Quantum Programming
Description: (Formerly numbered 238.) (Same as Quantum Science and Technology M205.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisite: Mathematics 115A. History of quantum computing; notion of qubit; four postulates that provide interface to quantum mechanics; concepts of quantum circuit and universal gate set; quantum teleportation; superdense coding; no-cloning theorem; suite of fundamental quantum algorithms including Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, and quantum approximate optimization algorithm; several quantum programming languages and how they compare; quantum simulators; quantum compilers; quantum error correction; quantum advantage. Students implement several quantum algorithms in multiple languages and run them on both simulators and quantum computer. Letter grading.
Units: 4.0
Units: 4.0
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - This class is just fine. Too much work for a graduate class and it seems like a lot of the work is busy work. I don't understand the purposes of the quiz and their due dates. There is not enough time and when the concepts are so difficult I feel like i'm being force fed with more work. The Jupyter notebooks for this class need to be completely rewritten. They are quite confusing and with the TA making changes while students are working on the assignment only makes things harder. The notebooks don't really flow very well and they aren't formatted properly making it confusing on what needs to be completed.
Fall 2024 - This class is just fine. Too much work for a graduate class and it seems like a lot of the work is busy work. I don't understand the purposes of the quiz and their due dates. There is not enough time and when the concepts are so difficult I feel like i'm being force fed with more work. The Jupyter notebooks for this class need to be completely rewritten. They are quite confusing and with the TA making changes while students are working on the assignment only makes things harder. The notebooks don't really flow very well and they aren't formatted properly making it confusing on what needs to be completed.