Statics and Strength of Materials

Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisites: Mathematics 31A, 31B, Physics 1A. Review of vector representation of forces, resultant force and moment, equilibrium of concurrent and nonconcurrent forces. Area moments and products of inertia. Support reactions, free-body diagrams. Forces in simple models of mechanical and aerospace structures. Internal forces in beams, shear and moment diagrams. Stress and strain components in solids, equilibrium equations, Hooke's law for isotropic solids. Bending and shear stresses in beams. Deflection of symmetric beams and indeterminate problems. Stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels and in circular cylinders under torsion. Letter grading.

Units: 4.0
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Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 2.5
Easiness 2.3/ 5
Clarity 2.3/ 5
Workload 2.6/ 5
Helpfulness 2.5/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - I really don't like to give a bad review, but man my fellow engineers need to know about this nightmare of a class. Chaterjee is the worst professor i've ever experienced at UCLA. He is a nice guy, but that doesn't come close to making up for the cluster fuck of a class he "teaches." Lectures- Useless. Good luck understanding what this guy is teaching, becuase I don't know anybody that did. I kept attending in hopes that maybe it would one day click. It did not. Let me give you a little anecdote so you might understand what we're working with here: On our last class some guy in our class asked the professor to hand out the attendance sheet. Standard question, he hands this sheet out every single class for the 5% participation (which is nice bc none of my stem classes ever do this). Chaterjee pauses for a moment, walks over to this guy, then starts commenting about him owning an iPad and how he also owns an iPad. The guy then asks for the attendance sheet once more. Chaterjee (unprompted) starts explaining something on the board (that has nothing to do with the question). The TA speaks up and tries to clarify what the guy is asking for. Chaterjee says "Attendance sheet? I don't have anything like that." And then proceeds to explain how we should all not be worried about the attendance sheet- "The final is everything in this class." (45%) Now that you know who you are dealing with, you need to hear about the final exam. The final exam was supposed to be proctored by Chaterjee and the TA. Chaterjee shows up with about an hour left in the exam. Unprompted, looks at some dudes final exam and says he is doing the problem incorrectly. About 5 minutes passes and I hear some audio coming from the back of the room. I assume someone was trying to cheat and use their phone and they accidently opened tik tok or instagram or something. But no, the noise continues and is really quite loud, the entire room can def hear this. I finally look back- Chaterjee is sitting in the back of the room with tik tok on full blast just scrolling his heart out. This went on for a quite some time until the TA intervenes. We were also told that we would be able to see our final exams- We never got them. Which is just fantastic. because Chaterjee made a bunch of grading mistakes on the midterm exam, and I HEARD (keep in mind I heard this from other students so it might not be true) that a handful of students were just given zero credit on one problem of the midterm because Chaterjee didn't understand how gradescope worked. I hope you can see by now that nobody should subject themselves to this delusional experience- just take someone else. Our TA was pretty great though- discussions were the only way to get any kind of information, other than youtube, etc.
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