Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics

Description: Lecture/demonstration, four hours; discussion, one hour. Enforced requisites: Mathematics 31A, 31B. Enforced corequisite: Mathematics 32A. Motion, Newton laws, work, energy, linear and angular momentum, rotation, equilibrium, gravitation. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 5.0
2 of 6
Overall Rating 3.7
Easiness 1.5/ 5
Clarity 4.1/ 5
Workload 2.6/ 5
Helpfulness 3.7/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - I wish to write this review in order to help those who will, must, or want to take Corbin's class in the future to know about the whole picture of this class, about Professor Corbin, and about his exams. Just a few words before I start: DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS if you want an easy A ge. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS if you are not that good at physics (no foundation, poor at physics, etc.). DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS if you are not good at math. Otherwise, you will SCREW you gpa. Just a kind reminder. - Grade Distribution: Five biweekly quizzes, each consists of a 30-point, 4-subpart questions. Every quiz is worth 12%, in total quizs worth 60% of your grade. Final Exam is worth 30% of your grade, which consists of five 30-point-quiz-like questions. Homework on Pearson is worth 10% of the final grade. Professor Corbin will replace your lowest quiz by your second lowest. - About Exams: Corbin's exams are absolutely DISASTERS. Those horrible quizzes, in general, have a mean grade around 58% and median around 61% out of 100%. Corbin never give simple questions like multiple choice or short answers. The worst thing is, not a single question has a number in it, which means every question he gives you'll have to deduct expressions with unknown quantities. Do the derivation and integration based on unknown quantities, which its difficulty is normally not suitable for a class like 1A. Final exam is worse, the mean grade is around 48% out of 100% (72 out of 150), median around 50%. If you are not that good at physics, you might find you cannot solve a single subpart of a question. Frankly speaking, Corbin's exams are so tough that your preparation through homework and lectures might be completely useless. For those who have to go with Corbin, I can only suggest you to go over his notes and lectures again and again, fully understand every single question on hws, go to office hours more often to figure out what you dont understand. Let me put in this way: Corbin's exams are designed for those top and genius science students or those with very very good physics foundation/very good at physics. His exams remind me of the day I was practicing for Physics Bowl and International Physics Olympiad Comp, that's how it is, somehow as as difficult as those comptition-kind questions. For those who have options other than Corbin, do it anyway. - About Lectures: Professor Corbin may be one of the best lecturers I've ever met at UCLA. His class is well organized and super clear. Detailed explanations and demonstrations on the questions and contents are very straightfoward, so even if you have no physics basics, you can definitely follow his steps and learn some physics in class (Well, his exam is another story). Besides, his class is also very interesting and intriguing. You wont fell boring during his class, and I can assure you that you can absolutely learn something here. And Professor Corbin is a very nice and professional instructor. - About the Curve: As far as I know, Corbin's curve is QUITE NICE. For those who can score a couple of points higher than the median every time, you have a guaranteed A. Here's our educated guess based on our grades and information: Getting Around 70%-75% out of 100% in the final grade, you have a very high possiblity to get an A (my friend got 78/100 = A in the total final grade), Above 80% is a guaranteed A (I got 80.6/100 = A, and everyone I know above 80 is an A through out the entire academic year). Overall, around 30 to 40 percent of the entire class can get an A, so the A rate is not that low. Do not panic if your score seems to be low on an absolute scale. ALWAYS COMPARE WITH STATISTICS PROVIDED. As long as you score above the mean, you will be fine. If you score above the median, you did pretty well and dont need to worry at all. If you score one standard deviation above the mean, then you are awesome and in the A range. - In general, if you are not that confident with your physics/math, or if you want an easy A ge, or if you want to get a good grade and gpa, AVOID THIS CLASS AT ANY COST. If you are stuck with him and dont have any other options, I would say follow his lectures and notes, spend lots lots of time studying physics, get some practice on the internet, and go to his office hours to ask questions, and I hope that every of you can get the grade you want. Good Luck to the future generations!
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 3.0
Easiness 3.2/ 5
Clarity 3.2/ 5
Workload 3.2/ 5
Helpfulness 3.8/ 5
Overall Rating 2.5
Easiness 2.4/ 5
Clarity 2.2/ 5
Workload 3.3/ 5
Helpfulness 2.7/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - LMAOOOOOOOOO DONT DO IT 💀💀💀 Like all of the other reviews from Spring 22, unless you know physics already from high school, DO NOT take it with Freiman 😭 I literally went to FOUR lectures before I decided that I was losing more brain cells trying to understand what he was talking about. No, I did not watch the lectures later either because they are so bad. If you have to take this, I recommend just reading the textbook (NOT Kudu, the actual textbook) and doing Khan Academy practice/videos. Kudu is probably the worst invention ever. At one point, it literally said something along the lines of "we're not going to show the calculation, just trust us." BRO?? And the practice problems were ABSURDLY complicated too. The only good side of this course was the TA, he literally taught so much better during discussion in just 10-15 minutes. But unfortunately, the discussion was like 4-5 weeks behind lecture so idk. The exams were easy to be honest, very conceptual, but like in a good way. The questions were much, much easier than any of the practice problems in class, Kudu, and discussion. They were similar to Khan Academy practice problems (ratios etc.). Now, how did I get an A? To be honest, I don't know and I don't want to ask. I literally got a D in both midterms, missed some of the Kudu sections (graded on completion), missed points on discussion worksheets, and didn't even do all the extra credit labs. If you've taken AP physics in high school or you're SURE that you're solid on mechanics, then this class will be easy for you, but otherwise AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
Overall Rating 4.2
Easiness 2.6/ 5
Clarity 3.9/ 5
Workload 3.3/ 5
Helpfulness 4.3/ 5
2 of 6

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