MGMT 402
Data and Decisions
Description: Lecture, three hours. Topics include probabilities, random variables (expectation, variance, covariance, normal random variables), decision trees, estimation, hypothesis testing, and multiple regression models. Emphasis on actual business problems and data. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
402 is a challenging class, and you can't afford to fall behind. Luckily, Mamer lights a fire under your butt during about every class. It kept me doing homework that was optional, but that I knew would help me learn. He knows the material inside & out, and he's a really nice guy. Instead of pretending to teach by flipping through powerpoint slides, Mamer is constantly at the board, writing and talking. Another great Anderson prof.
402 is a challenging class, and you can't afford to fall behind. Luckily, Mamer lights a fire under your butt during about every class. It kept me doing homework that was optional, but that I knew would help me learn. He knows the material inside & out, and he's a really nice guy. Instead of pretending to teach by flipping through powerpoint slides, Mamer is constantly at the board, writing and talking. Another great Anderson prof.