Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Requisites: courses 32B, 33B. Recommended: course 115A. Rigorous introduction to foundations of real analysis; real numbers, point set topology in Euclidean space, functions, continuity. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - I really loved 131A with Professor Wu! He is an amazing professor, during lecture he used many colored chalks and helped build intuition for the harder concepts. He also always provided midterm/final reviews and during office hours he was very approachable and helpful. Although the class is one of the hardest math courses, this class really helped me build strong foundations in proof writing and core concepts I still use. It was overall a very rewarding class, so if you have the option to take 131A with Wu, I highly recommend. You will learn a lot and are in good hands :)
Spring 2023 - I really loved 131A with Professor Wu! He is an amazing professor, during lecture he used many colored chalks and helped build intuition for the harder concepts. He also always provided midterm/final reviews and during office hours he was very approachable and helpful. Although the class is one of the hardest math courses, this class really helped me build strong foundations in proof writing and core concepts I still use. It was overall a very rewarding class, so if you have the option to take 131A with Wu, I highly recommend. You will learn a lot and are in good hands :)
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - Analysis is arguably the toughest Math class, but Peter tries his best to explain the abstract concepts in an intuitive and engaging manner. First half of the class was fine, but after the midterm, the difficulty grew exponentially. Despite Peter's best efforts, most of the class was quite lost. Fortunately, he provides concise lecture notes, and plenty of office hours for us to clarify our doubts. Homework problems are mostly manageable, exams are tough but fair, nothing out of the world. Overall, I believe that Peter is one of the better professors for analysis, would recommend.
Fall 2024 - Analysis is arguably the toughest Math class, but Peter tries his best to explain the abstract concepts in an intuitive and engaging manner. First half of the class was fine, but after the midterm, the difficulty grew exponentially. Despite Peter's best efforts, most of the class was quite lost. Fortunately, he provides concise lecture notes, and plenty of office hours for us to clarify our doubts. Homework problems are mostly manageable, exams are tough but fair, nothing out of the world. Overall, I believe that Peter is one of the better professors for analysis, would recommend.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2024 - Great professor and someone you should take for a class like this. While homeworks could be a bit tricky, he offers to solve them in office hours. Notes do go by the book, but he usually provides alternative proofs to various theorems which helps with understanding. Exams were fair and he never tried to trick you. They were based off of in class examples and homework problems. I wish he were teaching 131B because he did a great teaching this course.
Winter 2024 - Great professor and someone you should take for a class like this. While homeworks could be a bit tricky, he offers to solve them in office hours. Notes do go by the book, but he usually provides alternative proofs to various theorems which helps with understanding. Exams were fair and he never tried to trick you. They were based off of in class examples and homework problems. I wish he were teaching 131B because he did a great teaching this course.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2017 - Took him for 131A. Avoid this professor at all costs. The midterms and final are doable. However, the material itself is already very difficult and this professor did a horrendous job of teaching it. All of the lectures were him mumbling incoherently, and it is extremely hard to understand him through his accent, making it basically impossible to learn from lecture. In addition, after writing something down on the board, he will often erase it immediately rather than erasing something he wrote earlier. Out of the ~40 people who were in this class from the beginning, only 9 people, including myself, were showing up consistently during the last few weeks. That's not a typo. Several of them dropped out, as evidenced by the grading distribution of the final showing a paltry student count of 22. The averages for the midterms were around 50-55%, and presumably the only reason the average for the final was higher was because of the lower student count. The only reason why I managed to pull a reasonable grade in this class was because of the TA's much more helpful discussions, though unfortunately one discussion a week doesn't make up for 3 whole days of inefficient lecturing. If you're a self-learner, you may do well in this class. But otherwise, choose a more well-known, competent lecturer instead of this guy. He is the absolute worst lecturer I have had at UCLA and doesn't deserve to be teaching at all.
Spring 2017 - Took him for 131A. Avoid this professor at all costs. The midterms and final are doable. However, the material itself is already very difficult and this professor did a horrendous job of teaching it. All of the lectures were him mumbling incoherently, and it is extremely hard to understand him through his accent, making it basically impossible to learn from lecture. In addition, after writing something down on the board, he will often erase it immediately rather than erasing something he wrote earlier. Out of the ~40 people who were in this class from the beginning, only 9 people, including myself, were showing up consistently during the last few weeks. That's not a typo. Several of them dropped out, as evidenced by the grading distribution of the final showing a paltry student count of 22. The averages for the midterms were around 50-55%, and presumably the only reason the average for the final was higher was because of the lower student count. The only reason why I managed to pull a reasonable grade in this class was because of the TA's much more helpful discussions, though unfortunately one discussion a week doesn't make up for 3 whole days of inefficient lecturing. If you're a self-learner, you may do well in this class. But otherwise, choose a more well-known, competent lecturer instead of this guy. He is the absolute worst lecturer I have had at UCLA and doesn't deserve to be teaching at all.