Music and Diverse Worlds of Gender and Sexuality

Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour. Exploration of diverse worlds of gender, sexuality, and music across multiple global locations. Introduction to theoretical approaches to study of gender and sexuality by theorists such as Judith Butler, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Jack Halberstam, bell hooks, and Sherry Ortner. Exploration of gender critically as highly plural, fluid, and intersectional phenomenon of social organization. As embodied arts existing in often liminal and highly-charged performing spaces and intertwined with pleasure, music and dance frequently foreground issues surrounding body, gender, and sexuality. While being spaces for performing of hegemonic gender identities they can reveal contradictions of normative gender identities (albeit not always intentionally or consciously), and they are also central part of many gender and sexual minority subcultures. Study of gender, performing arts, and power as inseparable, and as manifested in multiple forms of intersectionality, notably including race, class, and age. Letter grading.

Units: 5.0
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