Major American Authors
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour. Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement. Not open for credit to English majors or students with credit for any courses in 170 series. Introduction to chief American authors, with emphasis on poetry, nonnarrative prose, and short fiction of such writers as Poe, Dickinson, Emerson, Whitman, Twain, Frost, and Hemingway. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - Dimuro is great!! His lectures can get a little boring, but he is really passionate about the material and encourages all participation, even if you say something totally wrong, he wants to hear! He is very sweet and is clearly a human above all else - which is rare in teachers. Quizzes every couple weeks, but they are easy and very simple questions that a light skim of the reading would suffice. Take this class!! He wants you to succeed and its genuinely easy.
Fall 2024 - Dimuro is great!! His lectures can get a little boring, but he is really passionate about the material and encourages all participation, even if you say something totally wrong, he wants to hear! He is very sweet and is clearly a human above all else - which is rare in teachers. Quizzes every couple weeks, but they are easy and very simple questions that a light skim of the reading would suffice. Take this class!! He wants you to succeed and its genuinely easy.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - I am a South Campus major and took this class as a GE. I have never really took interest or appreciated American Literature until I took this class! Professor Hyde definitely knows her stuff and is VERY PASSIONATE about not only what the class curriculum means to her, but what it means to her students. She is very flexible with the readings and treats the class as colleagues where she encourages the class to help structure some aspects of the syllabus and is very understanding of our student lives outside the classroom so during finals or midterms she is willing to restructure some of the more demanding assignments. Weekly responses on readings are doable and she leaves room for busy schedules. Biggest grade is the final paper, but no need to worry-- the grade is broken down into outline, peer-review, and final paper--of which is all worked on within the quarter so you can save the night-before essay for another class ! Overall, great class and would take again!
Spring 2019 - I am a South Campus major and took this class as a GE. I have never really took interest or appreciated American Literature until I took this class! Professor Hyde definitely knows her stuff and is VERY PASSIONATE about not only what the class curriculum means to her, but what it means to her students. She is very flexible with the readings and treats the class as colleagues where she encourages the class to help structure some aspects of the syllabus and is very understanding of our student lives outside the classroom so during finals or midterms she is willing to restructure some of the more demanding assignments. Weekly responses on readings are doable and she leaves room for busy schedules. Biggest grade is the final paper, but no need to worry-- the grade is broken down into outline, peer-review, and final paper--of which is all worked on within the quarter so you can save the night-before essay for another class ! Overall, great class and would take again!