
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, 90 minutes. Requisites: Life Sciences 3, 4, 23L. Recommended requisite or corequisite: Chemistry 153A. Not open for credit to students with credit for course 261. Introduction to experimental immunobiology and immunochemistry; cellular and molecular aspects of humoral and cellular immune reactions. Letter grading.

Units: 5.0
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Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 4.9
Easiness 2.0/ 5
Clarity 4.8/ 5
Workload 3.1/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Dr. Galic is genuinely one of the best professors at this school. It is such a rarity to find a professor who can effectively communicate in an open and welcoming manner, invites students to ask follow-up questions by cultivating a healthy learning environment, and is very clearly passionate about teaching undergraduate students. Although I had an initial interest in immunotherapy prior to this class, I feel as though I have gained so much more from Dr. Galic's teaching. Admittedly, this is an incredibly hard course with a crazy low midterm average to show for it (~50%); however, Dr. Galic and his office hours empowered me as a student. His unique setup for office hours should be something replicated by other critical life science courses (e.g., biochemistry, genetics, etc.), but Dr. Galic's consideration for his students is spotlighted by how he is often more than willing to spend as long as it takes for his students to understand the material. His office hours are set to be two hours (which is already a crazy amount of time to essentially lecture and explain concepts) from 3-5 PM but he often talks about how he is willing to stay until 8 PM, making sure everyone feels comfortable asking as many questions as needed! As a senior who just graduated and has never written a review on Bruinwalk before, I urge anyone who either has to take this class or is interested in immunology to take this class with Dr. Galic AND make sure you go to all of his office hours (even if you don't have any questions yourself)
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
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