ENGR 180
Engineering of Complex Systems
Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Designed for junior/senior engineering majors. Holistic view of engineering discipline, covering lifecycle of engineering, processes, and techniques used in industry today. Multidisciplinary systems engineering perspective in which aspects of electrical, mechanical, material, and software engineering are incorporated. Three specific case studies in communication, sensor, and processing systems included to help students understand these concepts. Special attention paid to link material covered to engineering curriculum offered by UCLA to help students integrate and enhance their understanding of knowledge already acquired. Motivation of students to continue their learning and reinforce lifelong learning habits. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Pao is a chill bro. The class isn't that demanding at all, outside of the classly reading assignments (so annoying). Otherwise, its really just a matter of showing up and signing in (he takes attendance every day), and then bouncing at the middle of the lecture. The material is super dry so I can't blame him, he does a good job with his part and is super nice about everything. Midterm and final are OPEN laptop because hes too lazy to read handwriting. So save all those PDFs and lecture slides, cause thats what the test basically is, reading through them for the answers as quickly as you can. Super easy class, final grade: A.
Pao is a chill bro. The class isn't that demanding at all, outside of the classly reading assignments (so annoying). Otherwise, its really just a matter of showing up and signing in (he takes attendance every day), and then bouncing at the middle of the lecture. The material is super dry so I can't blame him, he does a good job with his part and is super nice about everything. Midterm and final are OPEN laptop because hes too lazy to read handwriting. So save all those PDFs and lecture slides, cause thats what the test basically is, reading through them for the answers as quickly as you can. Super easy class, final grade: A.