling a course reader for $25 basically brand new, they are $35 at Ackerman. text me at ********** if you want to buy it


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Oct. 22, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B+

I was very disappointed by this class. At the beginning, it seems super interesting because you read cool journalism case studies and the professor requires you to participate in class without technology. As the course goes on, however, most people became overwhelmed by how long the readings were and how in-depth you were supposed to know them for the tests. Your grade is almost entirely based upon the midterm and final, which are long, difficult, and require a lot of writing. If you struggle with test-taking or want to take an easy Communications elective, this isn't the class for you.


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Oct. 11, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

One of my favorite professors I have taken at UCLA so far!!! Makes the class super interesting and interactive. Get ready to do a lot of group work and participate in class. Midterm and final were a breeze as long as you attend the lectures and stay engaged except don't spend too long on questions or timing may be tight!


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June 23, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

I could not recommend this class more enough. You learn all about what constitutes journalism, the ethical decisions that go on in the newsroom, and are always encouraged to think critically and deeper about each side of the argument. Abbe is a phenomenal lecturer, and her past experience in working at the LA Times really shone through. She is highly receptive to feedback and you can tell she truly cares about her students. Bonus! she has the cutest dog you can pet during office hours.

The workload is pretty light - every week we're given two controversial ethical cases to read through, do 2 postings advocating for a side, then in class Abbe writes our ideas onto the whiteboard and facilitates class discussion. If you're lazy like me, you can get away with skimming the readings and learn the main points during class. Since each lesson relies on the points that we provide on each case, the class is super engaging and you never know what interesting points will come up. This style of work means that what you put into this class is what you get out of it - you're given more free time to think critically about each case, rather than slave over assignments and deadlines.

Exams were the opposite of rinse and repeat memorization. You write 6 mini persuasive essays, taking different stances on an issue by answering the guiding questions she gives you. Have an understanding of each side of the case and the general themes of this class, and you'll do great. However, your existing writing ability will be important as both exams are essay-based.

Comm 186 with Goldman has definitely been one of my favorite classes here at UCLA. It teaches you a whole lot about persuasion, critical thinking, and you get to hear great ideas from your peers. Give it a try!


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March 4, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Professor Goldman's class will whip your writing into shape. Overall, it's a great class to take if you're interested in a career in journalism or in a career where clear, concise writing is important. She really cares about her students and expects a lot from them, but she's willing to work with you to get your writing to the next level.

She grades assignments anonymously, so you know she's judging each writing piece independently and without any bias.

She also grades writing assignments on a rubric, which can make getting a high score more difficult. But she provides a list of common problems after the first assignment and updates it every week. If you use the list to self-edit you will score fine.

The workload for her writing class is relatively light: two short reading assignments (between 10 and 40 pages) and one writing assignment of 400 to 500 words per week. She builds in breaks around midterms to give students a chance to focus on other classes which is pretty generous.

Goldman holds office hours two days each week and will go over assignments to help you score better when you turn them in.


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March 5, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Abbe is one of the best professors I've had thus far. She's very willing to work with students and help them improve their writing, regardless of the level at which they start.

I'm impressed with her organization, especially in lectures; I've learned a lot from every class sitting.

She grades fairly, with a rubric, so I always know exactly what she expects and what to improve on, and she grades anonymously, so you always get the grade you deserve.

She has several office hours every week, and she's very willing to work with students on assignments before they're turned in. Going to office hours and having her look briefly over your work is super helpful; she'll tell you what to improve on and you'll end up with a better grade.

The workload is manageable: light weekly readings and weekly writing assignments (400 or 500 words). Make sure you go to class; it's helpful when you sit down to do the writing, but attendance factors into your grade too.

Abbe's experience in journalism makes her great for this class. She effectively and efficiently taught me a valuable skill set – I'd recommend her to anyone who wants to learn to write well.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
Feb. 27, 2024

Prof. Goldman is the perfect lecturer if you're coming into the course to become a better writer. While I did not get the grade I wanted, the skills I took from being taught by Prof. Goldman will be carried (by zombies) with me forever.

I more than recommend this course.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
Feb. 27, 2024

Professor Goldman is one of the best professors I've had the privilege of learning from in my time at UCLA, and I absolutely loved her Comm 191E class. The assignments aren't inherently easy, but you aren't overloaded with them, and Prof. Goldman provides a lot of help both in class and at office hours. She wants you to succeed, and pushes you through her assignments. I learned so much and can't wait to take Comm 186 with her in Spring 2024.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-
Feb. 26, 2024

As someone who wants to go into journalism, Prof. Goldman was knowledgable, helpful, and incredibly kind, building a class for us to think outside of our comfort zone and learn skills that we will use in the real world.

When I took the course, there was no exam, however, she held the right to add one as a final. Weekly assignments with two days to complete, but it was honestly nice because it never conflicted with my other classes.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
Aug. 30, 2020

Selling Course Reader for $20.

Contact: ************* - **********


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: NR
April 12, 2018

I am selling a course reader for $25 basically brand new, they are $35 at Ackerman. text me at ********** if you want to buy it


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B+
Oct. 22, 2022

I was very disappointed by this class. At the beginning, it seems super interesting because you read cool journalism case studies and the professor requires you to participate in class without technology. As the course goes on, however, most people became overwhelmed by how long the readings were and how in-depth you were supposed to know them for the tests. Your grade is almost entirely based upon the midterm and final, which are long, difficult, and require a lot of writing. If you struggle with test-taking or want to take an easy Communications elective, this isn't the class for you.


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COMM 186
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Oct. 11, 2022

One of my favorite professors I have taken at UCLA so far!!! Makes the class super interesting and interactive. Get ready to do a lot of group work and participate in class. Midterm and final were a breeze as long as you attend the lectures and stay engaged except don't spend too long on questions or timing may be tight!


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COMM 186
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 23, 2022

I could not recommend this class more enough. You learn all about what constitutes journalism, the ethical decisions that go on in the newsroom, and are always encouraged to think critically and deeper about each side of the argument. Abbe is a phenomenal lecturer, and her past experience in working at the LA Times really shone through. She is highly receptive to feedback and you can tell she truly cares about her students. Bonus! she has the cutest dog you can pet during office hours.

The workload is pretty light - every week we're given two controversial ethical cases to read through, do 2 postings advocating for a side, then in class Abbe writes our ideas onto the whiteboard and facilitates class discussion. If you're lazy like me, you can get away with skimming the readings and learn the main points during class. Since each lesson relies on the points that we provide on each case, the class is super engaging and you never know what interesting points will come up. This style of work means that what you put into this class is what you get out of it - you're given more free time to think critically about each case, rather than slave over assignments and deadlines.

Exams were the opposite of rinse and repeat memorization. You write 6 mini persuasive essays, taking different stances on an issue by answering the guiding questions she gives you. Have an understanding of each side of the case and the general themes of this class, and you'll do great. However, your existing writing ability will be important as both exams are essay-based.

Comm 186 with Goldman has definitely been one of my favorite classes here at UCLA. It teaches you a whole lot about persuasion, critical thinking, and you get to hear great ideas from your peers. Give it a try!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 4, 2015

Professor Goldman's class will whip your writing into shape. Overall, it's a great class to take if you're interested in a career in journalism or in a career where clear, concise writing is important. She really cares about her students and expects a lot from them, but she's willing to work with you to get your writing to the next level.

She grades assignments anonymously, so you know she's judging each writing piece independently and without any bias.

She also grades writing assignments on a rubric, which can make getting a high score more difficult. But she provides a list of common problems after the first assignment and updates it every week. If you use the list to self-edit you will score fine.

The workload for her writing class is relatively light: two short reading assignments (between 10 and 40 pages) and one writing assignment of 400 to 500 words per week. She builds in breaks around midterms to give students a chance to focus on other classes which is pretty generous.

Goldman holds office hours two days each week and will go over assignments to help you score better when you turn them in.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 5, 2015

Abbe is one of the best professors I've had thus far. She's very willing to work with students and help them improve their writing, regardless of the level at which they start.

I'm impressed with her organization, especially in lectures; I've learned a lot from every class sitting.

She grades fairly, with a rubric, so I always know exactly what she expects and what to improve on, and she grades anonymously, so you always get the grade you deserve.

She has several office hours every week, and she's very willing to work with students on assignments before they're turned in. Going to office hours and having her look briefly over your work is super helpful; she'll tell you what to improve on and you'll end up with a better grade.

The workload is manageable: light weekly readings and weekly writing assignments (400 or 500 words). Make sure you go to class; it's helpful when you sit down to do the writing, but attendance factors into your grade too.

Abbe's experience in journalism makes her great for this class. She effectively and efficiently taught me a valuable skill set – I'd recommend her to anyone who wants to learn to write well.


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